Bypass School Internet Filters - Wired How-To Wiki
Psiphon site is down for maintenance. Get Psiphon, here: tp.

On line since JUNE of 2006.
USE SEARCH TOOL In top of column on the LEFT.
Friday, April 30, 2010
LocPDF -
LocPDF - There are a lot of specialized search engines that let you find and download PDF files online. However, they can be hard to use if all you see are lists to linked PDFs without any visual recognition to check if you are downloading the correct file that you need. One app that solves this is LocPDF
Seven utilities for Windows 7 | The Download Blog -
Seven utilities for Windows 7 | The Download Blog - There's no doubt that Windows 7 is the most polished operating system Microsoft has released, but that doesn't mean there's no room for improvement. This collection of free utilities great and small will give you tools to change a significant amount of Windows 7's behavior, from the look of the Start button to hulking out Windows Explorer with FTP powers.
Sync Butler - File Synchronization Tool
Sync Butler - File Synchronization Tool is a free and open source file synchronisation tool for Windows. It is designed to be as user-friendly as possible, allowing you to sync your files in a manner that is both intuitive and hassle-free.
This is easy to install and to use. A sweet FREEBIE that you can use to sync your documents from your main drive to a 2nd drive, a flash drive, etc.
This is easy to install and to use. A sweet FREEBIE that you can use to sync your documents from your main drive to a 2nd drive, a flash drive, etc.
Listen to the files with Panopreter!
Listen to the files with Panopreter!
Panopreter Basic reads text file, rtf file, word document and web page in .htm format, it's able to convert the files into audio files with the format of wave and MP3, so you can hear the file reading with your audio media player, you don't need to sit at the desk, with your eyes fixed on the computer display's screen any longer.
Panopreter Basic is also a good aid to any language learning program. You install the text-to-speech voices for the specific language, then you can hear the files being read to you.
Panopreter Basic reads text file, rtf file, word document and web page in .htm format, it's able to convert the files into audio files with the format of wave and MP3, so you can hear the file reading with your audio media player, you don't need to sit at the desk, with your eyes fixed on the computer display's screen any longer.
Panopreter Basic is also a good aid to any language learning program. You install the text-to-speech voices for the specific language, then you can hear the files being read to you.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Freebie Quick Clean Tidies Up Your PC
Freebie Quick Clean Tidies Up Your PC: "Quick Clean provides a simple way to clean junk files from your PC. It doesn't go beyond the basics, and its core merely accesses a built-in Windows utility. It offers little functionality beyond that found in Windows. Still, though, it's free, it's easy, and it cleans out your junk, so is certainly useful."
Finalfolder: "Finalfolder is a new service to solve one problem you have every day:
What do you do with important documents that you might need again in the future? Finalfolder is the ultimate solution for this case.You can use Finalfolder from any device that is email capable (PC, mobile phone, netbook, internet pad, game consoles, scanner-copiers etc.)
without installing any software on the device."
What do you do with important documents that you might need again in the future? Finalfolder is the ultimate solution for this case.You can use Finalfolder from any device that is email capable (PC, mobile phone, netbook, internet pad, game consoles, scanner-copiers etc.)
without installing any software on the device."
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
TED Blog: 18 minutes with an agile mind: Clifford Stoll on
TED Blog: 18 minutes with an agile mind: Clifford Stoll on
"I think that if you really want to know about the future, don’t ask a technologist, a scientist, a physicist. No! Don’t ask somebody who’s writing code. No, if you want to know what society is going to be like in 20 years, ask a kindergarten teacher. They know.
In fact, don’t ask just any kindergarten teacher, ask an experienced on. They are the ones who know what society is going to be like in another generation."
"I think that if you really want to know about the future, don’t ask a technologist, a scientist, a physicist. No! Don’t ask somebody who’s writing code. No, if you want to know what society is going to be like in 20 years, ask a kindergarten teacher. They know.
In fact, don’t ask just any kindergarten teacher, ask an experienced on. They are the ones who know what society is going to be like in another generation."
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
SlipBox A slip-box is really just this: a loose collection of slips stuffed into a box. Each time you have an idea that seems worth remembering you scribble down a note on an (electronic) slip and put it into the box. Then you can forget about it. When the time comes that you need your ideas, the functionality of the program helps you to quickly find relevant slips and, what is more, relations and links between different slips by associative searches.
The SlipBox application supports OpenMeta tags and provides a plug-in architecture to establish interfaces to other programs, eg to BibDesk, Bookends (programs to manage references), Skim (a PDF reader and annotation tool) and Graphviz (a graph visualisation tool).
Requirements: Mac OS X 10.5 (Version 0.8 runs on 10.4, version 0.6 runs on 10.3.9; see the archive page.)
The SlipBox application supports OpenMeta tags and provides a plug-in architecture to establish interfaces to other programs, eg to BibDesk, Bookends (programs to manage references), Skim (a PDF reader and annotation tool) and Graphviz (a graph visualisation tool).
Requirements: Mac OS X 10.5 (Version 0.8 runs on 10.4, version 0.6 runs on 10.3.9; see the archive page.)
BackupURL - Backup Important Websites!
BackupURL - Backup Important Websites! BackupURL allows you to create a copy of any website that you can share and view any time knowing it will last forever.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Highlight and Comment on webpages, get a unique URL, share with friends. Collaborate over webpages. Create your own page and invite friends to comment on it -
Highlight and Comment on webpages, get a unique URL, share with friends. Collaborate over webpages. Create your own page and invite friends to comment on it - "Enter URL of the webpage you want to highlight/comment upon and share. e.g. try"
Sunday, April 25, 2010
10 Applications You Must Install On Ubuntu Lucid Lynx [Linux]
10 Applications You Must Install On Ubuntu Lucid Lynx [Linux] The new 10.04 will be out on the 29th, officially.
Convert Web Page to PDF Free Online
Convert Web Page to PDF Free Online
Other tools: Word to PDF PDF to Word PDF to Excel
Other tools: Word to PDF PDF to Word PDF to Excel
Saturday, April 24, 2010
29% Accessed Porn on Work Computers Last Month - Political Hotsheet - CBS News
29% Accessed Porn on Work Computers Last Month - Political Hotsheet - CBS News On average, users who looked at adult websites spent about an hour and 45 minutes on the sites in March, according to Nielson.
There are a lot of "love" starved folks out there, and they are costing their companies and employers a lot of money.
According to a memo generated by the SEC and leaked to the press yesterday, one senior attorney at the SEC's headquarters in Washington spent up to 8 hours a day viewing and downloading porn, until his computer hard drive ran out of space. At that point, the attorney began burning CDs and DVDs with pornographic material and keeping the discs around his office. Seventeen of the employees investigated were at the senior level, earning annual salaries in the six-figure range. Grassley said that while the SEC claims the offenders have been disciplined, only a few have been fired.
There are a lot of "love" starved folks out there, and they are costing their companies and employers a lot of money.
According to a memo generated by the SEC and leaked to the press yesterday, one senior attorney at the SEC's headquarters in Washington spent up to 8 hours a day viewing and downloading porn, until his computer hard drive ran out of space. At that point, the attorney began burning CDs and DVDs with pornographic material and keeping the discs around his office. Seventeen of the employees investigated were at the senior level, earning annual salaries in the six-figure range. Grassley said that while the SEC claims the offenders have been disciplined, only a few have been fired.
Email etiquette rules for effective email replies
Email etiquette rules for effective email replies Everyone should read this, especially businesses that fail to answer their email or take far too long to reply or acknowledge an email sent to them.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Questions, Answers, and Opinions about Men and Women - Leftos
Questions, Answers, and Opinions about Men and Women - Leftos web app reviews subscribe to MakeUseOf Directory.
If you’d like to receive anonymous advice without being endlessly ridiculed, Leftos is worth checking out. This site basically functions as a forum in which you can ask anonymously about all things sexual without worrying about the social implications.
If you’d like to receive anonymous advice without being endlessly ridiculed, Leftos is worth checking out. This site basically functions as a forum in which you can ask anonymously about all things sexual without worrying about the social implications.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
VirusTotal - Free Online Virus and Malware Scan - Email/Uploader
VirusTotal - Free Online Virus and Malware Scan - Email/Uploader
Virustotal is a service that analyzes suspicious files and facilitates the quick detection of viruses, worms, trojans, and all kinds of malware detected by antivirus engines. More information...
Sending files by email
Create a new message with as destination address of your email.
1. Write SCAN in the Subject field.
2. Attach the file to be scanned. Such file must not exceed 20 MB in size. If the attached file is larger, the system will reject it automatically.
3. You will receive an email with a report of the file analysis. Response time will vary depending on the load of the system at the time of placing your request.
Virustotal is a service that analyzes suspicious files and facilitates the quick detection of viruses, worms, trojans, and all kinds of malware detected by antivirus engines. More information...
Sending files by email
Create a new message with as destination address of your email.
1. Write SCAN in the Subject field.
2. Attach the file to be scanned. Such file must not exceed 20 MB in size. If the attached file is larger, the system will reject it automatically.
3. You will receive an email with a report of the file analysis. Response time will vary depending on the load of the system at the time of placing your request.
Cleaning Smudges From the iPad - Gadgetwise Blog -
Cleaning Smudges From the iPad - Gadgetwise Blog -
But you still may see smudges. According to the iPad user’s guide, you should not use “window cleaners, household cleaners, aerosol sprays, solvents, alcohol, ammonia or abrasives” to clean the screen. Instead, to wipe off any smudges, first, turn off the iPad — the dark screen makes smudges easier to see — and try using your luck with a microfiber cloth or even your shirtsleeve.
If you still have a smudge, add some moisture with a puff of breath, and rub a bit longer without the pressure. You can also try a slight misting with distilled water; just don’t get any liquid near the edges.
For grime on older, regular glass screens, DVDs, keyboards, mice and handheld game systems, make your own home-brew a cleaning solution for a small fraction of the price of store-bought mixtures.
Flush out the nozzle of an empty pump-spray bottle with distilled water. Fill about halfway with a 50/50 mix of pure alcohol and distilled water, both available at your local drugstores. If you have a stubborn spot, like a crayon mark, use more solution and wipe longer; don’t press. Each manufacturer has its own guidelines, so read the manual before using this on any gadget.
But you still may see smudges. According to the iPad user’s guide, you should not use “window cleaners, household cleaners, aerosol sprays, solvents, alcohol, ammonia or abrasives” to clean the screen. Instead, to wipe off any smudges, first, turn off the iPad — the dark screen makes smudges easier to see — and try using your luck with a microfiber cloth or even your shirtsleeve.
If you still have a smudge, add some moisture with a puff of breath, and rub a bit longer without the pressure. You can also try a slight misting with distilled water; just don’t get any liquid near the edges.
For grime on older, regular glass screens, DVDs, keyboards, mice and handheld game systems, make your own home-brew a cleaning solution for a small fraction of the price of store-bought mixtures.
Flush out the nozzle of an empty pump-spray bottle with distilled water. Fill about halfway with a 50/50 mix of pure alcohol and distilled water, both available at your local drugstores. If you have a stubborn spot, like a crayon mark, use more solution and wipe longer; don’t press. Each manufacturer has its own guidelines, so read the manual before using this on any gadget.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Smart Defrag - Free software downloads and software reviews - CNET
Smart Defrag - Free software downloads and software reviews - CNET
Along with quick analysis and scans, SmartDefrag boasts an automated defragger that continually defrags the files that you use the most, and does it without becoming a persistent drag on your system resources. When running in the background, the program only eats up 14MB of RAM, so it's possible to run it smoothly on older machines.
Along with quick analysis and scans, SmartDefrag boasts an automated defragger that continually defrags the files that you use the most, and does it without becoming a persistent drag on your system resources. When running in the background, the program only eats up 14MB of RAM, so it's possible to run it smoothly on older machines.
n1ne@freeOCR is a free OCR service. You can use us to extract text from any image you supply, image being defined very broadly.
It is also free, no registration necessary. You will only have to provide us with some email or something so that we can send you your OCRed file.
n1ne@freeOCR is a free OCR service. You can use us to extract text from any image you supply, image being defined very broadly.
It is also free, no registration necessary. You will only have to provide us with some email or something so that we can send you your OCRed file.
Customize High-Quality, Die-Cut Vinyl Stickers - StickerYou
Customize High-Quality, Die-Cut Vinyl Stickers - StickerYou
Create and purchase your own stickers. High-quality, removable, vinyl stickers - the really good ones. Get started with our artwork, or upload your own – it’s easy. Your stickers will be printed, die-cut, and shipped to your door in about a week.
Create and purchase your own stickers. High-quality, removable, vinyl stickers - the really good ones. Get started with our artwork, or upload your own – it’s easy. Your stickers will be printed, die-cut, and shipped to your door in about a week.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Mashpedia, the real-time encyclopedia
Mashpedia, the real-time encyclopedia
Use Mashpedia to access the freshest online content about almost any topic
Use Mashpedia to access the freshest online content about almost any topic
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Hot Tech Deals [April 17th]
Hot Tech Deals [April 17th]
Good site to check daily for DEALS.
Try this first:
Good site to check daily for DEALS.
Try this first:
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Friday, April 16, 2010
Scam Alert: Fake Federal Employees Sell ‘ObamaCare’ Policy, Supplemental Medicare, Other Insurance Plans - AARP Bulletin Today
Scam Alert: Fake Federal Employees Sell ‘ObamaCare’ Policy, Supplemental Medicare, Other Insurance Plans - AARP Bulletin Today: "President Obama isn’t the only one hitting the road to sell health care reform and what it means to you. In the latest twist on an old scam, unscrupulous salesmen are visiting senior housing facilities, pretending to be federal employees and peddling supplemental Medicare and other insurance plans.
Hucksters claiming to be with “ObamaCare” and representing the federal government have already targeted several apartment complexes populated by older residents in Missouri, says Rona McNally of that state’s Senior Medicare Patrol, an advocacy group funded by the federal Administration on Aging that educates Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries about health care fraud.
“They go door to door, saying they need to talk about your Medicare benefits, and that you may need to take a certain plan in order to get coverage,” she tells Scam Alert. “They use fear, they use change as an opportunity to get to seniors.”
Although it may be legal to sell supplemental insurance plans door to door, it’s certainly illegal for salesmen to say they are government officials when they are not, says McNally.
“The government does not go door to door selling insurance,” she adds. “If someone comes to your home to sell you a plan, shut the door.”"
Hucksters claiming to be with “ObamaCare” and representing the federal government have already targeted several apartment complexes populated by older residents in Missouri, says Rona McNally of that state’s Senior Medicare Patrol, an advocacy group funded by the federal Administration on Aging that educates Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries about health care fraud.
“They go door to door, saying they need to talk about your Medicare benefits, and that you may need to take a certain plan in order to get coverage,” she tells Scam Alert. “They use fear, they use change as an opportunity to get to seniors.”
Although it may be legal to sell supplemental insurance plans door to door, it’s certainly illegal for salesmen to say they are government officials when they are not, says McNally.
“The government does not go door to door selling insurance,” she adds. “If someone comes to your home to sell you a plan, shut the door.”"
Free Technology for Teachers: Ning Ends Free Networks - Try These Alternatives
Free Technology for Teachers: Ning Ends Free Networks - Try These Alternatives: "A review of free technology resources and how teachers can use them. Ideas for technology integration in education."
Drag and drop attachments onto messages - Official Gmail Blog
Drag and drop attachments onto messages - Official Gmail Blog: "Drag and drop attachments onto messages
Thursday, April 15, 2010 | 11:00 AM"
Thursday, April 15, 2010 | 11:00 AM"
7 Backup Strategies for Your Data, Multimedia, and System Files - PCWorld
7 Backup Strategies for Your Data, Multimedia, and System Files - PCWorld: "7 Backup Strategies for Your Data, Multimedia, and System Files
Nobody likes backing up, but one day, it’ll save your bacon. Here are the most efficient methods of protecting your stuff, no matter what your situation.
Lincoln Spector, PC World"
Nobody likes backing up, but one day, it’ll save your bacon. Here are the most efficient methods of protecting your stuff, no matter what your situation.
Lincoln Spector, PC World"
Manage your files
Here are some tips to help manage your files. The original source for this document is: The Art of Filing - Managing Your Documents... and Your Time. I have edited and re-written portions of the original documents.
1) The first rule is to avoid saving unnecessary documents. Don't make a habit of saving everything that finds its way into your Inbox or on to your hard drive by way of downloads, loans of software, Freeware, trail versions, etc. . Take a few seconds to glance through the content, and save a file only if it's relevant to your work activity. When I say work activity, I mean ACTIVITY AT WORK. Your home computer is your business, and the time you spend trying to find a file is YOUR TIME, not the company’s time. Having too much data on your computer adds to the clutter that makes it harder to find things in the future – and it may, over time, slow down your computer's performance.
2) Us a consistent method for naming your files and folders. For instance, divide a main folder into subfolders for customers, vendors, and co-workers. Give shortened names to identify what or whom the folders relate to. What's more, you can even give a different appearance or look to different categories of folders – this can make it easy to tell them apart at first glance. Suppose we have a folder named BuildingProj [Building Project]. You would make sub folders UNDER this main folder and name them bidders, vendors, collaborators, etc., and you would put the appropriate files in the appropriate folders.
3) Store related documents together, whatever their type. For example, store Word documents, presentations, spreadsheets, and graphics related to a particular project in a single folder – rather than having one folder for presentations for all projects, another folder for spreadsheets for all projects, and so forth. This way, it's much quicker to find, open, and attach documents for a particular project.
4) Separate ongoing work from completed work. Some people prefer to save current or ongoing work on their computer's desktop until a job is completed. Then, once it's done, they move it to the appropriate location, where files of the same category are stored. At periodic intervals (for example, weekly or every two weeks), move files you're no longer working on to the folders where your completed work is stored.
5) Avoid overfilling folders. If you have a large number of files in one folder, or a large number of subfolders in a main folder – so many that you can't see the entire list on your screen without scrolling down – break them into smaller groups (subfolders or sub-subfolders). Think of creating a sequential menu, arranged either in chronological or alphabetical order, to make retrieval easy. For instance, you can divide a folder called "Business Plan" into subfolders called "BP2005," "BP2006," and "BP2007." For Business Plans of the year 2005, etc. Likewise, you can divide a folder for a client named Delta Traders into subfolders named "Delta Traders sales presentations" and "Delta Traders contracts." The idea is to place every file into a logical folder or subfolder, rather than have one huge list of files.
Having said this, there is usually little point in creating a folder for fewer than about five documents. If you do, the time you spend clicking through subfolders to get to the documents you need may not be outweighed by the greater ease of finding them.
6) Install Google Desktop on your PC. If you can (sometimes IT departments don't permit this), install Google Desktop on your PC – you can find this at This tool creates a desktop search engine that indexes all of your files and emails. It allows a search through your Google Index that is quick and easy.
7) Back up, back up, back up. Make sure your filing system is backed up. Make sure , that your PC is backed up regularly and that the backup includes the directories where you file information. You can download a FREE backup tool from Karen Kenworthy at: Backup to an external, USB drive or to a CD. Store a backup OFF SITE in case your PC is stolen or the business burns to the ground.
8) Prioritizing Your Files for Action - Take these approaches further by customizing your file management. This can help you prioritize your work, which can lead to better efficiency.
a. Organize files by dates. Incorporate a date into the file name. This will help you determine which is the most recent document in the folder, without having to open the file and read through the content. For example, a file named "Guidelines 12Oct07" would indicate a version of the Guidelines file dated October 12, 2007. Again, BE consistent, and follow the company policies and procedures manual for dating. As you know, dates can be expressed in various ways.
b. Some people use version numbers to distinguish between documents that have been reworked or changed. Examples would be "Delta Traders contract v1" and "Delta Traders contract v2." This also makes it easier to pick out the most current file. I use this often when dating image files. Dog1Ver2, and Dog2Ver1 are images of two different dogs, but I have only one version of Dog 2, while I have TWO of
Dog 1. If your document is going to be looked at, used, or amended by several people, you need to be particularly careful about version control: People quite rightly can get very annoyed if versions are mixed up and their work on the document is lost. Be consistent with version numbers, too, of course.
Make sure you put the version number in the file name, and also consider having a version control table at the beginning of the document showing the version number, the date of the version, the person making changes, and, perhaps, the nature of changes made. See the header of this article, for example.
For any system to be useful and effective, it must also be convenient for you. To some extent, this depends on the nature of your business or the work that you do.
1) The first rule is to avoid saving unnecessary documents. Don't make a habit of saving everything that finds its way into your Inbox or on to your hard drive by way of downloads, loans of software, Freeware, trail versions, etc. . Take a few seconds to glance through the content, and save a file only if it's relevant to your work activity. When I say work activity, I mean ACTIVITY AT WORK. Your home computer is your business, and the time you spend trying to find a file is YOUR TIME, not the company’s time. Having too much data on your computer adds to the clutter that makes it harder to find things in the future – and it may, over time, slow down your computer's performance.
2) Us a consistent method for naming your files and folders. For instance, divide a main folder into subfolders for customers, vendors, and co-workers. Give shortened names to identify what or whom the folders relate to. What's more, you can even give a different appearance or look to different categories of folders – this can make it easy to tell them apart at first glance. Suppose we have a folder named BuildingProj [Building Project]. You would make sub folders UNDER this main folder and name them bidders, vendors, collaborators, etc., and you would put the appropriate files in the appropriate folders.
3) Store related documents together, whatever their type. For example, store Word documents, presentations, spreadsheets, and graphics related to a particular project in a single folder – rather than having one folder for presentations for all projects, another folder for spreadsheets for all projects, and so forth. This way, it's much quicker to find, open, and attach documents for a particular project.
4) Separate ongoing work from completed work. Some people prefer to save current or ongoing work on their computer's desktop until a job is completed. Then, once it's done, they move it to the appropriate location, where files of the same category are stored. At periodic intervals (for example, weekly or every two weeks), move files you're no longer working on to the folders where your completed work is stored.
5) Avoid overfilling folders. If you have a large number of files in one folder, or a large number of subfolders in a main folder – so many that you can't see the entire list on your screen without scrolling down – break them into smaller groups (subfolders or sub-subfolders). Think of creating a sequential menu, arranged either in chronological or alphabetical order, to make retrieval easy. For instance, you can divide a folder called "Business Plan" into subfolders called "BP2005," "BP2006," and "BP2007." For Business Plans of the year 2005, etc. Likewise, you can divide a folder for a client named Delta Traders into subfolders named "Delta Traders sales presentations" and "Delta Traders contracts." The idea is to place every file into a logical folder or subfolder, rather than have one huge list of files.
Having said this, there is usually little point in creating a folder for fewer than about five documents. If you do, the time you spend clicking through subfolders to get to the documents you need may not be outweighed by the greater ease of finding them.
6) Install Google Desktop on your PC. If you can (sometimes IT departments don't permit this), install Google Desktop on your PC – you can find this at This tool creates a desktop search engine that indexes all of your files and emails. It allows a search through your Google Index that is quick and easy.
7) Back up, back up, back up. Make sure your filing system is backed up. Make sure , that your PC is backed up regularly and that the backup includes the directories where you file information. You can download a FREE backup tool from Karen Kenworthy at: Backup to an external, USB drive or to a CD. Store a backup OFF SITE in case your PC is stolen or the business burns to the ground.
8) Prioritizing Your Files for Action - Take these approaches further by customizing your file management. This can help you prioritize your work, which can lead to better efficiency.
a. Organize files by dates. Incorporate a date into the file name. This will help you determine which is the most recent document in the folder, without having to open the file and read through the content. For example, a file named "Guidelines 12Oct07" would indicate a version of the Guidelines file dated October 12, 2007. Again, BE consistent, and follow the company policies and procedures manual for dating. As you know, dates can be expressed in various ways.
b. Some people use version numbers to distinguish between documents that have been reworked or changed. Examples would be "Delta Traders contract v1" and "Delta Traders contract v2." This also makes it easier to pick out the most current file. I use this often when dating image files. Dog1Ver2, and Dog2Ver1 are images of two different dogs, but I have only one version of Dog 2, while I have TWO of
Dog 1. If your document is going to be looked at, used, or amended by several people, you need to be particularly careful about version control: People quite rightly can get very annoyed if versions are mixed up and their work on the document is lost. Be consistent with version numbers, too, of course.
Make sure you put the version number in the file name, and also consider having a version control table at the beginning of the document showing the version number, the date of the version, the person making changes, and, perhaps, the nature of changes made. See the header of this article, for example.
For any system to be useful and effective, it must also be convenient for you. To some extent, this depends on the nature of your business or the work that you do.
Repper | The online pattern creator | studio:ludens
Repper | The online pattern creator | studio:ludens
pattern patterns background images
pattern patterns background images
TrackerWatcher :: Add-ons for Firefox
TrackerWatcher :: Add-ons for Firefox: "TrackerWatcher shows you what companies may watch what you do on any web site and how they promise to handle your information."
How to turn an RSS feed into a downloadable ebook with Feedbooks | eBooks Just Published
How to turn an RSS feed into a downloadable ebook with Feedbooks | eBooks Just Published: "It turns out Feedbooks provides a service that will turn any RSS feed into a downloadable ebook. You can then transfer the ebook to your e-reader and read it offline. Alternatively, you could convert it to an audiobook and listen to it offline. Using this service you can read your favourite blogs or news services offline. You can convert an RSS feed to ePub, Mobipocket/Kindle or PDF ebook formats."
Process Explorer
Process Explorer: "Ever wondered which program has a particular file or directory open? Now you can find out. Process Explorer shows you information about which handles and DLLs processes have opened or loaded."
Crystal Dew World - Software - CrystalDiskMark
Crystal Dew World - Software - CrystalDiskMark: "CrystalDiskMark is a disk benchmark software."
Crystal Dew World - Software - CrystalDiskInfo
Crystal Dew World - Software - CrystalDiskInfo: "A HDD/SSD utility software which supports S.M.A.R.T. and a part of USB-HDD."
|MG| DiskGetor Data Recovery Free 2.0 Download
|MG| DiskGetor Data Recovery Free 2.0 Download: "DiskGetor Data Recovery Free is a free hard drive recovery tool. Using the free disk recovery software you can recover deleted (word, excel, ppt, video, zip, photo) files which were erased to the Recycle Bin or deleted by shift+del on hard drive. Free rescue data (fast speed)."
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Sequim Washington Speed Traps | The National Speed Trap Exchange
Sequim Washington Speed Traps | The National Speed Trap Exchange
New, today, from the Sequim Web site at: On line since 2000.
New, today, from the Sequim Web site at: On line since 2000.
How to Build a Local Area Network Without a Router
How to Build a Local Area Network Without a Router
The most common functionality for a network without a router is to be self-contained and have no point in or out. This is a secure network as it has no connection to the Internet and is good for keeping two or three computers linked up for sharing financial documents or a QuickBooks database.
The most common functionality for a network without a router is to be self-contained and have no point in or out. This is a secure network as it has no connection to the Internet and is good for keeping two or three computers linked up for sharing financial documents or a QuickBooks database.
We can connect two computers directly with a cross-over cable and have a LAN without a router. Computer 1 can access computer 2’s resources, printers and file shares. Computer 2 can access computer 1’s resources as well but this setup limits you to having only two computers connected.
movist - Project Hosting on Google Code
movist - Project Hosting on Google Code
Movie player for MAC OS X
Movie player for MAC OS X
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
block a country, block by ip address, deny access by country
block a country, block by ip address, deny access by country: "Getting visitors you really don't want to have on your site?
You can now block them easily with our free blocking service. Simply select the countries you want to block from your website and press the 'Go' button.
Following, in step 3, .htaccess information is generated for you. Copy and past this generated code into your .htaccess document and visitors from the selected country will not be able to access your website."
You can now block them easily with our free blocking service. Simply select the countries you want to block from your website and press the 'Go' button.
Following, in step 3, .htaccess information is generated for you. Copy and past this generated code into your .htaccess document and visitors from the selected country will not be able to access your website."
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Monday, April 12, 2010
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Saturday, April 10, 2010
How-To: Spring Cleaning Time For Your PC
How-To: Spring Cleaning Time For Your PC: "How-To: Spring Cleaning Time For Your PC
by Devin Coldewey on Apr 10, 2010"
by Devin Coldewey on Apr 10, 2010" Download free DVD, iPod, YouTube video converter and editor software and freeware Download free DVD, iPod, YouTube video converter and editor software and freeware: "New Free Studio
Newly released Free Studio features updates of YouTube programs as well as of all converting software. Renewed Free YouTube Uploader is included into the current release."
Newly released Free Studio features updates of YouTube programs as well as of all converting software. Renewed Free YouTube Uploader is included into the current release."
Free Video Flip and Rotate: rotate video, flip video!
Free Video Flip and Rotate: rotate video, flip video!: "Free Video Flip and Rotate"
Lawnmower Class Action Settlement
About this Settlement
Lawnmower Class Action Settlement
Manufacturers misrepresented horsepower of mowers sold.
Lawnmower Class Action Settlement
Manufacturers misrepresented horsepower of mowers sold.
Cut MP3 Online with MP3 Cutter
Cut MP3 Online with MP3 Cutter: " is a simple Web 2.0 utility that enables you to cut out pieces of a MP3 files without having to decode that MP3. The tool cuts the MP3 at the frame level without losing the quality of your MP3."
Shapado - questions & answers
Shapado - questions & answers
Ask a question and they will find someone to answer.
Ask a question and they will find someone to answer.
Friday, April 9, 2010
BootRacer - Test your Windows boot speed
BootRacer - Test your Windows boot speed
Don't use this if you are a noob.
Don't use this if you are a noob.
Barcode Add In For Word And Excel Freeware - Barcode Add-in - Excel Barcode - Word Barcode
Barcode Add In For Word And Excel Freeware - Barcode Add-in - Excel Barcode - Word Barcode: ", Inc.'s description
Easily generate barcodes in Microsoft Word and Excel with this add-in. The add-in changes the selected data to a barcode when applied. In Excel, it may be used to convert an entire column or row of data into barcodes. This product may be used royalty free with a valid license to any of IDAutomation's Barcode Fonts. Barcodes supported include Code-39, ITF, Code-93, Code-128, UPC, EAN, GS1-128, MSI, USPS Postnet and Intelligent Mail as well as Universal and Databar."
Easily generate barcodes in Microsoft Word and Excel with this add-in. The add-in changes the selected data to a barcode when applied. In Excel, it may be used to convert an entire column or row of data into barcodes. This product may be used royalty free with a valid license to any of IDAutomation's Barcode Fonts. Barcodes supported include Code-39, ITF, Code-93, Code-128, UPC, EAN, GS1-128, MSI, USPS Postnet and Intelligent Mail as well as Universal and Databar."
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
ResearchBuzz » How To Scan Thousands of Tweets Without Tears
ResearchBuzz » How To Scan Thousands of Tweets Without Tears: "How To Scan Thousands of Tweets Without Tears"
Finland postal service to open mail and send scanned email copies - Telegraph
Finland postal service to open mail and send scanned email copies - Telegraph: "Finland postal service to open mail and send scanned email copies" "'It's time to move beyond spreadsheets and word processors, beyond web sites limited by browsers… to interactive, connected applications with incredible simplicity, speed, and fluidity.
'Bill Joy says the key to more performance is lower power. Over the next decade he sees 3 times better batteries, and 10 times lower power chips. So we should be able to run, for the same price, 30 times as much application... [and] storage.'
'They will be much more than personal computers. They'll be interpersonal surfaces and services. Working seamlessly, unobtrusively, and comfortably in the spaces between us, between you and me and others.'"
'Bill Joy says the key to more performance is lower power. Over the next decade he sees 3 times better batteries, and 10 times lower power chips. So we should be able to run, for the same price, 30 times as much application... [and] storage.'
'They will be much more than personal computers. They'll be interpersonal surfaces and services. Working seamlessly, unobtrusively, and comfortably in the spaces between us, between you and me and others.'"
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Monday, April 5, 2010
Download - LISTSERV Free Edition Email List Management software - L-Soft
Download - LISTSERV Free Edition Email List Management software - L-Soft: "LISTSERV Free Edition is a freeware version of LISTSERV Lite, limited to a maximum of 10 mailing lists with up to 500 subscribers each. It is available for users who want to run hobby or interest-based email lists and do not derive a profit, directly or indirectly, from using the software.
Please read the installation guide and follow the steps outlined below when downloading the software.
Available OS: Windows - Unix - Mac OS X - OpenVMS"
Please read the installation guide and follow the steps outlined below when downloading the software.
Available OS: Windows - Unix - Mac OS X - OpenVMS"
Organize your start menu with Tidy Start Menu. | dotTech
Organize your start menu with Tidy Start Menu. | dotTech: "Unless you specifically tell a program otherwise, most programs nowadays will add themselves to your start menu when you install them. If you navigate your start menu often you know how annoying it is to view the dozens (hundreds?) of entries there. If while reading those first two sentences you thought to yourself 'yep... that is me' then Tidy Start Menu is the program for:"
Nuxinov : Put your computer in the cloud
Nuxinov : Put your computer in the cloud: "For your data safety, we do not keep your files on our server.
Our platform is not a file server, neither an online storage service. That is why we transfer information, we don't keep it. Each time you explore a new folder or transfer a file, as soon as you received what you requested, every related files or information are automatically deleted from our server."
Our platform is not a file server, neither an online storage service. That is why we transfer information, we don't keep it. Each time you explore a new folder or transfer a file, as soon as you received what you requested, every related files or information are automatically deleted from our server."
Desktopify - Convert web widgets to desktop
Desktopify - Convert web widgets to desktop: "Bring your website to the desktop
Desktopify allows online businesses and webmasters to build stand-alone desktop widgets.
* No framework or Sidebar required
* Easy to install and lightweight
* Show HTML, Javascript, Flash content
* Fully interactive
* Instant Desktop Alerts"
Desktopify allows online businesses and webmasters to build stand-alone desktop widgets.
* No framework or Sidebar required
* Easy to install and lightweight
* Show HTML, Javascript, Flash content
* Fully interactive
* Instant Desktop Alerts"
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Printable Planners
Printable Planners: "Free Printable Planners
More than 270 planner and organizer refill pages you can download and print. Seven different sizes are available to fit many popular organizers by Franklin Covey, Day-Timer, Day Runner, and more. Choose from daily, weekly, and monthly calendars, contact lists, 'to do' lists, and others. Individual pages are available for free.
More than 270 planner and organizer refill pages you can download and print. Seven different sizes are available to fit many popular organizers by Franklin Covey, Day-Timer, Day Runner, and more. Choose from daily, weekly, and monthly calendars, contact lists, 'to do' lists, and others. Individual pages are available for free.
Object Fix Zip - Freeware for repairing damaged ZIP archives with bad CRC
Object Fix Zip - Freeware for repairing damaged ZIP archives with bad CRC: "Object FIX ZIP is a program for repairing Zip archive files. It can reconstruct a specified Zip file by creating a new Zip archive while recovering the contents of the faulty Zip file where possible.
This software is designed for testing, fixing and processing of corrupt or unusable ZIP archive files that are partially damaged or not completely downloaded."
This software is designed for testing, fixing and processing of corrupt or unusable ZIP archive files that are partially damaged or not completely downloaded."
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Stainless Steel Metal Spudger for Opening Watches and Electronics [E3342] :, Buy DVD, Shop for PC accessories, Discount MP3 Players, Bargain Deal for Surveillance Equipment, Cheap R4 for NDS, X-sim Unlock
Stainless Steel Metal Spudger for Opening Watches and Electronics [E3342] :, Buy DVD, Shop for PC accessories, Discount MP3 Players, Bargain Deal for Surveillance Equipment, Cheap R4 for NDS, X-sim Unlock: "Stainless Steel Metal Spudger for Opening Watches and Electronics"
Friday, April 2, 2010
7-Zip - Download
7-Zip - Download: "To extract and compress your files, 7-Zip is a perfectly viable alternative to the better known WinZip or WinRAR. The application works exactly like its main competitors yet manages to mix in WinZip’s selection of tools with WinRAR’s versatility.
The 7-Zip interface is similar to that of its competitors, with a main file manager and a command line to search and select files to extract or compress. The control panel is comprised of the essential buttons like extract, add and test, but also features copy, move and delete functions to allow you to manage your files. 7-Zip extracts and compresses files as fast as WinZip and WinRAR and handles the main archive formats like ZIP, TAR, RAR and ISO."
The 7-Zip interface is similar to that of its competitors, with a main file manager and a command line to search and select files to extract or compress. The control panel is comprised of the essential buttons like extract, add and test, but also features copy, move and delete functions to allow you to manage your files. 7-Zip extracts and compresses files as fast as WinZip and WinRAR and handles the main archive formats like ZIP, TAR, RAR and ISO." - Home - Home: "# Supports Windows Vista and Windows 7
# Find Wireless access points - Uses the Vista command 'netsh wlan show networks mode=bssid' to get wireless information
# GPS Support
# Export/Import access points from Vistumbler TXT/VS1/VSZ or Netstumbler TXT/Text NS1
# Export access point GPS locations to a google earth kml file or GPX(GPS eXchange format)
# Live Google Earth Tracking - Auto KML automatically shows access points in google earth.
# Speaks Signal Strength using sound files, windows sound api, or MIDI
# Open Source (GPLv2 License / Written in AutoIt Scripting Language)"
# Find Wireless access points - Uses the Vista command 'netsh wlan show networks mode=bssid' to get wireless information
# GPS Support
# Export/Import access points from Vistumbler TXT/VS1/VSZ or Netstumbler TXT/Text NS1
# Export access point GPS locations to a google earth kml file or GPX(GPS eXchange format)
# Live Google Earth Tracking - Auto KML automatically shows access points in google earth.
# Speaks Signal Strength using sound files, windows sound api, or MIDI
# Open Source (GPLv2 License / Written in AutoIt Scripting Language)"
Speed up that old PC -
Speed up that old PC -
It's not your imagination. That computer you bought a few years ago really is slower. Programs take longer to open and so do Web pages. Booting your machine takes an eternity. This doesn't necessarily mean it's time for a new computer. You just need to bring it back up to speed. I'll tell you how to do just that.
It's not your imagination. That computer you bought a few years ago really is slower. Programs take longer to open and so do Web pages. Booting your machine takes an eternity. This doesn't necessarily mean it's time for a new computer. You just need to bring it back up to speed. I'll tell you how to do just that.
The Portable Freeware Collection - Glint
The Portable Freeware Collection - Glint
Glint monitor shows system activity by making visible system performance counters in local or remote Windows PC. The utility displays up to 200 indicators, each showing data from a single system performance counter. Recent counter values can be also shown as graphs. The monitor also displays the most active processes in system in descending CPU activity order. System counter names and their last values are shown when hovering mouse cursor over the indicators.
Glint monitor shows system activity by making visible system performance counters in local or remote Windows PC. The utility displays up to 200 indicators, each showing data from a single system performance counter. Recent counter values can be also shown as graphs. The monitor also displays the most active processes in system in descending CPU activity order. System counter names and their last values are shown when hovering mouse cursor over the indicators.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Camera Failure Versus Price and Brand
Camera Failure Versus Price and Brand: "SquareTrade is a company that provides warranties for consumer electronics. As such, it has a good deal of data on digital cameras and, more specifically, how often they fail. After a three year study of over 60,000 new digital cameras, they’ve published a report with their findings." Feel free and safe to login using your email address, we'll keep it private and never send you anything you didn't ask for.
After you are logged in you can save your recurring tasks and we will remember the time of when you did them.
After you are logged in you can save your recurring tasks and we will remember the time of when you did them.
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