On line since JUNE of 2006.
USE SEARCH TOOL In top of column on the LEFT.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
themeleon :: Twitter Profile Designer by COLOURlovers
themeleon :: Twitter Profile Designer by COLOURlovers: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"
Website Speed Test
Website Speed Test: "Website Speed Test
Find out how fast your website loads. Too slow? Perhaps you need to optimize the page or move to a faster server. Tell a Friend
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
Find out how fast your website loads. Too slow? Perhaps you need to optimize the page or move to a faster server. Tell a Friend
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
10 Top iTunes Troubleshooting Tips & Tricks
10 Top iTunes Troubleshooting Tips & Tricks: "10 Top iTunes Troubleshooting Tips & Tricks
by Angela Alcorn on Aug. 30th, 2010
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
by Angela Alcorn on Aug. 30th, 2010
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
Monday, August 30, 2010
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Blank Jigsaw Puzzles
Blank Jigsaw Puzzles: "- Sent using Google Toolbar" Make your own, or use them blank. Nice brain-training.
Friday, August 27, 2010
Free Audio Books: Download Great Books for Free | Open Culture
Free Audio Books: Download Great Books for Free | Open Culture: "Free Audio Books: Download Great Books for Free
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
Leet Translator | 1337 Tr4n51470r | 1337Talk.com
Leet Translator | 1337 Tr4n51470r | 1337Talk.com: "- Sent using Google Toolbar" Translate text to LEET.
100+ Free Textbooks: A Meta Collection | Open Culture
100+ Free Textbooks: A Meta Collection | Open Culture: "100+ Free Textbooks: A Meta Collection
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
Turn Your PC into a Mutli-OS Powerhouse Running Windows, Mac and Linux Side by Side
Turn Your PC into a Mutli-OS Powerhouse Running Windows, Mac and Linux Side by Side: "Turn Your PC into a Mutli-OS Powerhouse Running Windows, Mac and Linux Side by Side
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Put Your System on a Diet: Replace Bloated Apps with Command-Line Alternatives
Put Your System on a Diet: Replace Bloated Apps with Command-Line Alternatives: "Put Your System on a Diet: Replace Bloated Apps with Command-Line Alternatives
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
10 Tips for the Aspiring Street Photographer
10 Tips for the Aspiring Street Photographer: "10 Tips for the Aspiring Street Photographer
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
8 Panorama Websites For A 360 Degree Virtual Tour Around The World
8 Panorama Websites For A 360 Degree Virtual Tour Around The World: "8 Panorama Websites For A 360 Degree Virtual Tour Around The World
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
Mapdget - Free - Create Map
Mapdget - Free - Create Map: "Add spots by clicking “Add a Spot”, fill in spot information, then see your map by clicking “Go to map”. Don't Close, Refresh or Leave this page before having saved your map.
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
MapTheWay.com - Home
MapTheWay.com - Home: "New to MaptheWay ?
Know about the maps you can propose to your visitors;
* MaptheWay lets you relocate spots - read more
* You can define your own categories of spot - read more
* Your maps are 3D - read more
* You can embed map in website or blogs or facebook - read more
* You can add areas to your spots - read more
* Your map can now be Web2 - read more
* You can add graphics, photos, links to your spots - read more
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
Know about the maps you can propose to your visitors;
* MaptheWay lets you relocate spots - read more
* You can define your own categories of spot - read more
* Your maps are 3D - read more
* You can embed map in website or blogs or facebook - read more
* You can add areas to your spots - read more
* Your map can now be Web2 - read more
* You can add graphics, photos, links to your spots - read more
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
Fillerama: A Futurama Themed Filler Text Generator
Fillerama: A Futurama Themed Filler Text Generator: "A lorem ipsum filler text generator, only with Futurama quotes.
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
Nice Entity — "Find your character!"
Nice Entity — "Find your character!": "- Sent using Google Toolbar" Punctuation, accents, shapes, symbols, math, etc.
Livescribe updates smartpen with new Echo - USATODAY.com
Livescribe updates smartpen with new Echo - USATODAY.com: "Watch a demonstration of the smartpen and hear students at UC Berkeley talk about its popularity.
Livescribe updates smartpen with new Echo
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
Livescribe updates smartpen with new Echo
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Free Flyer Templates
Free Flyer Templates: "Dozens of free flyer templates that you can download, customize, and print. Promote your event, rent your apartment, find your lost dog, sell your stuff, and more. Everybody will know what you've got to offer or what you're looking for with your customized printable free flyer.
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
Convert String To Hexadecimal Online
Convert String To Hexadecimal Online: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"
Mugtug | Browser Based Image Editing and Photo Sharing
Mugtug | Browser Based Image Editing and Photo Sharing: "Mugtug is a suite of photo editing software.
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
Convert PDF to Autocad Free Online
Convert PDF to Autocad Free Online: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"
Printable Calendar Templates - CalendarsQuick.com
Printable Calendar Templates - CalendarsQuick.com: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Create Synchronicity: an easy, fast, and lightweight backup and synchronization application
Create Synchronicity: an easy, fast, and lightweight backup and synchronization application: "Create Synchronicity is a powerful and lightweight open source backup and synchronization program, available in many languages. (What can it do?)
Create Synchronicity is especially light: zipped, it weights about 120kB (that's 20 times less than an average MP3 file). It makes the backup process extremely easy, while remainining fully customizable. (How do I use it?)
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
Create Synchronicity is especially light: zipped, it weights about 120kB (that's 20 times less than an average MP3 file). It makes the backup process extremely easy, while remainining fully customizable. (How do I use it?)
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
Stardock.com - Your Edge In Software
Stardock.com - Your Edge In Software: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"
5 Free Operating Systems You Maybe Never Realized Existed
5 Free Operating Systems You Maybe Never Realized Existed: "5 Free Operating Systems You Maybe Never Realized Existed
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
Freespire: "Freespire is a community-involved, Linux-based operating system that combines the best that free, open source software has to offer (community involved, freely distributed, open source code, etc.), but also provides users the choice of including proprietary codecs, drivers and applications as they see fit. With Freespire, the choice is yours as to what software is installed on your computer, with no limitations or restrictions placed on that choice. How you choose to maximize the performance of your computer is entirely up to you.
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
Calculator Mortgage, Mortgage Calculator, Loan Calculator, Tax Calculator
Calculator Mortgage, Mortgage Calculator, Loan Calculator, Tax Calculator: "CalcMoolator's Financial Calculators Save You Money
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
Monday, August 23, 2010
namebench - Project Hosting on Google Code
namebench - Project Hosting on Google Code: "Are you a power-user with 5 minutes to spare? Do you want a faster internet experience?
Try out namebench. It hunts down the fastest DNS servers available for your computer to use. namebench runs a fair and thorough benchmark using your web browser history, tcpdump output, or standardized datasets in order to provide an individualized recommendation. namebench is completely free and does not modify your system in any way. This project began as a 20% project at Google.
namebench runs on Mac OS X, Windows, and UNIX, and is available with a graphical user interface as well as a command-line interface.
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
Try out namebench. It hunts down the fastest DNS servers available for your computer to use. namebench runs a fair and thorough benchmark using your web browser history, tcpdump output, or standardized datasets in order to provide an individualized recommendation. namebench is completely free and does not modify your system in any way. This project began as a 20% project at Google.
namebench runs on Mac OS X, Windows, and UNIX, and is available with a graphical user interface as well as a command-line interface.
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Send To Dropbox - Email files to your Dropbox!
Send To Dropbox - Email files to your Dropbox!: "Ever wish you could email files to your Dropbox? Yeah, me too. So I wrote an application to do just that! It's free, fast, secure and super simple too. All you have to do is connect with Dropbox, get your unique email address, and start sending files! After a few minutes they will automatically appear in your 'Attachments' folder. We have some great features too, like automatic archive unzipping, folder organization, and plain text and html message copying, with more on the way! So what are you waiting for?
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Chop-Shop Workers and Bootstrappers: Chile Really Wants You
Chop-Shop Workers and Bootstrappers: Chile Really Wants You: "Chop-Shop Workers and Bootstrappers: Chile Really Wants You - How many more jobs will be out-sourced?
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
The Snazzy Napper - It's the SNAZZY way to sleep while you travel!
The Snazzy Napper - It's the SNAZZY way to sleep while you travel!: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"
We should have these on hand for certain meetings and discussions.
We should have these on hand for certain meetings and discussions.
tinymap - quick and easy maps
tinymap - quick and easy maps: "tinymap.net
easily create and share maps to anywhere.
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
easily create and share maps to anywhere.
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Vertor.com - Verified torrents. Download lastest high-quality torrents from vertor.
Vertor.com - Verified torrents. Download latest high-quality torrents from vertor.: "- Sent using Google Toolbar" Only use this for NON copyright files, please.
12 Tutorials for Getting Started with Adobe Illustrator
12 Tutorials for Getting Started with Adobe Illustrator: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"
PENINSULA POLL BACKGROUNDER: Jefferson, Clallam to get $6.5 million in stimulus funds for speedy Internet broadband -- Port Angeles Port Townsend Sequim Forks Jefferson County Clallam County Olympic Peninsula Daily NEWS
PENINSULA POLL BACKGROUNDER: Jefferson, Clallam to get $6.5 million in stimulus funds for speedy Internet broadband -- Port Angeles Port Townsend Sequim Forks Jefferson County Clallam County Olympic Peninsula Daily NEWS: "PENINSULA POLL BACKGROUNDER: Jefferson, Clallam to get $6.5 million in stimulus funds for speedy Internet broadband
The Associated Press
Commerce Secretary Gary Locke, former governor of Washington, speaks with reporters in Seattle.
By Jeff Chew
Peninsula Daily News
Jefferson and Clallam counties on Wednesday were awarded a total of $6.5 million in federal economic stimulus grant money that will ultimately bring high-speed broadband Internet to every corner of the North Olympic Peninsula.
U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gary Locke, former Washington governor, made the announcement at a Seattle news conference Wednesday morning, which was attended by Katherine Baril, Washington State University Port Hadlock extension executive director who oversees the Jefferson County's Team Jefferson economic development council.
'We are very excited. This is really big news,' Baril said of Jefferson County's $3.2 million share of the grant that a consortium of about 20 government and private partners applied for in April.
'We know how hard it is to grow jobs and businesses without infrastructure,' she said.
'For our grandfathers, that was the phone. For our parents, it was the train and interstate highway.
'But today, the most important things we could do to create new jobs was bring the Internet,' Baril said.
For Jefferson County, Baril said the grant will fund the 'middle mile,' where private companies were unwilling or unable to provide service.
'Similar to how this region funded Bonneville Power or the Interstate Highway, this project funds the [broadband fiber] backbone and makes it more feasible for private companies to step forward, tap the system and install the final mile to individual homes and businesses,' Baril said.
Baril said Northwest Open Access Network -- or NoaNet -- will work with Team Jefferson over the next year to design a high-speed loop to serve Jefferson County anchor institutions, including fire stations, community centers, schools and hospitals.
Once the hubs are installed they are virtually located where they can be accessed by local businesses and households to support new small business start up and job creation.
Jefferson County will be the first to receive connection and will include all the libraries, schools, community centers, fire and emergency management programs, Jefferson Healthcare hospital, WSU and city of Port Townsend, county and Port of Port Townsend.
Once hubs are installed with broadband access, then services can be expanded to businesses and households.
Also on Wednesday, NoaNet announced that it had received an additional federal grant award of more than $3 million to extend open access high-speed broadband service targeting public health, safety providers and low-income individuals in particular in the city of Port Angeles.
The benefits of this broadband initiative are far-reaching, said Fred Mitchell, manager of power supply and utility services for Clallam County Public Utility District and NoaNet board president.
He said the benefits include job creation, economic investment in rural areas and high-speed Internet access to northwest Washington schools, libraries, emergency responders, hospitals, government agencies, businesses and low-income people.
'Imagine a rural doctor in Forks consulting and sharing test results instantaneously with specialists at any major medical center in the world,' Mitchell said.
'This is a game-changer for Olympic Peninsula communities.'
The Peninsula is part of a broader effort involving $45 million in participant contributions and nearly $140 million in American Recovery and Reinvestment Act federal grants to construct more than 1,300 miles of new fiber optic cable for wholesale broadband service to 55 communities across 25 Washington state counties.
Besides public entities in Jefferson County, Baril said the grant also will lead to wireless connections, once a broadband fiber cable is laid from Brinnon to Port Townsend.
Jefferson County Public Utility District, a founding member of NoaNet, supported the grant application, with Team Jefferson organized a public partnership.
Work in both counties is expected to begin some time in 2011 after environmental assessment, engineering and design, and bidding and awarding contracts either to public or private contractors.
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
The Associated Press
Commerce Secretary Gary Locke, former governor of Washington, speaks with reporters in Seattle.
By Jeff Chew
Peninsula Daily News
Jefferson and Clallam counties on Wednesday were awarded a total of $6.5 million in federal economic stimulus grant money that will ultimately bring high-speed broadband Internet to every corner of the North Olympic Peninsula.
U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gary Locke, former Washington governor, made the announcement at a Seattle news conference Wednesday morning, which was attended by Katherine Baril, Washington State University Port Hadlock extension executive director who oversees the Jefferson County's Team Jefferson economic development council.
'We are very excited. This is really big news,' Baril said of Jefferson County's $3.2 million share of the grant that a consortium of about 20 government and private partners applied for in April.
'We know how hard it is to grow jobs and businesses without infrastructure,' she said.
'For our grandfathers, that was the phone. For our parents, it was the train and interstate highway.
'But today, the most important things we could do to create new jobs was bring the Internet,' Baril said.
For Jefferson County, Baril said the grant will fund the 'middle mile,' where private companies were unwilling or unable to provide service.
'Similar to how this region funded Bonneville Power or the Interstate Highway, this project funds the [broadband fiber] backbone and makes it more feasible for private companies to step forward, tap the system and install the final mile to individual homes and businesses,' Baril said.
Baril said Northwest Open Access Network -- or NoaNet -- will work with Team Jefferson over the next year to design a high-speed loop to serve Jefferson County anchor institutions, including fire stations, community centers, schools and hospitals.
Once the hubs are installed they are virtually located where they can be accessed by local businesses and households to support new small business start up and job creation.
Jefferson County will be the first to receive connection and will include all the libraries, schools, community centers, fire and emergency management programs, Jefferson Healthcare hospital, WSU and city of Port Townsend, county and Port of Port Townsend.
Once hubs are installed with broadband access, then services can be expanded to businesses and households.
Also on Wednesday, NoaNet announced that it had received an additional federal grant award of more than $3 million to extend open access high-speed broadband service targeting public health, safety providers and low-income individuals in particular in the city of Port Angeles.
The benefits of this broadband initiative are far-reaching, said Fred Mitchell, manager of power supply and utility services for Clallam County Public Utility District and NoaNet board president.
He said the benefits include job creation, economic investment in rural areas and high-speed Internet access to northwest Washington schools, libraries, emergency responders, hospitals, government agencies, businesses and low-income people.
'Imagine a rural doctor in Forks consulting and sharing test results instantaneously with specialists at any major medical center in the world,' Mitchell said.
'This is a game-changer for Olympic Peninsula communities.'
The Peninsula is part of a broader effort involving $45 million in participant contributions and nearly $140 million in American Recovery and Reinvestment Act federal grants to construct more than 1,300 miles of new fiber optic cable for wholesale broadband service to 55 communities across 25 Washington state counties.
Besides public entities in Jefferson County, Baril said the grant also will lead to wireless connections, once a broadband fiber cable is laid from Brinnon to Port Townsend.
Jefferson County Public Utility District, a founding member of NoaNet, supported the grant application, with Team Jefferson organized a public partnership.
Work in both counties is expected to begin some time in 2011 after environmental assessment, engineering and design, and bidding and awarding contracts either to public or private contractors.
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resizeMyBrowser - Web application
resizeMyBrowser - Web application: "- Sent using Google Toolbar" Good tool for web masters and newbies.
Font Squirrel | Handpicked free fonts for graphic designers with commercial-use licenses.
Font Squirrel | Handpicked free fonts for graphic designers with commercial-use licenses.: "Only the best commercial-
use free fonts
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
use free fonts
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Anthologize Anthologize is a free, open-source, plugin that transforms WordPress 3.0 into a platform for publishing electronic texts. Grab posts from your WordPress blog, import feeds from external sites, or create new content directly within Anthologize. Then outline, order, and edit your work, crafting it into a single volume for export in several formats, including—in this release—PDF, ePUB, TEI.
Please note that Anthologize cannot be installed on blogs hosted at WordPress.com.
Please note that Anthologize cannot be installed on blogs hosted at WordPress.com.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
PassMark Software - CPU Benchmark Charts
PassMark Software - CPU Benchmark Charts: "CPU Benchmarks - Over 200,000 CPUs and 1,000 models benchmarked
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
Monday, August 16, 2010
20 HTML Best Practices You Should Follow
20 HTML Best Practices You Should Follow: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"
DVD audio Tools
DVD audio Tools: "What is DVD-Audio?
DVD-Audio is a standard for storing uncompressed high quality stereo or multi-channel audio content on a standard DVD disk. Supported sampling frequencies range from 44.1KHz (the Red-Book CD Audio standard) up to 192KHz, with sampling depths of 16, 20 or 24 bits.
A single DVD can contain both DVD-Audio content (in the AUDIO_TS directory) and DVD-Video content (in the VIDEO_TS directory). Most DVD players only recognise and playback the VIDEO_TS content, but an increasing number of dual-format players can play the contents of the AUDIO_TS as well. Such players will display the DVD-Audio logo.
A single DVD-Audio disk is referred to as an Album. An Album can consist of up to 9 Groups, each containing up to 99 Tracks. In addition, the contents of the AUDIO_TS directory can contain references to objects in the VIDEO_TS directory (but not vice-versa).
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
DVD-Audio is a standard for storing uncompressed high quality stereo or multi-channel audio content on a standard DVD disk. Supported sampling frequencies range from 44.1KHz (the Red-Book CD Audio standard) up to 192KHz, with sampling depths of 16, 20 or 24 bits.
A single DVD can contain both DVD-Audio content (in the AUDIO_TS directory) and DVD-Video content (in the VIDEO_TS directory). Most DVD players only recognise and playback the VIDEO_TS content, but an increasing number of dual-format players can play the contents of the AUDIO_TS as well. Such players will display the DVD-Audio logo.
A single DVD-Audio disk is referred to as an Album. An Album can consist of up to 9 Groups, each containing up to 99 Tracks. In addition, the contents of the AUDIO_TS directory can contain references to objects in the VIDEO_TS directory (but not vice-versa).
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Alchemy | An open drawing project
Alchemy | An open drawing project: "Alchemy is an open drawing project aimed at exploring how we can sketch, draw, and create on computers in new ways. Alchemy isn’t software for creating finished artwork, but rather a sketching environment that focuses on the absolute initial stage of the creation process. Experimental in nature, Alchemy lets you brainstorm visually to explore an expanded range of ideas and possibilities in a serendipitous way.
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- Sent using Google Toolbar"
40 (NEW) Good Quality Adobe Photoshop Tutorials | blueblots.com
40 (NEW) Good Quality Adobe Photoshop Tutorials | blueblots.com: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Online free email verification,verify email address exist,check email address
Online free email verification,verify email address exist,check email address: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"
Thanks to Mr. M. in California for this one.
Thanks to Mr. M. in California for this one.
How To Share The Internet Connection Between Mac and PC
How To Share The Internet Connection Between Mac and PC: "- Sent using Google Toolbar" REDUX
Friday, August 13, 2010
JetAudio Basic – An Free Alternative Media Player To iTunes
JetAudio Basic – An Free Alternative Media Player To iTunes: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"
Textures library - free surfaces for 3ds Max, LightWave
Textures library - free surfaces for 3ds Max, LightWave: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Autotext - Clipboard Utility - Snippets Organizer
Autotext - Clipboard Utility - Snippets Organizer: "No more typing common phrases again!
Autotext clipboard utility
* Organize frequently used text snippets.
* Expand abbreviations as you type.
* Launch programs with text shortcuts.
* Auto-complete repetitive phrases.
* Quick access to the Windows Clipboard History.
* Correct spelling mistakes in any application.
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
Autotext clipboard utility
* Organize frequently used text snippets.
* Expand abbreviations as you type.
* Launch programs with text shortcuts.
* Auto-complete repetitive phrases.
* Quick access to the Windows Clipboard History.
* Correct spelling mistakes in any application.
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
3 Cool Tools To Find Out Who’s Tweeting Any Twitter Hashtag
3 Cool Tools To Find Out Who’s Tweeting Any Twitter Hashtag: "3 Cool Tools To Find Out Who’s Tweeting Any Twitter Hashtag
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
YouTube - Music Discovery Project
YouTube - Music Discovery Project: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"
WebProjector - free flash slideshow
WebProjector - free flash slideshow: "What the WebProjector is ?
WebProjector is Freeware slideshow based on Flex technology. Simply decompress downloaded archive and upload extracted files to your website account. All images and sound will be preloaded. No database required. Whole configuration was placed in easy editable XML file. Enjoy ;-).
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
WebProjector is Freeware slideshow based on Flex technology. Simply decompress downloaded archive and upload extracted files to your website account. All images and sound will be preloaded. No database required. Whole configuration was placed in easy editable XML file. Enjoy ;-).
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
Pattern and Texture
Pattern and Texture: "- Sent using Google Toolbar" Lots of templates for PowerPoint, etc.
Robots.txt Generator - McAnerin International Inc.
Robots.txt Generator - McAnerin International Inc.: "SEO Tools
Robot Control Code Generation Tool
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
Robot Control Code Generation Tool
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
IORAD, The Instructional Appliance
IORAD, The Instructional Appliance: "- Sent using Google Toolbar" Easy way to create application instructions.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
How To Create a Secure Wi-Fi Network | Mac|Life
How To Create a Secure Wi-Fi Network | Mac|Life: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"
Battle of the Streaming Music Services
Battle of the Streaming Music Services: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"
Monday, August 9, 2010
Getting Creative with Photoshop Learning Layers and Styles
Getting Creative with Photoshop Learning Layers and Styles: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"
IdiomDictionary.com – Online Idiom Dictionary
IdiomDictionary.com – Online Idiom Dictionary: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"
Sunday, August 8, 2010
5 Best Free Backup Software for Windows 7
5 Best Free Backup Software for Windows 7: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"
historious - your personalized search world
historious - your personalized search world: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"
TheGuideDB: Free Pdf Manual Search Engine
TheGuideDB: Free Pdf Manual Search Engine: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"
Saturday, August 7, 2010
What is WinImage
What is WinImage: "What is WinImage?
Regional mirror courtesy of
Internet.bs registrazione dominio
WinImage is a fully-fledged disk-imaging suite for easy creation, reading and editing of many image formats and fileystems, including DMF, VHD, FAT, ISO, NTFS and Linux. The disk image is an exact copy of a physical disk (floppy, CD-ROM, hard disk, USB, VHD disk, etc.) or a partition that preserves the original structure. With WinImage in place, you can recreate the disk image on the hard drive or other media, view its content, extract image-based files, add new files and directories, change the format, and defragment the image. All this and more is delivered in one intuitive user interface that enables imaging right out of the box.
The program has many utilitarian uses at home and in the office. As a serious PC user, you probably have tons of old but still useful floppy disks. With WinImage in place, you can turn them into disk images, which can be stored on the hard drive and recreated, when a need arises. In combination with a CD creating tool, WinImage can help you create your own custom boot disk with hardware diagnostic or virus cleaning software to bring a problem PC back up and running without being in Windows. As a hard-disk backup solution, WinImage allows you to save hours and even days restoring a system and configurations on a machine that has experienced a hard-disk crash or software corruption. Along with homes and offices, this ability is a must for training classes, where restoring torn down PC configurations quickly is critical.
WinImage is an ASP shareware program.
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
Regional mirror courtesy of
Internet.bs registrazione dominio
WinImage is a fully-fledged disk-imaging suite for easy creation, reading and editing of many image formats and fileystems, including DMF, VHD, FAT, ISO, NTFS and Linux. The disk image is an exact copy of a physical disk (floppy, CD-ROM, hard disk, USB, VHD disk, etc.) or a partition that preserves the original structure. With WinImage in place, you can recreate the disk image on the hard drive or other media, view its content, extract image-based files, add new files and directories, change the format, and defragment the image. All this and more is delivered in one intuitive user interface that enables imaging right out of the box.
The program has many utilitarian uses at home and in the office. As a serious PC user, you probably have tons of old but still useful floppy disks. With WinImage in place, you can turn them into disk images, which can be stored on the hard drive and recreated, when a need arises. In combination with a CD creating tool, WinImage can help you create your own custom boot disk with hardware diagnostic or virus cleaning software to bring a problem PC back up and running without being in Windows. As a hard-disk backup solution, WinImage allows you to save hours and even days restoring a system and configurations on a machine that has experienced a hard-disk crash or software corruption. Along with homes and offices, this ability is a must for training classes, where restoring torn down PC configurations quickly is critical.
WinImage is an ASP shareware program.
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How to Copy a Whiteboard With Your Digital Camera or Camera Phone - wikiHow
How to Copy a Whiteboard With Your Digital Camera or Camera Phone - wikiHow: "How to Copy a Whiteboard With Your Digital Camera or Camera Phone
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
Web Template Designer - Cool Template
Web Template Designer - Cool Template: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"
SnapClean.me - Dead Simple Photo Cleanup
SnapClean.me - Dead Simple Photo Cleanup: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"
Friday, August 6, 2010
How to Listen to a WMD File on a Mac and to Convert it to MP3 - No Additional Software Required! - The Internet Patrol
How to Listen to a WMD File on a Mac and to Convert it to MP3 - No Additional Software Required! - The Internet Patrol: "More and more audio files are showing up on the Internet in WMD format, which means that you need to convert those WMD files to listen to them on your Mac or MP3 player. This is particularly true for audio books, which frequently are downloaded as a WMD file. WMD is a format used by Microsoft’s media software, and unless you want to install the Microsoft software on your Mac in order to listen to your WMD file, you are going to have to convert that WMD file in order to listen to it. Fortunately, it’s actually really easy to convert a WMD file to listen to it on a Mac, and to create MP3s of the file so that you can listen on your iPod, iPad, or other MP3 player.
Here’s the deal: a WMD file is really nothing more than Microsoft’s version of a zip archive. It contains the sound files, as MP3 files, and a couple of other extraneous (for our purposes) files.
So, all you have to do to access and listen to the sound files in your WMD sound file is rename it from .WMD to .zip, and open it with whatever unzipping (de-archiving) program you already have on your computer!
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
Here’s the deal: a WMD file is really nothing more than Microsoft’s version of a zip archive. It contains the sound files, as MP3 files, and a couple of other extraneous (for our purposes) files.
So, all you have to do to access and listen to the sound files in your WMD sound file is rename it from .WMD to .zip, and open it with whatever unzipping (de-archiving) program you already have on your computer!
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Convert HTML to PDF | Online HTML to PDF API
Convert HTML to PDF | Online HTML to PDF API: "Convert HTML to PDF
Create PDF from web pages or raw HTML code
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
Create PDF from web pages or raw HTML code
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Contacts Add-On Brings Your Web Address Books into Thunderbird
Contacts Add-On Brings Your Web Address Books into Thunderbird: "Thunderbird 3.1 only: Contacts is Mozilla's nifty Labs project that compiles and manages all your web address books in Firefox, and now it's made the logical leap into Mozilla's email client, Thunderbird. It's a really convenient syncing tool for your desktop email.
Just like its Firefox counterpart, Contacts gives you a place to merge your local Thunderbird address book with your contacts already compiled in Google or Yahoo mail, but also Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Plaxo, and your system's native address book. It keeps them all in sync after the initial setup, and it's pretty smart about combining contacts with their different profiles across social networks.
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
Just like its Firefox counterpart, Contacts gives you a place to merge your local Thunderbird address book with your contacts already compiled in Google or Yahoo mail, but also Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Plaxo, and your system's native address book. It keeps them all in sync after the initial setup, and it's pretty smart about combining contacts with their different profiles across social networks.
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
Fidgeting and Doodling Could Be Unconscious Focus Tools
Fidgeting and Doodling Could Be Unconscious Focus Tools: "Fidgeting and Doodling Could Be Unconscious Focus Tools
I know someone who doodles all the time at work.
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
I know someone who doodles all the time at work.
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Google Adds Multiple Sign-In to Gmail | News & Opinion | PCMag.com
Google Adds Multiple Sign-In to Gmail | News & Opinion | PCMag.com: "Those of you with several Gmail accounts, take note. Google on Thursday officially enabled multiple sign-ins, which will let users switch back and forth between Gmail accounts without going through the sign-in procedure.
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
YouTube - Lso's Channel
YouTube - Lso's Channel: "- Sent using Google Toolbar" London Symphony channel on You Tube.
YouTube - TheGreatPerformers's Channel
YouTube - TheGreatPerformers's Channel: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"
Widgetbox › World's best place to find and make web widgets
Widgetbox › World's best place to find and make web widgets: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"
How To Embed an RSS Feed On Your Website or Blog?
How To Embed an RSS Feed On Your Website or Blog?: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"
Label template, Microsoft office templates for Word
Label template, Microsoft office templates for Word: "Label Templates - Free in Word .doc, PDF, EPS and other formats.
Easily download free 8.5' x 11' label templates for laser and inkjet printing. We offer a complete collection of label templates including popular CD label templates, standard template sizes similar in layout to Avery®, as well as templates for address, mailing, shipping, round, audio cassette, VHS and diskettes.
PDF templates (viewable using Adobe Acrobat Reader) – These template formats can be used in graphic programs such as Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign, Quark Express and several others. If you plan to print out the template you’ll need to uncheck 'fit to page' in the print options or the image will be smaller than actual size. For Palm users, please use PDF files. Requirements: Acrobat Reader for Palm.
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
Easily download free 8.5' x 11' label templates for laser and inkjet printing. We offer a complete collection of label templates including popular CD label templates, standard template sizes similar in layout to Avery®, as well as templates for address, mailing, shipping, round, audio cassette, VHS and diskettes.
PDF templates (viewable using Adobe Acrobat Reader) – These template formats can be used in graphic programs such as Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign, Quark Express and several others. If you plan to print out the template you’ll need to uncheck 'fit to page' in the print options or the image will be smaller than actual size. For Palm users, please use PDF files. Requirements: Acrobat Reader for Palm.
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Extending wireless with a 2nd, spare router
I set the IP address of my 2nd router as 192.168.1.x with "X" being outside the first or present router's address range. I turned off the DHCP on the spare router and plugged my wireless cable FROM the original router into the LAN port (not the uplink port) of the spare. This gave me additional wireless range, as the spare router was placed nearer the back of the house. I get a full signal in the garage behind the house, from the spare router. -tp.
Help Key: Watch Netflix from outside the U.S.
Help Key: Watch Netflix from outside the U.S.: "Help Key: Watch Netflix from outside the U.S.
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- Sent using Google Toolbar"
How to Migrate Your Entire Google Account to a New One
How to Migrate Your Entire Google Account to a New One: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"
CleanHaven: "CleanHaven is a program designed to make the cleaning of text much easier. The cleaned text can be reset as the main text with additional cleaning performed. Once finished the cleaned text is available from the global cleaned text window. You may want CleanHaven to make changes to thousands of lines of contact details before importing into CRMHaven. For example you can turn all company names to Sentence Case, all UK postcodes to Uppercase or remove any trailing spaces, tabs or punctuation. Copy a column of data from Excel, clean it, then paste it back into Excel.
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- Sent using Google Toolbar"
How To Scan Thousands of Tweets Without Tears — ResearchBuzz
How To Scan Thousands of Tweets Without Tears — ResearchBuzz: "How To Scan Thousands of Tweets Without Tears
by ResearchBuzz on April 7, 2010
Over the weekend I wrote a post about Twitter and cruft. While I love Twitter, I hated the cruft that I had to wade through when trying to follow Twitter lists for information.
After I wrote the post I found a JavaScript solution and included that in my writeup. I also heard from Hanan Cohen, who’s put together his own PHP solution. But the problem was really bothering me, so I spent this past weekend trying to figure out a way to get a single overview of the several Twitter lists I follow, with as much cruft removed as possible, so that I can easily scan through it and find the good stuff. And I think I’ve made a good start on a solution. Here’s what I did:
1) First, I ListiMonkey’d. ListiMonkey is a service that will e-mail you the contents of any Twitter list you specify. You can set up how often you want to get a list of tweets, and you can specify how often you want to receive them. You’ll receive up to 100 tweets per e-mail. You can do some preliminary filtering through ListiMonkey, though I found there was a limit to how many terms I could filter. Every e-mail I got (maybe 300-400 a day) went into a text file.
2) Next, I TextPipe’d. I took my one day’s worth of tweets from Twitter lists (a big text file) and fed it to a software program called TextPipe, which describes itself as an “industrial strength text transformation, conversion, cleansing and extraction workbench.” Using TextPipe I stripped out all the HTML, removed all duplicate lines (every tweet is on its own line), removed all lines that had cruft I didn’t want (filtering out two or three dozen keywords) and then output it to a nice, clean, much smaller text file.
3) Then, I TEA’d. Using the TEA Text Editor, I scanned through the list of remaining Tweets, deleting the tweet-lines I didn’t want to review further. After I was done with that I used TEA’s HTML tools to convert the list of leftover, “to be looked at further” tweets into an HTML document.
4) At this Point, I Converted. TEA can turn the list into an HTML file, but the problem remains that the links are unclickable. So my last step was to go to David Weinberger’s Convert URL’s to Hyperlinks utility and turn my basic HTML file into a basic HTML file with clickable URLs.
5) Finally, I Firefox’d. I opened this HTML file in Firefox and quickly opened and scanned through the tweets I had put aside for further review.
Going through these steps is going to let me review a lot of content from a lot of lists and save me a tremendous amount of time.
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
by ResearchBuzz on April 7, 2010
Over the weekend I wrote a post about Twitter and cruft. While I love Twitter, I hated the cruft that I had to wade through when trying to follow Twitter lists for information.
After I wrote the post I found a JavaScript solution and included that in my writeup. I also heard from Hanan Cohen, who’s put together his own PHP solution. But the problem was really bothering me, so I spent this past weekend trying to figure out a way to get a single overview of the several Twitter lists I follow, with as much cruft removed as possible, so that I can easily scan through it and find the good stuff. And I think I’ve made a good start on a solution. Here’s what I did:
1) First, I ListiMonkey’d. ListiMonkey is a service that will e-mail you the contents of any Twitter list you specify. You can set up how often you want to get a list of tweets, and you can specify how often you want to receive them. You’ll receive up to 100 tweets per e-mail. You can do some preliminary filtering through ListiMonkey, though I found there was a limit to how many terms I could filter. Every e-mail I got (maybe 300-400 a day) went into a text file.
2) Next, I TextPipe’d. I took my one day’s worth of tweets from Twitter lists (a big text file) and fed it to a software program called TextPipe, which describes itself as an “industrial strength text transformation, conversion, cleansing and extraction workbench.” Using TextPipe I stripped out all the HTML, removed all duplicate lines (every tweet is on its own line), removed all lines that had cruft I didn’t want (filtering out two or three dozen keywords) and then output it to a nice, clean, much smaller text file.
3) Then, I TEA’d. Using the TEA Text Editor, I scanned through the list of remaining Tweets, deleting the tweet-lines I didn’t want to review further. After I was done with that I used TEA’s HTML tools to convert the list of leftover, “to be looked at further” tweets into an HTML document.
4) At this Point, I Converted. TEA can turn the list into an HTML file, but the problem remains that the links are unclickable. So my last step was to go to David Weinberger’s Convert URL’s to Hyperlinks utility and turn my basic HTML file into a basic HTML file with clickable URLs.
5) Finally, I Firefox’d. I opened this HTML file in Firefox and quickly opened and scanned through the tweets I had put aside for further review.
Going through these steps is going to let me review a lot of content from a lot of lists and save me a tremendous amount of time.
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
Free Photo Slideshow Software - Make a DVD Slideshow or Share Online
Free Photo Slideshow Software - Make a DVD Slideshow or Share Online: "PhotoStage Slideshow Software
Create your own photo slideshow movies
Hey. It's summer, and lots of pictures are being taken. Prep them for friends and family by creativing a slideshow on DVD for them. Add video, sound, narration, effects, etc.
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Create your own photo slideshow movies
Hey. It's summer, and lots of pictures are being taken. Prep them for friends and family by creativing a slideshow on DVD for them. Add video, sound, narration, effects, etc.
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5 Things You Must Check Before Disposing of Old Computers
5 Things You Must Check Before Disposing of Old Computers: "5 Things You Must Check Before Disposing of Old Computers
by Tina on Aug. 3rd, 2010
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by Tina on Aug. 3rd, 2010
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
fur.ly | shorten multiple urls into one
fur.ly | shorten multiple urls into one: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
HOW TO: Get the Most Out of Twitter #Hashtags
HOW TO: Get the Most Out of Twitter #Hashtags: "Using hashtags
Although not terribly complicated, hashtags have some unwritten rules. The primary one to remember: don’t overuse them. If every one of your tweets IS a hashtag, you dilute the usefulness of them by fragmenting the conversation. In addition, many people will shy away from you because it seems spammy.
Another simple tip: give your hashtag context. Most people won’t actually know what your hashtag means, so give a quick explanation in one of your tweets or, if you’re making a hashtag, make it very apparent what it’s talking about.
Finally, if you’re looking to create a hashtag, be sure that it adds value for yourself and your followers. The best way to utilize them is when you need to organize information. Conferences, major events, and even reminders (i.e. #todo) can help organize specific tweets and make life easier on you and your followers
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Although not terribly complicated, hashtags have some unwritten rules. The primary one to remember: don’t overuse them. If every one of your tweets IS a hashtag, you dilute the usefulness of them by fragmenting the conversation. In addition, many people will shy away from you because it seems spammy.
Another simple tip: give your hashtag context. Most people won’t actually know what your hashtag means, so give a quick explanation in one of your tweets or, if you’re making a hashtag, make it very apparent what it’s talking about.
Finally, if you’re looking to create a hashtag, be sure that it adds value for yourself and your followers. The best way to utilize them is when you need to organize information. Conferences, major events, and even reminders (i.e. #todo) can help organize specific tweets and make life easier on you and your followers
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Monday, August 2, 2010
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany reviews his marching troops, Germany.
Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany reviews his marching troops, Germany.
Lots of old images on this site. Search by year, etc. -tp.
Lots of old images on this site. Search by year, etc. -tp.
BlipSnips. Video Tagging, Queuing, Sharing.
BlipSnips. Video Tagging, Queuing, Sharing.
Make Your Own!
Share Video Better
Fifteen Seconds of Perfect Video
trapped in five minutes of fuzzy raw footage
* Link your parents straight to your daughter's first steps
* Send all your followers to the very moment you crossed the finish line
* Add a tag to that crazy cat/trampoline thing at 49 seconds in
Make Your Own!
Share Video Better
Fifteen Seconds of Perfect Video
trapped in five minutes of fuzzy raw footage
* Link your parents straight to your daughter's first steps
* Send all your followers to the very moment you crossed the finish line
* Add a tag to that crazy cat/trampoline thing at 49 seconds in
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- Moving & storage Labels: free complete template ki...
- Extending wireless with a 2nd, spare router
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