On line since JUNE of 2006.
USE SEARCH TOOL In top of column on the LEFT.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Web 2.0 Suicide Machine - Meet your Real Neighbours again! - Sign out forever!
Web 2.0 Suicide Machine - Meet your Real Neighbours again! - Sign out forever!: "Liberate your newbie friends with a Web2.0 suicide! This machine lets you delete all your energy sucking social-networking profiles, kill your fake virtual friends, and completely do away with your Web2.0 alterego. The machine is just a metaphor for the website which moddr_ is hosting; the belly of the beast where the web2.0 suicide scripts are maintained. Our service currently runs with Facebook, Myspace, Twitter and LinkedIn! Commit NOW!"
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Innovation: The military-consumer complex | The Economist
Innovation: The military-consumer complex | The Economist: "The military-consumer complex
Dec 10th 2009
From The Economist print edition
Military technology used to filter down to consumers. Now it’s going the other way"
Dec 10th 2009
From The Economist print edition
Military technology used to filter down to consumers. Now it’s going the other way"
WebReview – dragontalk
WebReview – dragontalk WebReview is an extension for Firefox 3. It enhances the abilities to re-find already visited websites based on your local history.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
8 Troubleshooting Resources to Help You Fix Your Mac Problems
8 Troubleshooting Resources to Help You Fix Your Mac Problems: "8 Troubleshooting Resources to Help You Fix Your Mac Problems
By Bakari Chavanu."
By Bakari Chavanu."
Monday, December 28, 2009
GBW Marking Time Exhibition Exhibitors
GBW Marking Time Exhibition Exhibitors Beautiful works of creative craftsmen and women.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Send Instant Private Video Messages - Sendshots
Send Instant Private Video Messages - SendshotsAsks for a sent from address that it uses to send you confirmation. Use a gMail address for this.
Saturday, December 26, 2009
InvisibleHand: Home
InvisibleHand: Home: "InvisibleHand shows a discreet notification when the product you're browsing can be bought for a lower price elsewhere. It gives you a link directly to the product page at the competing retailer."
Friday, December 25, 2009
Graphisme et utilitaires
Graphisme et utilitaires
PhotoFiltre is a complete image retouching program. It allows you to do simple or advanced adjustments to an image and apply a vast range of filters on it. It is simple and intuitive to use, and has an easy learning curve. The toolbar, giving you access to the standard filters with just a few clicks, gives PhotoFiltre a robust look.
PhotoFiltre is a complete image retouching program. It allows you to do simple or advanced adjustments to an image and apply a vast range of filters on it. It is simple and intuitive to use, and has an easy learning curve. The toolbar, giving you access to the standard filters with just a few clicks, gives PhotoFiltre a robust look.
BASIC-256 - Programming for Kids
BASIC-256 - Programming for Kids: "BASIC-256 is an easy to use version of BASIC designed to teach young children the basics of computer programming. It uses traditional control structures like gosub, for/next, and goto, which helps kids easily see how program flow-control works. It has a built-in graphics mode which lets them draw pictures on screen in minutes, and a set of detailed, easy-to-follow tutorials that introduce programming concepts through fun exercises."
Warning: Knock on door may be from scammer, not from Census
Warning: Knock on door may be from scammer, not from Census: "Warning: Knock on door may be from scammer, not from Census"
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Convert Cassettes to MP3 - Wired How-To Wiki
Convert Cassettes to MP3 - Wired How-To Wiki: "Convert Cassettes to MP3"
Monday, December 21, 2009
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Deferred Sender
Deferred Sender: "Deferred Sender: Home
Deferred Sender is a free service that allows you to schedule emails from any email application or website to be sent in the future. Send reminders, notifications and more!"
Deferred Sender is a free service that allows you to schedule emails from any email application or website to be sent in the future. Send reminders, notifications and more!"
50 Best Free Tools To Create Perfect Color Combinations @ SmashingApps
50 Best Free Tools To Create Perfect Color Combinations @ SmashingApps: "50 Best Free Tools To Create Perfect Color Combinations"
PiratePad: NtuptHjVRa
PiratePad: NtuptHjVRa: "Welcome to PiratePad!
This pad text is synchronized as you type, so that everyone viewing this page sees the same text. This allows you to collaborate seamlessly on documents!"
This pad text is synchronized as you type, so that everyone viewing this page sees the same text. This allows you to collaborate seamlessly on documents!"
Freekibble Answer a free trivia question and they donate kibble to Animal Shelters. NO registration, just click your answer, and it's done. This link was found in the Seattle Times this morning. -tp
Friday, December 18, 2009
HOW TO: Outsmart Phishers
HOW TO: Outsmart Phishers I think I did all these to a scammer earlier this year. He sent me all kinds of pictures and certificates. It finally stopped cold after many emails and replies. If you want some cheap entertainment, give this a go with a throw away gmail account. -tp
Rob Pegoraro - How to set up a new computer - washingtonpost.com
Rob Pegoraro - How to set up a new computer - washingtonpost.comIncludes tips for MAC AND PC -tp
NetLimiter - The Ultimate Bandwidth Shaper
NetLimiter - The Ultimate Bandwidth Shaper: "NetLimiter is an ultimate internet traffic control and monitoring tool designed for Windows. You can use NetLimiter to set download/upload transfer rate limits for applications or even single connection and monitor their internet traffic."
Did You Know About The Additional Utilities On The Windows XP Pro CD?
Did You Know About The Additional Utilities On The Windows XP Pro CD?: "Did You Know About The Additional Utilities On The Windows XP Pro CD?"
Antivirus Removal Tools for Popular Antivirus Software | Completely Uninstall Antivirus
Antivirus Removal Tools for Popular Antivirus Software | Completely Uninstall Antivirus: "Antivirus Removal Tools for Popular Antivirus Software"
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Insurgents Hack U.S. Drones - WSJ.com
Insurgents Hack U.S. Drones - WSJ.com: "Senior defense and intelligence officials said Iranian-backed insurgents intercepted the video feeds by taking advantage of an unprotected communications link in some of the remotely flown planes' systems. Shiite fighters in Iraq used software programs such as SkyGrabber -- available for as little as $25.95 on the Internet -- to regularly capture drone video feeds, according to a person familiar with reports on the matter."
Outlook Best Practices: Set up Outlook to work for you - Outlook - Microsoft Office Online
Outlook Best Practices: Set up Outlook to work for you - Outlook - Microsoft Office Online: "Outlook Best Practices: Set up Outlook to work for you"
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
GRC's | DNS Nameserver Performance Benchmark
GRC's | DNS Nameserver Performance Benchmark I used this yesterday, and got a 88% increase in performance by making a quick change to my DNS settings. -tp
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Monday, December 14, 2009
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Fedora 12 – A Visually-Pleasing, Highly-Configurable Linux Distro You Might Want To Try
Fedora 12 – A Visually-Pleasing, Highly-Configurable Linux Distro You Might Want To Try: "Fedora 12 – A Visually-Pleasing, Highly-Configurable Linux Distro You Might Want To Try"
Friday, December 11, 2009
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Web Hosting, Reseller and VPS Hosting, Dedicated Servers, Shared Web Hosting by WebHostingBuzz - Virtual Private Server, VDS, cPanel/WHM Linux Servers, Business Hosting, Reseller Web Hosting
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
How to Install Vista on a M200 without a CD Drive using TFTP | RyanTAdams.com
How to Install Vista on a M200 without a CD Drive using TFTP | RyanTAdams.com: "How to Install Vista on a M200 Without a CD Drive Using TFTP"
20 Free Tech Tools for Learning and Communicating | Blogging & Technology | So You Want To Teach?
20 Free Tech Tools for Learning and Communicating | Blogging & Technology | So You Want To Teach?: "20 Free Tech Tools for Learning and Communicating"
10 Proposals for Fixing the E-Mail Glut - Bits Blog - NYTimes.com
10 Proposals for Fixing the E-Mail Glut - Bits Blog - NYTimes.com: "10 Proposals for Fixing the E-Mail Glut"
Ubun-student in Launchpad
Ubun-student in Launchpad: "Ubun-student tries to simplify software installation process. As we all known, a lot of professional applications do not provide Debian packages in their official sites. Sometimes the installation is complicated. Ubun-student tries to simplify the installation process. It automatically download software packages, unpack them, start the installation process and create icons after installation. It supports offline installation."
Monday, December 7, 2009
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Friday, December 4, 2009
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Readability - An Arc90 Lab Experiment
Readability - An Arc90 Lab Experiment: "Arc90
Simple tool that makes reading on the Web by removing clutter. Install this freebie in your browser.
Simple tool that makes reading on the Web by removing clutter. Install this freebie in your browser.
Radiotracker Free | Audio Download | PC World
Radiotracker Free | Audio Download | PC World: "Radiotracker Free is an app that scans publicly available Internet radio stations, rip the tracks from them, and save them as MP3s. It works leagues better than competitor iGetMusic ($40). First, it's not restricted to two Internet radio stations as iGetMusic is, but instead has access to thousands. Second, instead of having to settle for low-quality music, audiophiles can restrict stations by bitrate, meaning Radiotracker will only scan for high-quality recordings, the same quality as individual tracks you'd buy from iTunes or Amazon MP3. Third, it requires no dubious browser security modification to work--just an install of the app and a couple of network drivers that install automatically with it."
DéjàClick | Browsers & Clients Download | PC World
DéjàClick | Browsers & Clients Download | PC World: "Want to automate common Firefox browsing tasks, such as logging into your Web-based mail, or tracking a package online? Then you'll want to give the free DéjàClick a try. It's a simple-to-use recording program that will record your actions, let you save them as a script, and then run them for you.
DéjàClick is an addon for Firefox. It places a series of buttons in its toolbar just below Firefox's Address Bar. You use the buttons to record and save actions, play them back, and so on. To record your actions, simply click a Start button. Then click the Stop button, save your file as a script, and when you want to replay the actions, call up the script and run it. You can also create any script as a 'Super Bookmark' that lives in your normal bookmarks. When you click the Super Bookmark, instead of going to a site, it replays the script."
DéjàClick is an addon for Firefox. It places a series of buttons in its toolbar just below Firefox's Address Bar. You use the buttons to record and save actions, play them back, and so on. To record your actions, simply click a Start button. Then click the Stop button, save your file as a script, and when you want to replay the actions, call up the script and run it. You can also create any script as a 'Super Bookmark' that lives in your normal bookmarks. When you click the Super Bookmark, instead of going to a site, it replays the script."
Blaze | Desktop Download | PC World
Blaze | Desktop Download | PC World: "Blaze helps you more quickly start programs, and a whole lot more. When the techie tool recognizes that you're doing something with a repetitive pattern--such as typing a sequence of numbers or moving files that all have the same word in the filename--it offers to automate the task for you. You can also teach it to perform a multi-step task, such as clearing your recent Firefox history, by typing one command."
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Turkey tests new means of Internet control | Net Effect
Turkey tests new means of Internet control | Net Effect: "Acarer also announced another project called 'the Anaposta' - and it sounds much more ominous than a pre-filtered search engine. 'The Anaposta' would provide email accounts - with a quota of 10 gigabytes - to all of Turkey's 70 million citizens. 'Every child will have an e-mail address written on his/her identity card since birth', said Acarer.'So, will have a mobile network that can be used thanks to id number match and foreign networks, such as Yahoo, Gmail and Hotmail, will not be used anymore'."
Adobe Digital Editions
Install Digital Editions 1.7.1
Digital Editions, provides the eBook capabilities integrated with previous versions of Acrobat and Reader. Digital Editions 1.7.1 is an application update that discontinues support for Adobe Content Server 3. Digital Editions is now available in many languages: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, Brazilian Portuguese, Japanese, Korean, Chinese Simplified, and Chinese Traditional. This version also allows IT professionals to deploy, maintain, and support Digital Editions across your organization. http://www.adobe.com/products/digitaleditions/?source=acromenu
Digital Editions, provides the eBook capabilities integrated with previous versions of Acrobat and Reader. Digital Editions 1.7.1 is an application update that discontinues support for Adobe Content Server 3. Digital Editions is now available in many languages: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, Brazilian Portuguese, Japanese, Korean, Chinese Simplified, and Chinese Traditional. This version also allows IT professionals to deploy, maintain, and support Digital Editions across your organization. http://www.adobe.com/products/digitaleditions/?source=acromenu
How to write a user manual
Monday, November 30, 2009
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Trouble with Office '07
I had trouble opening docs and ppt files with Office 2007. Turns out it was AVG. Once I removed AVG antivirus, I could open files. -tp
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Friday, November 27, 2009
TightVNC: VNC-Compatible Free Remote Control Software
TightVNC: VNC-Compatible Free Remote Control Software: "TightVNC is a free remote control software package. With TightVNC, you can see the desktop of a remote machine and control it with your local mouse and keyboard, just like you would do it sitting in the front of that computer. TightVNC is:
* free for both personal and commercial usage, with full source code available (GPL-licensed);"
* free for both personal and commercial usage, with full source code available (GPL-licensed);"
Remote Assistance
Remote Assistance: "To use Remote Assistance, the computer receiving assistance and the computer providing assistance must both run Windows XP or higher and they must be connected via the Internet or a local network. And a high-speed connection on both ends will make things go a lot smoother.
On a WIndows XP system, the person requesting assistance must click on Start, then Help and Support. Then they must click on Invite a friend to connect to your computer with Remote Assistance."
On a WIndows XP system, the person requesting assistance must click on Start, then Help and Support. Then they must click on Invite a friend to connect to your computer with Remote Assistance."
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Customize Selection Options of Snipping tool: - - iTechtalk
Customize Selection Options of Snipping tool: - - iTechtalk: "How to Customize Selection Options of Snipping Tool Settings in Windows 7"
Dekisoft - Products
Dekisoft - Products: "Monitor Off Utility is a free program that allows you to take control of your monitors built-in energy saving features. You can setup your own custom keyboard shortcuts or setup a shortcut on your desktop or system tray. The utility supports multiple monitors and is very flexible. It even allows you to use a command line interface if you want to incorporate the utility into your own scripts."
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
New Neurological Evidence That the Internet Makes People Smarter | Popular Science
New Neurological Evidence That the Internet Makes People Smarter | Popular Science: "he new study shows that having people use the Internet can actually change their brain function. The experiment involved 24 adults, between 55 and 78 years old. Half had scant experience on the 'net. The other, web-savvy half served as a control group. Participants underwent fMRI scans of their brains while searching the Internet, before and after a two-week Internet training period, when the participants searched the Internet for an hour a day for seven days total. When the naive group was scanned again while using the web, areas of the brain involved in decision making and working memory (things you quickly hold in your head, like a new telephone number you're about to dial) showed more activity.
'The Internet may be a form of brain exercise,” Small told Popsci.com. 'Whether [the brain changes] translate to other aspects of life, we don’t know yet, but it’s certainly a possibility.”"
'The Internet may be a form of brain exercise,” Small told Popsci.com. 'Whether [the brain changes] translate to other aspects of life, we don’t know yet, but it’s certainly a possibility.”"
Monday, November 23, 2009
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Moodle Appliance | Turnkey Linux Virtual Appliance Library
Moodle Appliance | Turnkey Linux Virtual Appliance Library: "Moodle is a popular e-learning software platform, also known as a Course Management System, with tens of millions of users around the globe. Moodle is designed to help educators create online courses with opportunities for rich interaction. Moodle is modular in construction and can readily be extended by creating plugins for specific new functionality."
Turnkey Linux Virtual Appliance Library | Best of Open Source: Simplified
Turnkey Linux Virtual Appliance Library | Best of Open Source: Simplified: "#
Save time and money: leverage the best free open source software to do more with less.
It just works: get ready-to-use solutions up and running in minutes on bare metal, a virtual machine, or in the cloud.
Secure and easy to maintain: auto-updated daily with latest security patches.
100% Open Source: free from expensive and restrictive proprietary licensing.
Based on Ubuntu 8.04.3: a Long Term Support release."
Save time and money: leverage the best free open source software to do more with less.
It just works: get ready-to-use solutions up and running in minutes on bare metal, a virtual machine, or in the cloud.
Secure and easy to maintain: auto-updated daily with latest security patches.
100% Open Source: free from expensive and restrictive proprietary licensing.
Based on Ubuntu 8.04.3: a Long Term Support release."
Saturday, November 21, 2009
How To Easily Record & Print Out An Internet User’s Browsing History
How To Easily Record & Print Out An Internet User’s Browsing History: "That solution comes from one of our favorite utility programmers – NirSoft . NirSoft has two applications Mozilla History View and IEHistoryView. As you can probably work out, each one of them works for their respective browser and will not work with the other. So keep both of them on your memory stick when you go a’ hunting." For IT and security workers?
Second Generation Pogoplug Lets You Share Multiple USB Drives Over the Internet - Pogoplug - Gizmodo
Second Generation Pogoplug Lets You Share Multiple USB Drives Over the Internet - Pogoplug - Gizmodohat one downside or not, the Pogoplug still remains a far quicker solution that setting up a separate Windows Server or similar, so if you're not put off by the $30 price increase since the original, you can pre-order now.
Protect directory with htaccess and htpasswd - DIRPROTECT
Protect directory with htaccess and htpasswd - DIRPROTECTHandy tool for webmasters. -tp
Breaking the Myth of Megapixels - New York Times
Breaking the Myth of Megapixels - New York Times: "Breaking the Myth of Megapixels"
Friday, November 20, 2009
Gcast. Make your voice heard.
Gcast. Make your voice heard.
What's a podcast? Your own audio broadcast, where you can easily record voice messages, mix in your favorite music, and share it all for the world to hear.
What's a podcast? Your own audio broadcast, where you can easily record voice messages, mix in your favorite music, and share it all for the world to hear.
Paint.NET - Free Software for Digital Photo Editing
Paint.NET - Free Software for Digital Photo Editing Paint.NET is free image and photo editing software for computers that run Windows. It features an intuitive and innovative user interface with support for layers, unlimited undo, special effects, and a wide variety of useful and powerful tools. An active and growing online community provides friendly help, tutorials, and plugins.
Download details: Windows 7 Application Compatibility List for IT Professionals
Download details: Windows 7 Application Compatibility List for IT Professionals: "Windows 7 Application Compatibility List for IT Professionals" This is a downloadable spreadsheet that contains 32 bit and 64 bit compatibility information. -tp
Go Computer - powered by firstSTREET
I see promise of a business here, but on a smaller scale. The prices they charge leave a lot of room for margin for someone that would set up something like this, including remote servicea large KEYED keyboard - available through many companies, etc.
Go Computer - powered by firstSTREET
Go Computer - powered by firstSTREET
Carol's Corner Office - Microsoft Office tips and tricks - Word Bytes Newsletter - Free Area
Carol's Corner Office - Microsoft Office tips and tricks - Word Bytes Newsletter - Free Area: "[ Free Word Bytes Newsletter ]
Signing up to receive Carol's Word Bytes Newsletter Free Edition is easy!
Carol's Corner Office - Microsoft Office tips and tricks - Word Bytes Newsletter - Free Area: "[ Free Word Bytes Newsletter ]
Signing up to receive Carol's Word Bytes Newsletter Free Edition is easy!
The Freelancer’s Toolset: 100 Web Apps for Everything You Will Possibly Need : Codswallop
The Freelancer’s Toolset: 100 Web Apps for Everything You Will Possibly Need : Codswallop: "The Freelancer’s Toolset: 100 Web Apps for Everything You Will Possibly Need"
Put An Entire Drive Into A Folder In Windows XP!
Put An Entire Drive Into A Folder In Windows XP!: "Put An Entire Drive Into A Folder In Windows XP!"
Thursday, November 19, 2009
The easiest way to print photos on canvas | CanvasPop
The easiest way to print photos on canvas | CanvasPop: "Print your photos on canvas pro style with CanvasPop. From any source, any resolution or size - and customized to your wishes - your photos and digital images become stunning custom art."
no robot | norbt
no robot | norbt: "norbt (no robot)
A norbt is a web page with encrypted text. The key to encrypt and decrypt the text is the answer. When you create a norbt you decide the text, title, question and answer(key) for your norbt. Anybody can create a norbt.
Each norbt has a unique link you can put almost anywhere (email, webpage, facebook, twitter, chat...)."
A norbt is a web page with encrypted text. The key to encrypt and decrypt the text is the answer. When you create a norbt you decide the text, title, question and answer(key) for your norbt. Anybody can create a norbt.
Each norbt has a unique link you can put almost anywhere (email, webpage, facebook, twitter, chat...)."
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Monday, November 16, 2009
|MG| 7Tweak 1.5 Download
|MG| 7Tweak 1.5 Download: "Brand new and already in top of users preferences, 7Tweak comes with a bunch of features and tools designed especially to tweak, optimize and customize your Windows 7.
Being able to quickly analyse your computer's hardware, operationg system and programs and supporting native x64 mode it is an excellent solution for effective and fast Windows optimization.
7Tweak is the only tuning software for Windows 7 with the right suite of tools:
- Intelligent Disk Cleaner and Safe Defragmentation tool.
- Smart hard hrives monitoring capability.
- Regitry Backup/Restore, Intelligent RegCleaner and Registry Safe Defragmenter.
- Security Tweaks: Firewall, IE, Windows Update and many other.
- Optimization tools: Autorun Manager, StartUp Manager, Cache and Visual Effects tweaks
- Outlook Mail Tweaks
- Start Menu Tweaks
- Media Player Tweaks
- Control Panel Tweaks
- Internet Explorer
and many other tweaks"
Being able to quickly analyse your computer's hardware, operationg system and programs and supporting native x64 mode it is an excellent solution for effective and fast Windows optimization.
7Tweak is the only tuning software for Windows 7 with the right suite of tools:
- Intelligent Disk Cleaner and Safe Defragmentation tool.
- Smart hard hrives monitoring capability.
- Regitry Backup/Restore, Intelligent RegCleaner and Registry Safe Defragmenter.
- Security Tweaks: Firewall, IE, Windows Update and many other.
- Optimization tools: Autorun Manager, StartUp Manager, Cache and Visual Effects tweaks
- Outlook Mail Tweaks
- Start Menu Tweaks
- Media Player Tweaks
- Control Panel Tweaks
- Internet Explorer
and many other tweaks"
Mozy Online Backup, Backup Software, and Remote Office Backup Solutions - Mozy.com - Home
Mozy Online Backup, Backup Software, and Remote Office Backup Solutions - Mozy.com - Home: "2 GB of 100% free backup space.
No setup fee, no credit cards, no monthly payments, no hassle."
No setup fee, no credit cards, no monthly payments, no hassle."
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Saturday, November 14, 2009
ConnectifyTurn your Windows 7 laptop into a WiFi Hotspot to share with friends, co-workers, etc.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Wireless Phones Can Affect The Brain, Swedish Study Suggests
Wireless Phones Can Affect The Brain, Swedish Study Suggests: "Wireless Phones Can Affect The Brain, Swedish Study Suggests"
VoiceThread - Group conversations around images, documents, and videos
VoiceThread - Group conversations around images, documents, and videosGreat instructional tool. Can be collaborative.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
How to Build a Gaming PC [PDF Guide]
How to Build a Gaming PC [PDF Guide]: "MakeUseOf presents its latest PDF release - How to Build a Gaming PC, written by our very own PDF Manual Editor, Simon Slangen. In this guide, we’ll familiarize you with all the different computer components, from a gamer’s point of view. Instead of telling you what to buy, we’ll teach you how to weigh and judge these individual components."
TraceBullet.com - Everything And All Things!
TraceBullet.com - Everything And All Things!Hostname to IP, Check port, ping request, show page contents, show sent headers, whois request...FREE tools.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
SlySoft Virtual CloneDrive
SlySoft Virtual CloneDrive: "Virtual CloneDrive works and behaves just like a physical CD/DVD drive, however it exists only virtually. Image files generated with CloneDVD or CloneCD can be mounted onto a virtual drive from your hard-disk or from a network drive and used in the same manner as inserting them into a normal CD/DVD drive.
Probably the best virtual drive software, Virtual CloneDrive allows you to enjoy the freedom of a virtual drive and is completely free."
Once you download and install and run this, you can associate it with your .iso files and if you have the SPCUG CD .iso for instance, you can run it and access it virutally by clicking on the .iso and using Virtual Clonedrive to access it. The limit on my installation is fifteen virtual drives! -tp.
Probably the best virtual drive software, Virtual CloneDrive allows you to enjoy the freedom of a virtual drive and is completely free."
Once you download and install and run this, you can associate it with your .iso files and if you have the SPCUG CD .iso for instance, you can run it and access it virutally by clicking on the .iso and using Virtual Clonedrive to access it. The limit on my installation is fifteen virtual drives! -tp.
Should You Use Standby or Hibernate? - washingtonpost.com
Should You Use Standby or Hibernate? - washingtonpost.com: "Should You Use Standby or Hibernate?
Most laptops give you a choice, but which mode works best, and why? Answers coming up.
Rick Broida
PC World
Tuesday, November 10, 2009; 12:19 AM
It's an age-old question: When you're done using your laptop, or just taking a break from work, should you put it to sleep, let it hibernate, or turn it all the way off?
Most laptops give you a choice, but which mode works best, and why? Answers coming up.
Rick Broida
PC World
Tuesday, November 10, 2009; 12:19 AM
It's an age-old question: When you're done using your laptop, or just taking a break from work, should you put it to sleep, let it hibernate, or turn it all the way off?
Monday, November 9, 2009
Sunday, November 8, 2009
6 Ways To Set Up Dual Monitors To Be More Productive
6 Ways To Set Up Dual Monitors To Be More Productive: "6 Ways To Set Up Dual Monitors To Be More Productive"
Saturday, November 7, 2009
How to turn an old PC into a media centre | News | TechRadar UK
How to turn an old PC into a media centre | News | TechRadar UK: "How to turn an old PC into a media centre. Play media on your TV with an old PC and XBMC"
How to turn an old laptop into a digital photo frame | News | TechRadar UK
How to turn an old laptop into a digital photo frame | News | TechRadar UK: "How to turn an old laptop into a digital photo frame
Do something useful with that venerable old machine"
Do something useful with that venerable old machine"
Quick Image Downloader: Download Multiple Images At Once
Quick Image Downloader: Download Multiple Images At Once: "Quick Image Downloader is an experimental Firefox add-on that lets you quickly save multiple images displayed on any webpage with a single click"
Head-to-Head - Anonymous Audio/Video Chat
Head-to-Head - Anonymous Audio/Video ChatLonely. Need a chat mate? Turn on your web cam and head to this site.
UPDATE - 12:15, Sat. I used this with my headphone set and web cam. First connection was with Roger in Louisiana. His mic was broken, but the video was good, and he was able to chat using the keyboard to communicate. We tested any delay with audio, and he reported that there was no delay. Nice tool. FREE, fast and easy to install. -tp
Today (11 Nov.), I had a conversation with Alexander. He is a computer student in RUSSIA! Amazing. It's random, so you never know who you will connect with.
UPDATE - 12:15, Sat. I used this with my headphone set and web cam. First connection was with Roger in Louisiana. His mic was broken, but the video was good, and he was able to chat using the keyboard to communicate. We tested any delay with audio, and he reported that there was no delay. Nice tool. FREE, fast and easy to install. -tp
Today (11 Nov.), I had a conversation with Alexander. He is a computer student in RUSSIA! Amazing. It's random, so you never know who you will connect with.
Friday, November 6, 2009
AVG Antivirus and Security Software - Tools download
AVG Antivirus and Security Software - Tools download: "AVG Remover utility removes all parts of AVG installation on your computer, including registry items, installation and user files on your disk, etc. AVG Remover is the least option to be used in case the AVG uninstallation / repair installation process has failed repeatedly."
QMMander – Replace Your Windows Explorer With An Open Source Alternative
QMMander – Replace Your Windows Explorer With An Open Source Alternative: "QMMander – Replace Your Windows Explorer With An Open Source Alternative"
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Google Shows How Much of Your Data is Stored - Tom's Hardware
Google Shows How Much of Your Data is Stored - Tom's Hardware: "Google is today launching a new feature called Dashboard. Designed to give you better control of the data that is being stored on various different Google services, the search giant is labeling Dashboard as another positive step toward user privacy."
NoDrives Manager | Get NoDrives Manager at SourceForge.net
NoDrives Manager | Get NoDrives Manager at SourceForge.net: "NoDrives Manager is a simple tool for hiding Windows logical drives by modifying the registry."
AM-DeadLink - Download FavIcons and detect dead links in your browser bookmarks
AM-DeadLink - Download FavIcons and detect dead links in your browser bookmarks: "AM-DeadLink detects dead links and duplicates in browser bookmarks and text files. If a bookmark has become unavailable you can verify and delete it permanently. Additionally you can download FavIcons for all your Favorites and Bookmarks."
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Tweet Radio | have you heard the bird?
Tweet Radio | have you heard the bird?Search Tweet, and it's read to you.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Monday, November 2, 2009
How to make Windows XP your default operating system in dual boot with Ubuntu
How to make Windows XP your default operating system in dual boot with Ubuntu
Lots of people are trying out Ubuntu, one of the currently most popular distributions of Linux. Why not? After all, it's free. Many are installing it to dual boot with their Windows OS, which is a good idea since many Windows applications that you may rely on to do your work don't run in Linux. However, you may notice that its boot loader takes over and makes Ubuntu the default operating system, and that might not be what you want. To change that behavior, you need to edit the Grub boot loader menu. Here's how:
1. Boot into Ubuntu
2. Click Applications | Accessories | Terminal to open a command line window
3. At the command prompt, type sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst
4. When prompted, type your password
5. In the file, find the following section:
## default num
# Set the default entry to the entry number NUM. Numbering starts from 0, and
# the entry number 0 is the default if the command is not used.
default 0
6. Change the 0 to the number of the Windows boot section, which should be 4 on a typical dual boot system where you installed Ubuntu after XP
7. Save the file with the changes
It's a good idea to back up the file before you edit it. See this page for instructions:
Lots of people are trying out Ubuntu, one of the currently most popular distributions of Linux. Why not? After all, it's free. Many are installing it to dual boot with their Windows OS, which is a good idea since many Windows applications that you may rely on to do your work don't run in Linux. However, you may notice that its boot loader takes over and makes Ubuntu the default operating system, and that might not be what you want. To change that behavior, you need to edit the Grub boot loader menu. Here's how:
1. Boot into Ubuntu
2. Click Applications | Accessories | Terminal to open a command line window
3. At the command prompt, type sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst
4. When prompted, type your password
5. In the file, find the following section:
## default num
# Set the default entry to the entry number NUM. Numbering starts from 0, and
# the entry number 0 is the default if the command is not used.
default 0
6. Change the 0 to the number of the Windows boot section, which should be 4 on a typical dual boot system where you installed Ubuntu after XP
7. Save the file with the changes
It's a good idea to back up the file before you edit it. See this page for instructions:
Saturday, October 31, 2009
HTML2Image - software to save web page HTML as an image file
HTML2Image - software to save web page HTML as an image file: "HTML2Image is an application that saves a standard web page as an image file. The HTML code is rendered to common image formats such as png, gif or jpg."
Friday, October 30, 2009
Text Converter
Text Converter: "That and much more makes can be done by the TextOonverter, that can be downloaded on this page. Besides the function 'Find and Replace', there are for example functions to delete lines or text passages, functions to insert text at user-defined positions (for example at the beginning or the end of a file or at a line), but also functions for changing case, inserting line numbers, sorting text or changing special characters in your HTML coding (Named Entities). Alone this function can very helpful for web designers."
Flipbook Printer - Mouser - Software - DonationCoder.com
Flipbook Printer - Mouser - Software - DonationCoder.com: "Flipbook Printer is a program that lets you make your own printed 'Flipbooks' from avi movie files using business cards."
Find Lost Space On Your Hard Disk With Space Sniffer
Find Lost Space On Your Hard Disk With Space Sniffer: "Do you know what is on your system? I mean do you really really know what is occupying your hard drive’s space?
Do you know where your 200GB is on free space? What’s that? You only have 72MB free? What is using all that lost hard drive space? What do you mean you don’t know?
Do you know where your 200GB is on free space? What’s that? You only have 72MB free? What is using all that lost hard drive space? What do you mean you don’t know?
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
SafeMess - Encrypt any message and email for free
SafeMess - Encrypt any message and email for free: "Safe and free encryption service for all your messages.
Protect your emails, chat, IM messages, etc."
Protect your emails, chat, IM messages, etc."
Three timesaving Ctrl-key tricks in Excel | Microsoft Office | TechRepublic.com
Three timesaving Ctrl-key tricks in Excel | Microsoft Office | TechRepublic.com: "Three timesaving Ctrl-key tricks in Excel"
Telecommuters fearing swine flu may clog Web networks, GAO says - washingtonpost.com
Telecommuters fearing swine flu may clog Web networks, GAO says - washingtonpost.com: "Flu-wary telecommuters may clog Web networks, GAO says"
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Main Features of RT v2.3
Main Features of RT v2.3: "Raw Therapee is a free RAW converter and digital photo processing software."
Donwload: http://www.rawtherapee.com/?mitem=3
Donwload: http://www.rawtherapee.com/?mitem=3
Monday, October 26, 2009
Amazon expands Kindle to the PC - News - PC Authority
Amazon expands Kindle to the PC - News - PC Authority: "PC Authority > News > Amazon expands Kindle to the PC
Amazon expands Kindle to the PC
Amazon expands Kindle to the PC
by Shaun Nichols on Oct 23, 2009
The company said that its new Kindle Books application will allow Windows PC users to purchase, download and read e-book titles from Amazon's Kindle Store service.."
Amazon expands Kindle to the PC
Amazon expands Kindle to the PC
by Shaun Nichols on Oct 23, 2009
The company said that its new Kindle Books application will allow Windows PC users to purchase, download and read e-book titles from Amazon's Kindle Store service.."
Windows 7: Choosing the Right Version - Business Center - PC World
Windows 7: Choosing the Right Version - Business Center - PC World: "Windows 7: Choosing the Right Version"
Download of the Day: Any Video Converter 2.78 :: TweakTown
Download of the Day: Any Video Converter 2.78 :: TweakTown: "Our Download of the Day today is Any Video Converter 2.78.
Any Video Converter is an All-in-One video converting tool with easy-to-use graphical interface, fast converting speed and excellent video quality. It allows you to effortlessly convert video files between every format! It can convert almost all video formats including DivX, XviD, MOV, rm, rmvb, MPEG, VOB, DVD, WMV, AVI to MPEG-4 movie format for iPod/PSP or other portable video device, MP4 player or smart phone. It also supports any user defined video file formats as the output. Any Video Converter makes it easy for anyone to enjoy the any format video with your iPod, PSP, mobile phone or MP4 player."
Any Video Converter is an All-in-One video converting tool with easy-to-use graphical interface, fast converting speed and excellent video quality. It allows you to effortlessly convert video files between every format! It can convert almost all video formats including DivX, XviD, MOV, rm, rmvb, MPEG, VOB, DVD, WMV, AVI to MPEG-4 movie format for iPod/PSP or other portable video device, MP4 player or smart phone. It also supports any user defined video file formats as the output. Any Video Converter makes it easy for anyone to enjoy the any format video with your iPod, PSP, mobile phone or MP4 player."
Welcome to Arktan
Welcome to Arktan: "Arktan is an online service that enables you to aggregate, segment, share and redistribute your blogs, photos, videos and other content you add on multiple websites. It also helps in keeping up-to-date with your friends' latest content on multiple websites."
Sunday, October 25, 2009
HTTrack Website Copier - Offline Browser
HTTrack Website Copier - Offline Browser Download web sites.
How To Safely Uninstall Ubuntu From A Windows Dual-Boot PC
Posted: 24 Oct 2009 01:00 PM PDT
www.makeuseof.com...[A great site and a great daily email available from them.]
Linux is a great operating system and more often than not, it’s the installation of Linux that is the matter of discussion.
For a change, I will be talking about how to uninstall Linux Ubuntu (or other operating systems) from a dual boot windows pc, and still being able to boot into other OS without much work. So let’s get started right away.
Backup your Linux files
It pops up everytime, but backup really is very important. If you have been using your Linux system for some time, chances are you would have created files you wouldn’t want to loose. In such a case, you can boot into Linux, backup your files (check out your Home directory) on an external device or onto a Windows partition.
Alternatively if you somehow managed to mess up and can’t boot into Linux, you can use ext2 IFS which allows you access to your Linux paritions. It can only read ext2 and ext3 filesystems though. If you are using other filesystems, you would have to look around a bit for a similar application. In any case, you can always boot from a Linux live CD to backup files if everything else fails.
Delete Linux Partitions
Next step: delete every Linux partition. That would include everything – boot, swap, home, whatever way you set up your system, it is time to delete all Linux partitions. There are a couple of ways to achieve this, easiest being from within Windows’ Computer Management. You need to:
how to uninstall ubuntu from dual boot windows pc
* Log in to an account with administrative privileges.
* Right click on My Computer, click ‘Manage’.
* Choose ‘Disk Management’ listed under ‘Storage’ and you will see all of your partitions listed there.
how to uninstall ubuntu from dual boot windows pc
Next, you need to identify Linux partitions. The Linux partitions generally don’t have a file system listed with them if Windows doesn’t recognize it, so this can serve as a clue. Other ways can be identifying by size or partition number. You can use partition managers, these are generally better at identifying filesystems. Go ahead, delete the partitions, just make sure you delete the correct ones. Linux is gone and so is GRUB, which allowed you to choose operating system to use at boot time. So currently, you cannot boot into any other operating system, without some help. We are going to fix that soon.
Restore MBR
As we noted, GRUB is gone and so is the ability to boot into Windows. You would now need to boot from the Windows CD/DVD to restore the Master Boot Record. You can also use other Live CDs like one of my absolute favorites and highly recommended HBCD just in case you don’t have Windows installation media handy. Here are the steps:
* Boot from Windows CD/DVD and choose “Repair” when it shows up.
uninstall ubuntu from dual boot pc
* Choose command prompt on the resulting screen and run the following two commands:
o bootrec /fixmbr
o bootrec /fixboot
XP users need to run the recovery console from Windows XP CD and then type fixmbr when at the command prompt.
Reclaim free space
Restart now, remove the CD and you should be able to boot into your Windows installation. Once there, you should go ahead and reclaim the unpartitioned free space which was previously occupied by Linux. Doing so is simple and straight forward:
* Fire up Disk Management as before.
* Right-click on the unparitioned space, choose new partition or new logical drive.
* Specify the size and other options according to your needs and you are done.
The free space should now be accessible from My Computer like any other partition. Alternatively, you can create multiple partitions from the free space or resize existing partitions to suit your needs.You can use utilities like GParted, Easues Partition Master or any one of the many partition managers on HBCD to perform such advanced tasks easily.
www.makeuseof.com...[A great site and a great daily email available from them.]
Linux is a great operating system and more often than not, it’s the installation of Linux that is the matter of discussion.
For a change, I will be talking about how to uninstall Linux Ubuntu (or other operating systems) from a dual boot windows pc, and still being able to boot into other OS without much work. So let’s get started right away.
Backup your Linux files
It pops up everytime, but backup really is very important. If you have been using your Linux system for some time, chances are you would have created files you wouldn’t want to loose. In such a case, you can boot into Linux, backup your files (check out your Home directory) on an external device or onto a Windows partition.
Alternatively if you somehow managed to mess up and can’t boot into Linux, you can use ext2 IFS which allows you access to your Linux paritions. It can only read ext2 and ext3 filesystems though. If you are using other filesystems, you would have to look around a bit for a similar application. In any case, you can always boot from a Linux live CD to backup files if everything else fails.
Delete Linux Partitions
Next step: delete every Linux partition. That would include everything – boot, swap, home, whatever way you set up your system, it is time to delete all Linux partitions. There are a couple of ways to achieve this, easiest being from within Windows’ Computer Management. You need to:
how to uninstall ubuntu from dual boot windows pc
* Log in to an account with administrative privileges.
* Right click on My Computer, click ‘Manage’.
* Choose ‘Disk Management’ listed under ‘Storage’ and you will see all of your partitions listed there.
how to uninstall ubuntu from dual boot windows pc
Next, you need to identify Linux partitions. The Linux partitions generally don’t have a file system listed with them if Windows doesn’t recognize it, so this can serve as a clue. Other ways can be identifying by size or partition number. You can use partition managers, these are generally better at identifying filesystems. Go ahead, delete the partitions, just make sure you delete the correct ones. Linux is gone and so is GRUB, which allowed you to choose operating system to use at boot time. So currently, you cannot boot into any other operating system, without some help. We are going to fix that soon.
Restore MBR
As we noted, GRUB is gone and so is the ability to boot into Windows. You would now need to boot from the Windows CD/DVD to restore the Master Boot Record. You can also use other Live CDs like one of my absolute favorites and highly recommended HBCD just in case you don’t have Windows installation media handy. Here are the steps:
* Boot from Windows CD/DVD and choose “Repair” when it shows up.
uninstall ubuntu from dual boot pc
* Choose command prompt on the resulting screen and run the following two commands:
o bootrec /fixmbr
o bootrec /fixboot
XP users need to run the recovery console from Windows XP CD and then type fixmbr when at the command prompt.
Reclaim free space
Restart now, remove the CD and you should be able to boot into your Windows installation. Once there, you should go ahead and reclaim the unpartitioned free space which was previously occupied by Linux. Doing so is simple and straight forward:
* Fire up Disk Management as before.
* Right-click on the unparitioned space, choose new partition or new logical drive.
* Specify the size and other options according to your needs and you are done.
The free space should now be accessible from My Computer like any other partition. Alternatively, you can create multiple partitions from the free space or resize existing partitions to suit your needs.You can use utilities like GParted, Easues Partition Master or any one of the many partition managers on HBCD to perform such advanced tasks easily.
Hiren's BootCD 10.0 - www.hiren.info
Hiren's BootCD 10.0 - www.hiren.info
Download it here: http://www.hirensbootcd.net Look for DOWNLOAD link on the page.
Hiren's BootCD is a live CD containing various diagnostic programs such as partitioning agents, system performance benchmarks, disk cloning and imaging tools, data recovery tools, MBR tools, BIOS tools, and many others for fixing various computer problems.[2] As it is a bootable CD, it can be useful even if the primary operating system cannot be booted. Hiren's Boot CD has an extensive list of software. Utilities with similar functionality on the CD are grouped together and seem redundant; however, they present choices through different UIs and options in what they can do.
While this collection of tools can be very useful, potential users should note that many of the tools are commercial applications that have not been legally licensed for redistribution, and so download/use/sharing of Hiren's BootCD may be illegal (depending on your legal jurisdiction).
Download it here: http://www.hirensbootcd.net Look for DOWNLOAD link on the page.
Hiren's BootCD is a live CD containing various diagnostic programs such as partitioning agents, system performance benchmarks, disk cloning and imaging tools, data recovery tools, MBR tools, BIOS tools, and many others for fixing various computer problems.[2] As it is a bootable CD, it can be useful even if the primary operating system cannot be booted. Hiren's Boot CD has an extensive list of software. Utilities with similar functionality on the CD are grouped together and seem redundant; however, they present choices through different UIs and options in what they can do.
While this collection of tools can be very useful, potential users should note that many of the tools are commercial applications that have not been legally licensed for redistribution, and so download/use/sharing of Hiren's BootCD may be illegal (depending on your legal jurisdiction).
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Ninite Easy PC Setup and Multiple App Installer - Great For Win7 Upgrades
Ninite Easy PC Setup and Multiple App Installer - Great For Win7 Upgrades: "The easiest way to get apps.
1. Pick the apps you want.
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1. Pick the apps you want.
2. Start your customized installer.
3. You're done!"
University Makes Twitter a Required Class for Journalism Students
University Makes Twitter a Required Class for Journalism Students: "Worried that too many tweets are mere pointless babble? So is Australia’s Griffith University, who recently made Twitter education part of the mandatory courseload for journalism students."
Download details: PowerPoint 2003 Add-in: Producer for PowerPoint 2003
Download details: PowerPoint 2003 Add-in: Producer for PowerPoint 2003: "PowerPoint 2003 Add-in: Producer for PowerPoint 2003
Brief Description
Use Microsoft Producer 2003 for Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003 to capture and synchronize audio, video, slides, and images, then preview and publish a rich media presentation virtually anywhere for viewing in a Web browser."
Brief Description
Use Microsoft Producer 2003 for Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003 to capture and synchronize audio, video, slides, and images, then preview and publish a rich media presentation virtually anywhere for viewing in a Web browser."
Friday, October 23, 2009
Twitter2Press : upload your Tweetie pictures directly to your Wordpress
Twitter2Press : upload your Tweetie pictures directly to your Wordpress: "Have you ever noticed that the pictures you send along with your tweets ends on public images hosting services ? These hosting services put ads around your content, and can make traffic (and money) with YOUR pictures.
Twitter2Press is a little plugin that'll transform your Wordpress in a image hosting service. So, your images will still be your property, and the generated traffic will be yours."
Twitter2Press is a little plugin that'll transform your Wordpress in a image hosting service. So, your images will still be your property, and the generated traffic will be yours."
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Karen's Version Browser
Karen's Version Browser: "Identify those mystery files on your hard disk. Find out who created them, why, and when. File information can be displayed on-screen, printed, or saved to disk. A disk file of information can then be imported into your favorite spreadsheet or word processor!"
Easeus Partition Master Home Edition - Free software downloads and software reviews - CNET Download.com
Easeus Partition Master Home Edition - Free software downloads and software reviews - CNET Download.com: "A plucky little piece of freeware that packs a subtle punch, Easeus Partition Manager partitions hard drives like a reigning champ. Loaded with features, EPM runs smoothly and lacks only a glitzy interface."
Create a Windows XP and 7 dual-boot system staged for an easy migration | Microsoft Windows | TechRepublic.com
Create a Windows XP and 7 dual-boot system staged for an easy migration | Microsoft Windows | TechRepublic.com: "Create a Windows XP and 7 dual-boot system staged for an easy migration"
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Monday, October 19, 2009
The most important news and commentary to read right now. - The Slatest - Slate Magazine
Yeah. Data mining at work. These swine have been picking our pockets since the market invented itself.
The most important news and commentary to read right now. - The Slatest - Slate Magazine: "Watch Out, Wall Street: Government Goes After Insider Trading
Last week, the co-founder of Galleon Group, Raj Rajaratnam, was detained and charged along with five others for their alleged involvement in an insider-trading ring. It was the biggest insider-trading plot in decades, and the news rocked Wall Street. Now, others should be getting ready for the same treatment. After two years of intensive investigations, officials are getting ready to file charges 'against a wider array of insider-trading networks,' reports Bloomberg. Some are linked to the Rajartnam case, which, according to the Wall Street Journal, was broken with the help of three of his former colleagues. Some of these new cases are the result of the same aggressive tactics, such as wiretapping, that resulted in Rajartnam's arrest. But others are the result of a 'secret' Securities and Exchange Commission data-mining project that helps to identify people who were lucky enough to all make the same lucrative investments at the same time."
The most important news and commentary to read right now. - The Slatest - Slate Magazine: "Watch Out, Wall Street: Government Goes After Insider Trading
Last week, the co-founder of Galleon Group, Raj Rajaratnam, was detained and charged along with five others for their alleged involvement in an insider-trading ring. It was the biggest insider-trading plot in decades, and the news rocked Wall Street. Now, others should be getting ready for the same treatment. After two years of intensive investigations, officials are getting ready to file charges 'against a wider array of insider-trading networks,' reports Bloomberg. Some are linked to the Rajartnam case, which, according to the Wall Street Journal, was broken with the help of three of his former colleagues. Some of these new cases are the result of the same aggressive tactics, such as wiretapping, that resulted in Rajartnam's arrest. But others are the result of a 'secret' Securities and Exchange Commission data-mining project that helps to identify people who were lucky enough to all make the same lucrative investments at the same time."
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Dummy Cameras | Dummy CCTV cameras |Dummy Security Camera | Crime Prevention Products -
Dummy Cameras | Dummy CCTV cameras |Dummy Security Camera | Crime Prevention Products -: "A carefully selected range of internal, external professional looking dummy CCTV Cameras complete with all mountings and fixings."
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Friday, October 16, 2009
LAlarm - free laptop alarm security software
LAlarm - free laptop alarm security software: "LAlarm™ is free laptop alarm security software. LAlarm sounds an alarm when a laptop is in danger of being stolen or losing data, and it can recover and destroy data if the laptop is stolen. LAlarm consists of five alarms and other security functions designed to protect laptops and sensitive data."
Freeverse: Mac: Games & Apps: Think
Freeverse: Mac: Games & Apps: Think: "Look around your screen right now. It’s okay, we’ll wait.
At this very moment, applications are fighting for your attention. Between chat windows, Finder windows, Web browser windows, and everything else, it’s amazing any of us can concentrate at all. As it has become easier to multitask, we’ve become more likely to have two dozen windows on the screen at any given moment. Innovations like Expose makes finding what you want in the sea of visual stimuli easier, but they’ve done little to remove those distractions.
Focusing takes concentration, and concentration takes energy. You can only concentrate on so much at a time, and you can’t create more energy. What we need to do is change how we work."
At this very moment, applications are fighting for your attention. Between chat windows, Finder windows, Web browser windows, and everything else, it’s amazing any of us can concentrate at all. As it has become easier to multitask, we’ve become more likely to have two dozen windows on the screen at any given moment. Innovations like Expose makes finding what you want in the sea of visual stimuli easier, but they’ve done little to remove those distractions.
Focusing takes concentration, and concentration takes energy. You can only concentrate on so much at a time, and you can’t create more energy. What we need to do is change how we work."
FreeOTFE: "FreeOTFE is a free, open source, 'on-the-fly' transparent disk encryption program for PCs and PDAs
Using this software, you can create one or more 'virtual disks' on your PC/PDA. These disks operate exactly like a normal disk, with the exception that anything written to one of them is transparently, and securely, encrypted before being stored on your computer's hard drive."
Using this software, you can create one or more 'virtual disks' on your PC/PDA. These disks operate exactly like a normal disk, with the exception that anything written to one of them is transparently, and securely, encrypted before being stored on your computer's hard drive."
MediaPost Publications Printer Friendly
MediaPost Publications Printer Friendly: "Wal-Mart Stores wants to change the way America uses its cell phones.
The Bentonville, Ark.-based retailer says it is partnering with TracFone Wireless to launch Straight Talk, a no-contract cell phone plan. For $45 a month, users get unlimited minutes, texts and mobile Web use, and for $30, they get 1,000 minutes, 1,000 texts and 30MB of Web usage. Both plans also offer unlimited use"
The Bentonville, Ark.-based retailer says it is partnering with TracFone Wireless to launch Straight Talk, a no-contract cell phone plan. For $45 a month, users get unlimited minutes, texts and mobile Web use, and for $30, they get 1,000 minutes, 1,000 texts and 30MB of Web usage. Both plans also offer unlimited use"
Thursday, October 15, 2009
No-contract $30 / $45 Straight Talk wireless plans storm Walmart
No-contract $30 / $45 Straight Talk wireless plans storm Walmart: "Remember when TracFone horrified the world with its Straight Talk phone selection back in July? Clearly the suits in Bentonville weren't so scared, as now Walmart is latching on to that very plan and claiming it as its own. In over 3,200 of the outfit's retail stores across America, consumers will be able to snag an admittedly pathetic cellie and a rather decent calling plan for just $30 a month. Three Hamiltons gets you 1,000 voice minutes, 1,000 texts and 30MB of mobile web access, not to mention nationwide coverage and free 411 calls. If that's not quite enough, a $45 per month option provides unlimited everything (voice / SMS / mobile web)."
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Monday, October 12, 2009
Copy and paste characters...handy tool for pasting
Click on character, which highlights it, then paste into document.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Free VPN by WSC
Free VPN by WSCGoing to try this one and report findings here or in a later post. -tp.
Version Download | Download any old version of software!
Version Download | Download any old version of software!: "Download popular, old versions of your favorite software!"
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Bigola Multi Search
Bigola Multi Search: "By using the Bigola search you can combine the results from Twitter, Digg, Youtube, Friendfeed, Technorati, Simpy, Daily Motion and Metacafe."
Friday, October 9, 2009
Create Multiple CDs From A Set Of Files In XP!
Create Multiple CDs From A Set Of Files In XP!: "Create Multiple CDs From A Set Of Files In XP!
1. Insert a blank, writable CD into the CD recording drive.
2. Open My Computer.
3. Click the files or folders you want to copy to the CD. To select more than one file, hold down the CTRL key while you click the files you want. Then, under File and Folder Tasks, click Copy this file, Copy this folder, or Copy the selected items.
If the files are located in My Pictures, under Picture Tasks, click Copy to CD or Copy all items to CD, and then skip to step 5.
4. In the Copy Items dialog box, click the CD recording drive, and then click Copy.
5. In My Computer, double-click the CD recording drive. Windows displays a temporary area where the files are held before they are copied to the CD. Verify that the files and folders that you intend to copy to the CD appear under Files Ready to be Written to the CD.
6. Under CD Writing Tasks, click Write these files to CD. Windows displays the CD Writing Wizard. Follow the instructions in the wizard.
When the process is finished, the last page of the wizard displays a check box that enables you to create another CD like the one you just made.
7. Click Yes, write these files to another CD and insert another blank, writable CD into the CD recording drive. Follow the instructions in the wizard.
Side Notes:
- To open My Computer, double-click the My Computer icon on the desktop.
- After you copy files or folders to the CD, it is useful to view the CD to confirm that the files are copied."
1. Insert a blank, writable CD into the CD recording drive.
2. Open My Computer.
3. Click the files or folders you want to copy to the CD. To select more than one file, hold down the CTRL key while you click the files you want. Then, under File and Folder Tasks, click Copy this file, Copy this folder, or Copy the selected items.
If the files are located in My Pictures, under Picture Tasks, click Copy to CD or Copy all items to CD, and then skip to step 5.
4. In the Copy Items dialog box, click the CD recording drive, and then click Copy.
5. In My Computer, double-click the CD recording drive. Windows displays a temporary area where the files are held before they are copied to the CD. Verify that the files and folders that you intend to copy to the CD appear under Files Ready to be Written to the CD.
6. Under CD Writing Tasks, click Write these files to CD. Windows displays the CD Writing Wizard. Follow the instructions in the wizard.
When the process is finished, the last page of the wizard displays a check box that enables you to create another CD like the one you just made.
7. Click Yes, write these files to another CD and insert another blank, writable CD into the CD recording drive. Follow the instructions in the wizard.
Side Notes:
- To open My Computer, double-click the My Computer icon on the desktop.
- After you copy files or folders to the CD, it is useful to view the CD to confirm that the files are copied."
Copy Files And Folders To A Writable CD!
Copy Files And Folders To A Writable CD!: "Copy Files And Folders To A Writable CD!
1. Insert a blank, writable CD into the CD recorder.
2. Open My Computer.
3. Click the files or folders you want to copy to the CD. To select more than one file, hold down the CTRL key while you click the files you want. Then, under File and Folder Tasks, click Copy this file, Copy this folder, or Copy the selected items.
If the files are located in My Pictures, under Picture Tasks, click Copy to CD or Copy all items to CD, and then skip to step 5.
4. In the Copy Items dialog box, click the CD recording drive, and then click Copy.
5. In My Computer, double-click the CD recording drive. Windows displays a temporary area where the files are held before they are copied to the CD. Verify that the files and folders that you intend to copy to the CD appear under Files Ready to be Written to the CD.
6. Under CD Writing Tasks, click Write these files to CD. Windows displays the CD Writing Wizard. Follow the instructions in the wizard.
Side Notes:
- To open My Computer, double-click the My Computer icon on the desktop.
- Do not copy more files to the CD than it will hold. Standard CDs hold up to 700 megabytes (MB). High-capacity CDs hold up to 850 MB.
- Be sure that you have enough disk space on your hard disk to store the temporary files that are created during the CD writing process. For a standard CD, Windows reserves up to 700 MB of the available free space.
- After you copy files or folders to the CD, it is useful to view the CD to confirm that the files are copied."
1. Insert a blank, writable CD into the CD recorder.
2. Open My Computer.
3. Click the files or folders you want to copy to the CD. To select more than one file, hold down the CTRL key while you click the files you want. Then, under File and Folder Tasks, click Copy this file, Copy this folder, or Copy the selected items.
If the files are located in My Pictures, under Picture Tasks, click Copy to CD or Copy all items to CD, and then skip to step 5.
4. In the Copy Items dialog box, click the CD recording drive, and then click Copy.
5. In My Computer, double-click the CD recording drive. Windows displays a temporary area where the files are held before they are copied to the CD. Verify that the files and folders that you intend to copy to the CD appear under Files Ready to be Written to the CD.
6. Under CD Writing Tasks, click Write these files to CD. Windows displays the CD Writing Wizard. Follow the instructions in the wizard.
Side Notes:
- To open My Computer, double-click the My Computer icon on the desktop.
- Do not copy more files to the CD than it will hold. Standard CDs hold up to 700 megabytes (MB). High-capacity CDs hold up to 850 MB.
- Be sure that you have enough disk space on your hard disk to store the temporary files that are created during the CD writing process. For a standard CD, Windows reserves up to 700 MB of the available free space.
- After you copy files or folders to the CD, it is useful to view the CD to confirm that the files are copied."
123 Contact Form - free html forms script,contact form generator,email form code,html contact form
123 Contact Form - free html forms script,contact form generator,email form code,html contact form: "Create HTML forms, contact forms, email forms and any type of web forms in seconds!
Keeping in contact with the visitors of your site is very important. The difficult and time consuming job of creating surveys, contact forms, polls, feedback forms, questionnaires and any type of web forms is long gone! Use our online wizard to generate free HTML forms and contact forms."
Keeping in contact with the visitors of your site is very important. The difficult and time consuming job of creating surveys, contact forms, polls, feedback forms, questionnaires and any type of web forms is long gone! Use our online wizard to generate free HTML forms and contact forms."
Online Virus Scan
Online Virus Scan: "VirusChief" Upload and scan individual files with a number of scanners. FREE.
theMailMonster.com - mailing solutions made easy
theMailMonster.com - mailing solutions made easy: "theMailMonster.com® is a website where you can Send your Letters Online (Free to the United States and Australia). Letters are sent from the Internet to the Recipients Postal Mailbox. We create, print, envelope and post your mail for you."
Thursday, October 8, 2009
OneLook Dictionary Search
OneLook Dictionary Search: "How do wildcard patterns work?
Sometimes you don't know what word you're looking for or how to spell it. Other times you only know a few letters. For these situations there are 'wildcard' symbols available for finding words on OneLook.com.
* The asterisk (*) matches any number of characters. That means that you can use it as a placeholder for any sequence of letters or symbols. For example, if you enter blueb* you'll get all the terms that start with 'blueb'; if you enter *bird you'll get all the terms that end with 'bird'; if you enter *lueb* you'll get all the terms that contain the sequence 'lueb', and so forth. An asterisk can match zero characters, too.
The question mark (?) matches exactly one character. That means that you can use it as a placeholder for a single letter or symbol. The query l?b?n?n, for example, will find the word 'Lebanon'.
(NEW!) The number-sign (#) matches any English consonant. For example, the query tra#t finds the word 'tract' but not 'trait'.
(NEW!) The at-sign (@) matches any English vowel. For example, the query abo@t finds the word 'about' but not 'abort'."
Sometimes you don't know what word you're looking for or how to spell it. Other times you only know a few letters. For these situations there are 'wildcard' symbols available for finding words on OneLook.com.
* The asterisk (*) matches any number of characters. That means that you can use it as a placeholder for any sequence of letters or symbols. For example, if you enter blueb* you'll get all the terms that start with 'blueb'; if you enter *bird you'll get all the terms that end with 'bird'; if you enter *lueb* you'll get all the terms that contain the sequence 'lueb', and so forth. An asterisk can match zero characters, too.
The question mark (?) matches exactly one character. That means that you can use it as a placeholder for a single letter or symbol. The query l?b?n?n, for example, will find the word 'Lebanon'.
(NEW!) The number-sign (#) matches any English consonant. For example, the query tra#t finds the word 'tract' but not 'trait'.
(NEW!) The at-sign (@) matches any English vowel. For example, the query abo@t finds the word 'about' but not 'abort'."
Google; Minimalist look
Just yesterday we’ve asked you, the readers, whether you actually go to Google.com, and most of you answered that you rarely, if ever, open the actual site, conducting most of your searches from third party apps such as Firefox.
If it was clutter on Google.com that annoyed you – not very likely, given the minimalist look of the page, but still a possibility – you can now fix that by trying out the latest Google experiment, which hides all elements on Google.com except the buttons, the logo and a search box. Don’t worry: the missing elements fade in after you mouse over them.
So, how do you enable the look? Go to Google.com and paste this into the address bar:
javascript:void(document.cookie="PREF=ID=abac7a90f5a3784b:LD=en:NR=10:TM=1254990196:LM=1254990236:S=uB6F4jDnMP_DuxtT;path=/; domain=.google.com");
Now hit the return key and reload the page; next time you open it, you’ll be greeted with the barebone version.
*Update: this particular prototype might not work with all browsers and with all setups. I’ve tested it with Firefox 3.5.3, as well as Chrome and it worked.
To restore the standard Google.com, go to Firefox Options – Privacy – Remove individual cookies, then find Google.com and remove the cookie named PREF.
If it was clutter on Google.com that annoyed you – not very likely, given the minimalist look of the page, but still a possibility – you can now fix that by trying out the latest Google experiment, which hides all elements on Google.com except the buttons, the logo and a search box. Don’t worry: the missing elements fade in after you mouse over them.
So, how do you enable the look? Go to Google.com and paste this into the address bar:
javascript:void(document.cookie="PREF=ID=abac7a90f5a3784b:LD=en:NR=10:TM=1254990196:LM=1254990236:S=uB6F4jDnMP_DuxtT;path=/; domain=.google.com");
Now hit the return key and reload the page; next time you open it, you’ll be greeted with the barebone version.
*Update: this particular prototype might not work with all browsers and with all setups. I’ve tested it with Firefox 3.5.3, as well as Chrome and it worked.
To restore the standard Google.com, go to Firefox Options – Privacy – Remove individual cookies, then find Google.com and remove the cookie named PREF.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Official Google Blog: Quickly view formatted PDFs in your search results
Official Google Blog: Quickly view formatted PDFs in your search results: "Quickly view formatted PDFs in your search results
10/07/2009 11:01:00 AM"
10/07/2009 11:01:00 AM"
Include a subliminal message in a PowerPoint presentation | Microsoft Office | TechRepublic.com
Include a subliminal message in a PowerPoint presentation | Microsoft Office | TechRepublic.com: "To include a subliminal message, insert the appropriate text or graphic object. Then, right-click the item and choose Custom Animation. Click Animation Effects (the yellow star) and choose Entrance. From the resulting submenu, select Flash Once. That’s it! During the presentation, PowerPoint will quickly flash the item, just once, when that slide is current."
Monday, October 5, 2009
Revision3 > Hak5
Revision3 > Hak5: "Hak5 isn't your typical tech show. It's hacking in the old-school sense, covering everything from network security, open source and forensics, to DIY modding and the homebrew scene. Damn the warranties, it's time to Trust your Technolust."
Revision3 > Tekzilla
Revision3 > Tekzilla: "Tekzilla feeds your tech hunger! Patrick Norton and Veronica Belmont bring you hands on reviews of the latest gear, tips and tricks that improve the tech you already own and conversations with the most informative experts around."
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Microsoft Fix it Solution Center

Microsoft Fix it Solution Center
Thank you for your interest in Microsoft Fix it. We're working hard to automate solutions to common software problems in an easy, intuitive way that is available when and where you need it. So whether you are looking for a solution in help or support content, or an error report, Fix it provides a way to apply automated fixes, workarounds, or configuration changes so you don’t have to perform a long list of manual steps yourself.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Clipgenerator Your personal videoclip. Create, share, publish, download. Choose music, personalize, create.
MOD Systems rolls out kiosks at national chain - 10/2/2009 - Video Business
MOD Systems rolls out kiosks at national chain - 10/2/2009 - Video Business: "DIGITAL: Star Trek, Half-Blood Prince in holiday SD card tests
By Jennifer Netherby -- Video Business, 10/2/2009
OCT. 2 | DIGITAL: Digital movie kiosk company MOD Systems will begin rolling out kiosks with films from Warner Bros., Paramount Pictures and Anchor Bay through a national retailer in the next month as part of a pilot test, CEO Anthony Bay told Video Business.
Bay said test kiosks should be in stores by Nov. 15, though he wouldn’t give many other details. Consumers will be able to visit the kiosks, search and download films to an SD card, the same cards used to store digital photos on digital cameras. The cards can be placed in SD card slots found on some TVs, PCs, DVD players, mobile phones and other devices for movie playback."
By Jennifer Netherby -- Video Business, 10/2/2009
OCT. 2 | DIGITAL: Digital movie kiosk company MOD Systems will begin rolling out kiosks with films from Warner Bros., Paramount Pictures and Anchor Bay through a national retailer in the next month as part of a pilot test, CEO Anthony Bay told Video Business.
Bay said test kiosks should be in stores by Nov. 15, though he wouldn’t give many other details. Consumers will be able to visit the kiosks, search and download films to an SD card, the same cards used to store digital photos on digital cameras. The cards can be placed in SD card slots found on some TVs, PCs, DVD players, mobile phones and other devices for movie playback."
Virus, Spyware & Malware Protection | Microsoft Security Essentials
Virus, Spyware & Malware Protection | Microsoft Security Essentials They suggest you remove any other anti virus or anti spyware software you are now using.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Computer Maintenance Checklist - from March 2006 web site
At system SETUP
1. Install a surge suppressor/emergency shutdown power strip
2. Register your software products, as required.
3. Schedule automated updates or notices, as I do.
4. Read the maintenance section of your manual
5. Set up your email to auto-archive older messages. Third party add-ons work fine for this
6. Install anti virus software, always
7. Install anti-spyware
8. Put your software drivers in on spot on CD or disk.
9. Copy all your service papers, contracts, CD Keys, receipts, etc. Store in safe place.
1. Run a disk scan to check for hard drive issues
2. Run defragmentation program
3. Run a clean up to delete unneeded files, temp files, logs, etc.
4. Back up your files to a remote location. I use an external hard drive. For super critical files,
store a backup CD off site.
5. Empty your recycle bin
6. Delete your Internet temp files
7. Clear your browsing history
8. Delete unwanted or unnecessary cookies
9. Update your virus definitions - should be done automatically with most software
10. Run a full virus scan on all your drives
1. Check for updates
2. Delete/uninstall unneeded or unused programs
3. Clean your keyboard
4. Clean your monitor
5. Clean your peripherals
6. Rebuild your desktop
7. Change all your passwords
1. Install a surge suppressor/emergency shutdown power strip
2. Register your software products, as required.
3. Schedule automated updates or notices, as I do.
4. Read the maintenance section of your manual
5. Set up your email to auto-archive older messages. Third party add-ons work fine for this
6. Install anti virus software, always
7. Install anti-spyware
8. Put your software drivers in on spot on CD or disk.
9. Copy all your service papers, contracts, CD Keys, receipts, etc. Store in safe place.
1. Run a disk scan to check for hard drive issues
2. Run defragmentation program
3. Run a clean up to delete unneeded files, temp files, logs, etc.
4. Back up your files to a remote location. I use an external hard drive. For super critical files,
store a backup CD off site.
5. Empty your recycle bin
6. Delete your Internet temp files
7. Clear your browsing history
8. Delete unwanted or unnecessary cookies
9. Update your virus definitions - should be done automatically with most software
10. Run a full virus scan on all your drives
1. Check for updates
2. Delete/uninstall unneeded or unused programs
3. Clean your keyboard
4. Clean your monitor
5. Clean your peripherals
6. Rebuild your desktop
7. Change all your passwords
Social.com - Discover your Social World!
Social.com - Discover your Social World! Directory of Social Networks.
Create A Complete Backup And Restore Image With Windows Vista.
Create A Complete Backup And Restore Image With Windows Vista.: "Create A Complete Backup And Restore Image With Windows Vista."
JavaFile.com - free java scripts, java applets!
JavaFile.com - free java scripts, java applets!: "Your one stop shop for FREE Java Scripts and Java Applets"
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Puppy Linux Community - Home
Rod Page of the Retired Scientists brought this up again at the meeting this afternoon. (10/1/09)
Puppy Linux Community - Home Redux.
How is Puppy Different?
* Small size, ~100MB! This lends itself to some very useful and unique features.
* 'Live' booting from CDs, DVDs, USB flash drives, and other portable media.
* Runs from RAM, making it unusually fast even in old PCs and in netbooks with solid state storage media.
* Very low minimum system requirements.
* Boot time is well under a minute, 30-40 seconds in most systems.
* Includes a wide range of applications: word processors, spreadsheets, internet browsers, games, image editors and many utilities. Extra software in the form of dotpets. There is a GUI Puppy Software Installer included.
* Puppy is easy to use and little technical knowledge is assumed. Most hardware is automatically detected.
Puppy Linux Community - Home Redux.
How is Puppy Different?
* Small size, ~100MB! This lends itself to some very useful and unique features.
* 'Live' booting from CDs, DVDs, USB flash drives, and other portable media.
* Runs from RAM, making it unusually fast even in old PCs and in netbooks with solid state storage media.
* Very low minimum system requirements.
* Boot time is well under a minute, 30-40 seconds in most systems.
* Includes a wide range of applications: word processors, spreadsheets, internet browsers, games, image editors and many utilities. Extra software in the form of dotpets. There is a GUI Puppy Software Installer included.
* Puppy is easy to use and little technical knowledge is assumed. Most hardware is automatically detected.
Download Nexus Radio 4.1.1 - Search and download over 15 million songs directly to your PC - Softpedia
Download Nexus Radio 4.1.1 - Search and download over 15 million songs directly to your PC - Softpedia: "Search and download over 15 million songs directly to your PC"
Google Docs - Viewer
Google Docs - Viewer: "Use Google Docs to quickly view documents online without leaving your browser." Redux.
Digital Photography Tips and Tutorials
Digital Photography Tips and Tutorials: "Many of the questions that we get at Digital Photography School start with the words - ‘how do I photograph…’"
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
NO FEE for class. Purchase book from NW Earth Institute
Oct 7 – Nov 11
6 pm – 7:30 pm
144 Tripp Road
MENU FOR THE FUTURE is a six-session discussion guide for the community. PARTICIPANTS IN THIS DISCUSSION COURSE WILL:
* Explore food systems and their impacts on culture, society and ecological systems.
* Gain insight into agricultural and individual practices that promote personal and ecological well-being.
* Consider ways to create and support sustainable food systems.
Menu for the Future
NO FEE for class. Purchase book from NW Earth Institute
Oct 7 – Nov 11
6 pm – 7:30 pm
144 Tripp Road
MENU FOR THE FUTURE is a six-session discussion guide for the community. PARTICIPANTS IN THIS DISCUSSION COURSE WILL:
* Explore food systems and their impacts on culture, society and ecological systems.
* Gain insight into agricultural and individual practices that promote personal and ecological well-being.
* Consider ways to create and support sustainable food systems.
Menu for the Future
Showdown At The Web Corral: Convincing Your Boss to Fix a Hideous Website | Switch | Fast Company
Showdown At The Web Corral: Convincing Your Boss to Fix a Hideous Website | Switch | Fast Company: "Showdown At The Web Corral: Convincing Your Boss to Fix a Hideous Website"
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