Saturday, April 30, 2011

HSL Color Picker - by Brandon Mathis

HSL Color Picker - by Brandon Mathis: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"


SoundBoard: "The SoundBoard loads up to eighteen .wav files, and allows you to play them at the click of a button. Each sound clips can be renamed have its volume set, and a position chosen. This configuration can be saved, and loaded so that your SFX are always instantly available and at the correct volume and position. Six 'favourite' sound schemes can be chosen so that they can be quickly retrieved.

- Sent using Google Toolbar"

Record & Share your PowerPoint presentations |

Record & Share your PowerPoint presentations | "- Sent using Google Toolbar"

Download Printer Settings Utility 1.00 Free - A handy printer management application - Softpedia

Download Printer Settings Utility 1.00 Free - A handy printer management application - Softpedia: "Printer Settings Utility lets you view and change printer settings from your computer's screen via USB connection.

It will enable you to easily configure the running options of the connected printing devices. All need is an USB printer connected to your computer and Printer Settings Utility will help you check the configurations and create new ones on the spot.

- Sent using Google Toolbar"

Friday, April 29, 2011

Your options for multiple-word searches w/Google

Bates InfoTips
Google Gets AROUND

I recently started playing around with one of Google's lesser-known features, the AROUND proximity operator. Google's AROUND syntax lets you specify how close you want two terms to appear in a web site. This can be particularly useful if you are looking for two topics that may often appear on the same page but not in relation to each other.

Your options for multiple-word searches are usually to look for web pages that contain both words anywhere on the page or either word on the page, or to restrict the search to pages in which the two words are adjacent. Now you can also specify that two words or phrases must be no more than, say, 5 words apart. The syntax is search-word AROUND(x) search-word - replacing "x" with the maximum number of words you want between the two search terms or phrases. (Be sure you type AROUND in all caps; otherwise, Google treats it as just another search term.)
How does this work in real life? I was recently working on a project analyzing the impact on the workplace of the arrival of digital natives (those who have grown up with digital technology). A search for "digital natives" workplace turned up useful information, but I had to wade through a fair amount of irrelevant material in which the phrase digital natives and the word workplace both appeared, but not in the appropriate context. When I changed my search to "digital natives" AROUND(6) workplace, the results were more focused on what I had in mind. The difference wasn't dramatic but the results were definitely better.

For straightforward, just-get-me-the-answer searches, the AROUND feature probably will not improve your search results noticaably. The query ipad review returns roughly the same number of useful results as the query ipad AROUND(4) review, for example. Since Google factors in the proximity of search terms in calculating the relevance of each page, most of the top results will naturally have your search terms relatively close to each other. The value of AROUND emerges when you are looking for the intersection of two concepts that do not frequently appear near each other.

"May I publish or reproduce this InfoTip?" Be my guest! Just credit the source, Bates Information Services, and include the URL,


Reading Email Headers

Reading Email Headers: "Reading Email Headers

- Sent using Google Toolbar"

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Replicator 10.5 freeware | UpFlySoft

Replicator 10.5 freeware | UpFlySoft: "10 Latest Freeware Releases. Replicator 10.5 (2011-04-22) update The Replicator lets you distribute large numbers of files to many people. GetGo Download Manager 4.7.2 …Free downloadable midi replicator mac programs like … 15.0 MB License: Freeware … Downloads: 16 Size: 10.5 MB License: SharewareDownload audio players freeware. Free CD Replicator is designed to ensure that you can convert … Released: 04/15/2007; Filesize: 10.5 MB; …

The Replicator lets you distribute large numbers of files to many people efficiently. The software automatically downloads just the changed files and deletes ones no longer part of the distribution. Unlike other similar tools, all it requires is an ordinary HTTP website. It requires no code to run on the server. It can also work with CDs, and LANs. Custom configured for each customer. Not free. Registration includes help in setting.

- Sent using Google Toolbar"

Downloading Open Source Software? Watch Out For The Crapware… [News]

Downloading Open Source Software? Watch Out For The Crapware… [News]: "Downloading Open Source Software? Watch Out For The Crapware… [News]

- Sent using Google Toolbar"

Full Text RSS Feed // Get the whole feed and nothing but the feed

Full Text RSS Feed // Get the whole feed and nothing but the feed: "Regain control by entering the URL of a feed below and clicking the submit button to receive a full-text feed URL you can use anywhere.

- Sent using Google Toolbar"

Sign, edit, and fax documents online | HelloFax

Sign, edit, and fax documents online | HelloFax: "Send & Receive Faxes from your Computer
Pick your own fax number. Takes 30 seconds. Send five, free.

- Sent using Google Toolbar"

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

PrimaryWall - Web based sticky notes for schools

PrimaryWall - Web based sticky notes for schools: "PrimaryWall
© Primary Technology 2011 Beta Boos
PrimaryWall is a web-based sticky note tool designed for schools that allows pupils and teachers to work together in real-time

- Sent using Google Toolbar"

Windows Startup Manager Programs Launch

Windows Startup Manager Programs Launch: "LaunchMeNot allows you full control over your start-up applications, and has the ability to wait before launching an application or cancel the launch altogether, making life easier for such users.

The application can be operated from anywhere within Windows, making it a handy tool in the event of crashes or required quick reboots. It can add tasks instantaneously to start-up and allows you to cancel any task so that wait times after reboot are reduced.

- Sent using Google Toolbar"

Google Webmaster Training Course

Google Webmaster Training Course: "Google Webmaster is a free Web application provided by Google for Website developers. For anyone who has created a Website it is very important that all the pages on the Website are indexed on Google for search engine optimization. This free online course explains in a step by step manner how to index Web pages on a Website using Google Webmaster. This is an ideal follow-on course for anyone who has completed our Web development courses, and who now wants to learn more about search engine optimization.

- Sent using Google Toolbar"

Phoebe Snow - Love Makes A Woman -

Phoebe Snow - Love Makes A Woman - "- Sent using Google Toolbar" Phoebe Snow has made her final note. Bye, Phoebe.

Diagramly - Draw Diagrams Online

Diagramly - Draw Diagrams Online: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"

The best workout songs and playlists for your running pace -

The best workout songs and playlists for your running pace - "- Sent using Google Toolbar"

F.lux: software to make your life better

F.lux: software to make your life better: "- Sent using Google Toolbar" Your computer screen adapts to time of day.

Monday, April 25, 2011

I've gotten visitors from 85 countries to my BLOG, as of today.

DVDStyler 1.8.3 freeware | UpFlySoft

DVDStyler 1.8.3 freeware | UpFlySoft: "DVDStyler is a cross-platform free DVD authoring … freeware … Download Now! DVDStyler-1.8.3 Bandwidth by WebHostSearchDVDStyler is a cross-platform free DVD authoring application for the creation of professional-looking DVDs. It allows not only burning of video files on DVD that can be …freeware … DVDStyler 1.8.3 Released! Details Created on Saturday, 02 April 2011 18:30

- Sent using Google Toolbar"

FoxTab :: Audio Converter

FoxTab :: Audio Converter: "FoxTab Audio Converter Tool is the ultimater and best solution for all kinds of audio conversion needs. It enables you to acheive your desires without having all the media format incompatibilities.

- Sent using Google Toolbar"

Condolences to the family of Karen Kenworthy of Karen's Power Tools

Dear Friends, I suspect that many of you have noticed that the last issue of Karen's Power Tools Newsletter was dated March 17, 2010, and you may have been anxiously awaiting another. It is with great sadness that I write to tell you of Karen's death on April 12, 2011, after a long struggle with several debilitations, including diabetes. I know that Karen touched many of you with her kindness,
wit, creativity and encouragement. She was a loving daughter, sister, aunt and friend. And she was a pretty darned good programmer, too. We are deeply grieving her loss. For now, Karen's server is still running, the programs she has written can still be downloaded, and donations can still be made through the website. We are also working to fill all CD orders that have been submitted or mailed. It is difficult to make business decisions while grieving. So, at this point, I cannot say what will be the future of, except to say that we will certainly continue Karen's commitment to safeguard your privacy as shown at the Privacy link of Many of you have already written many kinds words of condolence and comfort. Please know that we greatly appreciate you. If you care to make a contribution in her honor, she was a long-time supporter of The Dohnavur Fellowship, a special children's ministry in southern India. You can learn more about them at All we ask is that you remember her whenever you take the case off of your computer, contemplate removing entries from your Windows Registry, listen to Bob Wills or Riders in the Sky, or wave and say "Hi!" to anyone on the 'net. May God richly bless you, as He has all those who knew Karen.
-Bill Kenworthy
Karen's brother

the Awesome Highlighter >> Highlight text on web pages

the Awesome Highlighter >> Highlight text on web pages: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"

Create stories using social media -

Create stories using social media - "stor·i·fy|stôrəfī|
verb [trans.]

To form or tell stories of;
to narrate or describe in a story.
To make stories using social media.

- Sent using Google Toolbar"

home - BagTheWeb

home - BagTheWeb: "Find, Bag, Share
Build Networked Curation

BagTheWeb helps users curate Web content. For any topic, you can create a 'bag' to collect, publish, and share any content from the Web.

Beyond most curation tools' capability, BagTheWeb enables users to build networks of bags. This way bags can be linked together to provide rich and complete information about any topic.

Twitter Cluelessness : The World :: American Express OPEN Forum

Twitter Cluelessness : The World :: American Express OPEN Forum: "Twitter Cluelessness

- Sent using Google Toolbar"

Divvr - Unique Drawing Application

Divvr - Unique Drawing Application Very fast. On line. Try it.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

User Interface I (Alan Kay) | Berkeley Computer Science Lecture

User Interface I (Alan Kay) | Berkeley Computer Science Lecture: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"

Video: Google’s Data Center Security « Data Center Knowledge

Video: Google’s Data Center Security « Data Center Knowledge: "mark there’s the briefest of glimpses of the data center area, which shows tape libraries. This video runs about 7 minutes.

- Sent using Google Toolbar"

Greetings to my brothers and sisters in INDIA

I see that many people from India visit my BLOG.  I appreciate it.  Thank you.


Download Folder Lister (MAC) 1.0 Generate a list report for a select... - Softepic

Download Folder Lister (MAC) 1.0 Generate a list report for a select... - Softepic: "Generate a list report for a selected folder on your MacFolder Lister is a free and easy to use Macintosh application which allows the user to generate a report that lists all the files inside a selected folder. Folder Lister will also allow you

- Sent using Google Toolbar"

Resize, convert, split your images online - Jimpl Image Splitter

Resize, convert, split your images online - Jimpl Image Splitter: "Online image resizer
Online image converter
Online image splitter
Online image crop
Bmp, jpg, jpeg, png, gif, ico are supported
Customize number of rows and columns
Free and no registration
No limit on the number of images to proccess

- Sent using Google Toolbar"

Gunfollow - When simply unfollowing someone is not enough, send them a message.

Gunfollow - When simply unfollowing someone is not enough, send them a message.: "When simply unfollowing someone is not enough, send them a message.

- Sent using Google Toolbar"

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Tab Candy: Making Firefox Tabs Sweet « Aza on Design

Tab Candy: Making Firefox Tabs Sweet « Aza on Design: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"

NirSoft - freeware utilities: password recovery, system utilities, desktop utilities

NirSoft - freeware utilities: password recovery, system utilities, desktop utilities: "NirSoft web site provides a unique collection of small and useful freeware utilities, all of them developed by Nir Sofer.
Password recover, network tools, etc.

- Sent using Google Toolbar" "This is a tool designed to assist in sending sensitive information through email.

For example, you can send a username through email, save a password with us, and feel comfortable sharing user credentials because all the information is not in a single location.

- Sent using Google Toolbar" Digital Audio Recorder DAR Digital Audio Recorder DAR: "Record, play and pause your favorite radio using DAR

- Sent using Google Toolbar"

Free Online PDF Converter, Batch Convert to PDF or Image, Doc Converter, PDF Printer.

Free Online PDF Converter, Batch Convert to PDF or Image, Doc Converter, PDF Printer.: "Neevia Document Converter makes it possible for anyone to instantly convert many of the file formats that are used daily to PDF or Image. No need to install anything on your computer. Simply upload the file and select your delivery method.

- Sent using Google Toolbar"

Friday, April 22, 2011

Learning from Amazon's cloud collapse -

Learning from Amazon's cloud collapse - "(Mashable) -- Call it Cloudgate, Cloudpocalyse or whatever you'd like, but the extended collapse of Amazon Elastic Cloud Compute (EC2) is both a setback for cloud computing and an opportunity for us to figure out how to stop it from happening again.

- Sent using Google Toolbar"

How to Jump Ship from GoDaddy to a Better Web Host and Registrar

How to Jump Ship from GoDaddy to a Better Web Host and Registrar: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"

IP address can now pin down your location to within a half mile

IP address can now pin down your location to within a half mile:
By Thomas Lowenthal | Last updated about 3 hours ago

- Sent using Google Toolbar"

Belarc Advisor - Free Personal PC Audit

Belarc Advisor - Free Personal PC Audit: "Belarc Advisor - Free Personal PC Audit (Version 8.1p)
Download Belarc Advisor | Download Tips | Frequently Asked Questions Remember this product? It's a good one. Thanks to G. Molitor for the tip.

Belarc Advisor The Belarc Advisor builds a detailed profile of your installed software and hardware, missing Microsoft hotfixes, anti-virus status, CIS (Center for Internet Security) benchmarks, and displays the results in your Web browser. All of your PC profile information is kept private on your PC and is not sent to any web server.

Operating Systems: Runs on Windows 7, 2008 R2, Vista, 2008, 2003, XP, 2000, NT 4, Me, 98, and 95. Both 32-bit and 64-bit Windows is supported.
Browsers: Runs on Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Opera, and many others.
File size: 2502 KB.
License: The license associated with this product allows for free personal use only. Use on multiple PCs in a corporate, educational, military or government installation is prohibited. See the license agreement for details.
Wish to run the Belarc Advisor on your corporate network, see FAQs below.

- Sent using Google Toolbar"

Emailerr: Turn email into an image for protection against spambots

Emailerr: Turn email into an image for protection against spambots: "Emailerr: Turn email into an image for protection against spambots

- Sent using Google Toolbar"

buncha maps.

buncha maps.: "- Sent using Google Toolbar" Four different maps of the same place. Compare and pick.

Create Curriculum Vitae or Resume online easily |

Create Curriculum Vitae or Resume online easily | "Notepaper
It helps you create a CV online!
Your CV's just 3 simple steps away:

· Submit your information
· Choose template
· Download CV

- Sent using Google Toolbar"

Hunch Blog | Blog Archive | Mac vs. PC: A Hunch Rematch

Hunch Blog | Blog Archive | Mac vs. PC: A Hunch Rematch:
Mac vs. PC: A Hunch Rematch

Our latest data project was to analyze how self-described Mac and PC people are different. The infographic below, designed by the talented folks at Column Five Media, breaks it down. Keep reading after the Infographic for more background and analysis, including some comparisons to findings from 18 months ago when we first looked at this issue.

- Sent using Google Toolbar"

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Use a USB Flash Drive to create Windows Password Reset Disk in Windows 7 | TechRepublic

Use a USB Flash Drive to create Windows Password Reset Disk in Windows 7 | TechRepublic: "Use a USB Flash Drive to create Windows Password Reset Disk in Windows 7

- Sent using Google Toolbar"

Open source anti-theft solution for Mac, PCs & Phones – Prey

Open source anti-theft solution for Mac, PCs & Phones – Prey: "Prey lets you keep track of your phone or laptop at all times, and will help you find it if it ever gets lost or stolen. It's lightweight, open source software, and free for anyone to use. And it just works.

- Sent using Google Toolbar"

email me ! Making Easy Contact Forms

email me ! Making Easy Contact Forms: "email me ! lets you add a contact form to any website / blog. It's fast and easy. Your contact email is never revealed.

- Sent using Google Toolbar"

Nomad Brush - Home

Nomad Brush - Home: "- Sent using Google Toolbar" [Thanks, J.}

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

How To Protect Your Eyesight From The Computer Screen?

How To Protect Your Eyesight From The Computer Screen?: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"

DOWNLOAD Stuff Happens: The Backup & Restore Guide

DOWNLOAD Stuff Happens: The Backup & Restore Guide: "“Stuff Happens: The Backup and Restore Guide” outlines everything you need to regularly back up your PC. Author Tina Sieber outlines backup strategies, what to backup and what tools to use for the job.

  • How to use the built-in Windows 7/Vista backup tool.
  • Which files you should backup.
  • Putting your data and your operating system on separate partitions or disks.
  • The various kinds of backups you can run.
  • The costs and benefits of local, optical and online backups.
  • The benefits of syncing your files.
  • Alternative backup programs.

- Sent using Google Toolbar"

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Google Directory - Computers

Google Directory - Computers Lots of topics related to computers here.

Tinysong | Type in a song and make a free music link to share music with friends

Tinysong | Type in a song and make a free music link to share music with friends: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"

United States Internet and Facebook Usage State by State

United States Internet and Facebook Usage State by State: "Internet World Stats

- Sent using Google Toolbar"

Malware Lab's Rogue Gallery | Lavasoft

Malware Lab's Rogue Gallery | Lavasoft: "The Rogue Gallery, powered by the Malware Labs at Lavasoft, is a resource dedicated to keeping computer users safe from rogue security software. By providing a comprehensive database of current rogue security applications, you have the ability to clearly see what programs are considered rogue – and avoid them.

- Sent using Google Toolbar"

Nothing is True.

Nothing is True.: "- Sent using Google Toolbar" Click on squares to play "music".

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Cypherix LE Free Encryption Software

Cypherix LE Free Encryption Software: "Creates an encrypted container (vault) to store any type of data.
128 bit strong encryption
Simple drag and drop operation
Easy to use, Impossible to break.
Works on all 32 bit and 64 bit versions of Windows.
Cypherix Mobile edition encrypts any data on any media (USB Drives, CD ROMs, Flash Disks etc)
Send Secure E-mails
The best part - It is FREE - Never Expires. No Nag screens.

- Sent using Google Toolbar"


Bookplates: "Bookplates

These printable bookplates can be printed on sticker paper or pasted into the inside front cover of a book. They fit Avery's standard templates 6-per-page shipping label template (5164, 5264, 5524, 8164, 8254, 8464.)

- Sent using Google Toolbar"

Paste HTML: free anonymous HTML hosting

Paste HTML: free anonymous HTML hosting: "Free anonymous web hosting Login with Facebook

Use to put a HTML file online, quickly and with no registration. Use it as a sandbox for playing with CSS and Javascript. Use our bookmarklet to create a snapshot of any web page and store it online. Use our API to automate everything. Also publish a page of plain text or rich text.

- Sent using Google Toolbar"

Saturday, April 16, 2011

YouTube - Live

YouTube - Live: "Featured Live Events

- Sent using Google Toolbar"

Download Mail Merge 2.1.0 Mass Mail and Personal Mail for Thu... - Softepic

Download Mail Merge 2.1.0 Mass Mail and Personal Mail for Thu... - Softepic: "Mass Mail and Personal Mail for Thunderbird

If you send a mail to multiple recipients, there are two common problems: First you don't want each recipient to see the others. The only workaround would be to send a mail (To) to yourself and a Blind Carbon Copy (Bcc) to each recipient or to send more than one mail. Second you are often not allowed to send to more than 25 or 100 recipients at one time. The only workaround would be to send more than one mail.

Mass Mail:
With 'Mass Mail' you can create one mail for each recipient from a draft! Write a New Message; add all recipients to To; add Subject, Body and Attachments; click 'File -> Mail Merge'. For each recipient a new mail is created automatically and stored in 'Local Folders -> Outbox'. Ready to send: 'File -> Send Unsent Messages'

Personal Mail:
With 'Personal Mail' you can create one mail for each record in a CSV from a draft! Write a New Message; add the Variable to To; add Subject, Body and Attachments; click 'File -> Mail Merge'. For each recipient a new mail is created automatically and stored in 'Local Folders -> Outbox'. Ready to send: 'File -> Send Unsent Messages'

- Sent using Google Toolbar"

Friday, April 15, 2011

Spring Cleaning for Your Computer: Evacuate PC Dust Bunnies

Spring Cleaning for Your Computer: Evacuate PC Dust Bunnies: "Spring Cleaning for Your Computer: Evacuate PC Dust Bunnies

- Sent using Google Toolbar"


Dripread: "Dripread is free and simple to use:

Choose a book or upload your own.
Subscribe for free with just your email address.
Enjoy five minutes a day of reading pleasure.
Bask in the warm fuzzy feeling of completing your book.

- Sent using Google Toolbar"

Free Email Marketing Software, Send Mass Emails | 1and1Mail

Free Email Marketing Software, Send Mass Emails | 1and1Mail: "The World's Best Email Marketing Software for Small Business

1and1Mail is the world's best email marketing software specifically designed for small and medium business to create, schedule and send personalized mass email campaigns, manage email lists and design email newsletters.

- Sent using Google Toolbar"

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Audio Plug in 3D plugging an upcoming PODCAST training at The Center

Put on your red-cyan, 3D glasses to view this in 3D.  Original photo by Renjith Krishnan
Source:  3D rendering by T. Pitre

How to reset the Windows administrator password - Windows 7 Vista XP - 4sysops

How to reset the Windows administrator password - Windows 7 Vista XP - 4sysops: "12 ways how to reset the Windows administrator password – Windows 7, Vista, Windows XP

- Sent using Google Toolbar"

Tradeshift | Business Network

Tradeshift | Business Network: "Enjoy invoicing again! It has never been easier - and it's 100% free.

- Sent using Google Toolbar"

Electrons Under Control - Flash Cards

Electrons Under Control - Flash Cards: "This program will create Electronic Flash Cards. To be used just like regular (old school) manual flash cards. My daughter still uses flash cards to study for tests in college. Many other students do also. It is still the best way to drill things into your head. Not only does it force you to write things down, but the repetitions re-enforce the memory. Answering the questions in a continuously random order also helps.

If you can get your friends to also use this program you can share flash card files with each other.

Unlimited test sets.
Unlimited questions per set.
Answer questions in order or in a random fashion.
Easy question and answer data entry.
Integrated help instructions.
The window scales all items on the page.

- Sent using Google Toolbar"

Electrons Under Control - Disk Test

Electrons Under Control - Disk Test: "Writes to all free space. Covers old file data. Verifies operation of all disk space.Disk Test ScreenShot.

This program will create a file named ~temp.tmp and start writing to it, and will continue until all of your free space has been overwritten. It tests all those upper locations on your HD that you probably have never written to. When you have a 200GB drive and you have 140GB used, that is not the time to find out you can not write more than 148GB. Test it out with this program. I can be left running while you are doing other things, and when it runs into the end of your drive, it will erase the temp file and release all that clean memory that now has nothing but billions of the character U.

Also it is good for data cleaning if you are going to give the drive away to someone else. After you delete all the files, run this program and it will fill your hard drive with nothing but the letter U.

- Sent using Google Toolbar"

Electrons Under Control - Zip Lock

Electrons Under Control - Zip Lock: "Makes your Zip files secure and encrypted again.

Zip Lock ScreenShot.We all know that Zip and WinZip password protection has been compromised. You can download password crackers on the web. This program gives you that protection back. Run your Zip file through this program and the output will be a jumbled mess that will only straighten out if you supply the proper password.
It also works with Windows Compressed folders.
Put your files or data in a Zip-Lock-Bag!

- Sent using Google Toolbar"

Comment on, edit, and fill PDF files, Word documents, images and more | Crocodoc

Comment on, edit, and fill PDF files, Word documents, images and more | Crocodoc: "View & Comment on Any Document
Review a Word document, fill out a PDF form, mark up an image,
and more... All with Crocodoc, all online, all for free.

- Sent using Google Toolbar"

Public collections

Public collections: "- Sent using Google Toolbar" Archival sound from the British Library

Quick Tip: Shrink the size used by Windows 7 System Restore | TechRepublic

Quick Tip: Shrink the size used by Windows 7 System Restore | TechRepublic: "Quick Tip: Shrink the size used by Windows 7 System Restore

- Sent using Google Toolbar"

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Turn Your Old Router into a Range-Boosting Wi-Fi Repeater

Turn Your Old Router into a Range-Boosting Wi-Fi Repeater: "- Sent using Google Toolbar" REDUX

ZXing Decoder Online

ZXing Decoder Online: "- Sent using Google Toolbar" On line decoder for QR files. Just upload an image.
Thanks to J. for this link.

QR-Code Generator

QR-Code Generator: "- Sent using Google Toolbar" I use the QR code generator to generate a copyright notice, then I use a small image of the code on my original photographs.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Recycle bin for removable drives

Recycle bin for removable drives: "Recycle bin for removable drives

The Windows Recycle Bin is a handy halfway house for files you're getting rid of. When you delete a file, it doesn't really go away; rather, it's moved into the recycling. Having done this, if you decide that you want to un-delete something you just tossed away, it's trivial to dig in there and just pull that important file back out. While this is all true when you're dealing with files on your main drive, things get a bit more dicey when you're talking about a removable drive.

When you decide to delete a file from your USB thumb drive, it really gets deleted—no recycling for you! That's okay, until the first time you delete a file you really didn't want to get rid of. iBin is a tool that lets you create the equivalent of a Recycle Bin on any removable drive. Once it's up and running, when you choose to delete a file on that USB stick, you'll be prompted for whether you really want to delete it, or if you'd rather have it moved to the iBin container, keeping it around just in case you need to bring it back.

iBin is a free download. You should be able to run it under Windows XP and later.

- Sent using Google Toolbar"

Character Reference Letters

Character Reference Letters: "Sample Character Reference Letters

- Sent using Google Toolbar"

Obama has his OWN computer | MakeUseOf Geeky Fun

Obama has his OWN computer | MakeUseOf Geeky Fun Obama's typical, friendly and funny side when asked if he has his own computer.

Radiation Dosage Chart

Radiation Dosage Chart: "- Sent using Google Toolbar" [Thanks to J. for this link.]

Saturday, April 9, 2011

AutoHotkey - Free Mouse and Keyboard Macro Program with Hotkeys and AutoText

AutoHotkey - Free Mouse and Keyboard Macro Program with Hotkeys and AutoText: "AutoHotkey is a free, open-source utility for Windows. With it, you can:

Automate almost anything by sending keystrokes and mouse clicks. You can write a mouse or keyboard macro by hand or use the macro recorder.
Create hotkeys for keyboard, joystick, and mouse. Virtually any key, button, or combination can become a hotkey.
Expand abbreviations as you type them. For example, typing 'btw' can automatically produce 'by the way'.
Create custom data-entry forms, user interfaces, and menu bars. See GUI for details.
Remap keys and buttons on your keyboard, joystick, and mouse.
Respond to signals from hand-held remote controls via the WinLIRC client script.
Run existing AutoIt v2 scripts and enhance them with new capabilities.
Convert any script into an EXE file that can be run on computers that don't have AutoHotkey installed.

Getting started might be easier than you think. Check out the quick-start tutorial.

- Sent using Google Toolbar"

QuickSync | Download QuickSync software for free at

QuickSync | Download QuickSync software for free at "QuickSync allows the user to synchronise folders/files. QuickSync uses smart name detection when source/destination files are missing. Syncronisations have the following options: Ask before overwrite, Interval Sync, Date Sync, Binary Match and Backup

- Sent using Google Toolbar"

Download 2.0 Free - A suite that offers 115 open source programs - Softpedia

Download 2.0 Free - A suite that offers 115 open source programs - Softpedia is a compact suite that incorporates 115 opensource applications for you to try. will provide users with the following software categories:
· Desktop
· Graphics and Photo
· Internet/Network
· Multimedia
· Office
· Programming
· Screensaver
· Security
· Utilities

Asus Lamborghini VX7 notebook -

Asus Lamborghini VX7 notebook - "- Sent using Google Toolbar" This matches my Acer Desktop.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Pen - Simple Online Publishing

Pen - Simple Online Publishing: "Create beautiful text based pages in
seconds and share them with the world

- Sent using Google Toolbar"

Thursday, April 7, 2011

How to use Kiosk Mode in Microsoft Internet Explorer

How to use Kiosk Mode in Microsoft Internet Explorer: "How to use Kiosk Mode in Microsoft Internet Explorer

Internet Explorer includes a Kiosk Mode feature that allows you to only access Web pages. This article describes how to use the Kiosk Mode feature in Internet Explorer.

When you run Internet Explorer in Kiosk mode, the Internet Explorer title bar, menus, toolbars, and status bar are not displayed and Internet Explorer runs in Full Screen mode. The Windows 95 taskbar is not displayed, but you can switch to other running programs by pressing ALT+TAB or CTRL+ALT+DEL. Because Internet Explorer is running in Full Screen mode, you cannot access the Windows 95 desktop until you quit Internet Explorer.
Back to the top
How to Start Internet Explorer in Kiosk Mode
To start Internet Explorer in Kiosk mode, click Start, click Run, type the following command in the Open box, and then click OK
iexplore -k page
where page is the Web page address for the Web page that you want to appear when Internet Explorer starts. If you do not specify a Web page in the Open box, Internet Explorer opens your start page. Note that the Web page that you specify can be a Web page on the Internet, on your computer, or on another computer on the network.

How to Quit Internet Explorer To quit Internet Explorer when it is running in Kiosk mode, press ALT+F4. Note that you cannot quit Kiosk mode if you do not also quit Internet Explorer.

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Download Camstudio 2.6 Build r294 Beta / 2.0 Free - Record all screen and audio activity and create industry-standard AVI video files and SWF files - Softpedia

Download Camstudio 2.6 Build r294 Beta / 2.0 Free - Record all screen and audio activity and create industry-standard AVI video files and SWF files - Softpedia: "CamStudio can record your computer's screen and audio activity and generate AVI video files. Use the built-in SWF Producer to turn the AVI files into lean, mean, friendly-bandwidth SWF files.

CamStudio can also add high-quality, anti-aliased (no jagged edges) screen captions to your recordings in seconds and with the unique Video Annotation feature you can even personalise your videos by including a webcam movie of yourself 'picture-in-picture' over your desktop.

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USB Drive Guard 1.1.30 freeware | UpFlySoft

USB Drive Guard 1.1.30 freeware | UpFlySoft: "USB Drive Guard is a data leak prevention (DLP) security solution that enables network administrators to centrally control USB drives on the network. This application runs silently on any windows PC and when someone inserts any type of storage device it will check a database on your network to see if its has been authorized. If the device has not been authorized then the device will be ejected so the person can’t use it and a window pops up with

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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Keynote for iPad: Best practices for creating a presentation on a Mac for use on an iPad

Keynote for iPad: Best practices for creating a presentation on a Mac for use on an iPad

About Us » LibreOffice

About Us » LibreOffice: "LibreOffice is community-driven and developed software which is a project of the not-for-profit organization, The Document Foundation.

The LibreOffice software is developed by users, just like you, who believe in the principles of Open Source software and in sharing their work with the world in a non-restrictive way. At the core of these principles is the promise of better-quality, highly-reliable and secure software that gives you greater flexibility at zero cost. Beyond this, the driving factor behind the community is personal choice and transparency, which translates practically into wider compatibility, more utility and no end-user lock-in to using just one produ

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Hotspot Shield snags 1 million users overnight, proves privacy can be monetized

Hotspot Shield snags 1 million users overnight, proves privacy can be monetized: "Political unrest quite literally turned Hotspot Shield into an international success story overnight.

During the Egyptian uprisings against deposed president Hosni Mubarak in January and February, AnchorFree's Hotspot Shield software went from 100,000 users in Egypt to over a million over a single 24 hour period. Egyptians found they could use the desktop VPN freeware to obscure their IP addresses and access locally censored services such as Facebook and Twitter.

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I've used this for a couple of years to get around granny filters at local institutions.

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Mapping Radioactive Fallout in the United States « Making Maps: DIY Cartography

Mapping Radioactive Fallout in the United States « Making Maps: DIY Cartography: "Concerns about the failing nuclear reactors in Japan and the fear of spreading radiation inspired me to share one of my favorite maps. The map shows areas in the United States crossed by two or more radioactive clouds during the era of nuclear testing (1951-1962) in the American Southwest.

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Are You a (Digital) Hoarder? - Good article...

Are You a (Digital) Hoarder?
Deb Shinder, Editor

Compulsive hoarding is a psychological disorder that often pops up in the news. Pathological hoarders acquire more and more possessions, far beyond what they need, to the point where it causes problems in their lives. This condition is common enough that there is even a TV program on A&E that looks at different real-life hoarders and takes viewers inside their (often extremely crowded) homes:

Some of these "packrats" collect all kinds of things indiscriminately. Others "specialize," piling up thousands of old newspapers and creating a fire hazard or taking in hundreds of pet animals that they're unable to care for, resulting in unsanitary conditions that are detrimental to the pets themselves as well as the humans who can't seem to resist adopting "just one more."

Many of us have mild packrat tendencies. My parents grew up during the depression era, and instilled in me an aversion to "wasting" things, so it pains me to throw out a perfectly good item even if I know I'll probably never use it. I regularly force myself to go through and clean out my closets and garage but it's always hard to part with things. And there are some things that I simply won't get rid of, such as books, which I have filling shelves all over the house and packed in boxes in those same closets and garage. My book fetish probably stems from the time that I sold my vast collection of books to a used bookstore back when I was in my 20s, and regretted it for years. Excessive book hoarding even has its own label: bibliomania. I don't think I'm quite there yet, since I rarely keep multiple copies of the same book and don't have them stacked on the floors of my rooms, but I definitely have far more books than I really need.

My husband hoards food and first aid supplies. After September 11, he started building a "stash" in case a catastrophic event cut off the regular supply channels. As obsessions go, it's probably not a bad one to have, but sometimes I think it's gotten a little out of hand. We keep having to have more shelves built in the pantry to hold his growing stocks of canned goods and OTC medicines. However, if a disaster strikes, I can rest assured that we won't go hungry (or go crazy from lack of reading material).

Whether you stockpile ammunition, own hundreds of pairs of shoes, have a basement filled to the brim with power tools you never use, or still have every utility bill you ever received dating back to 1957, in most cases these limited hoarding tendencies won't cause you any problems. They might conceivably even one day prove to have been the smart thing to do. Where you cross the line into mental illness is when your hoarding behavior is clearly causing harm to yourself or others, but you still can't stop.

I recently read an interesting article in Forbes called The Problem with Packrats, which discusses the "high costs of digital hoarding." Dr. Stanton D. Sloane, the president and CEO of a company that provides IT services to the federal government, makes the argument that we are damaging the environment by storing too much data, and that we need to engage in "data disposal" and not save all our email, chat logs, and other digital files. You can read the article at

Dr. Sloane warns us of the dangers of becoming "compulsive data keepers." He implies that it's irresponsible of us to save "too much" of our electronic information because "it is consuming space and resources somewhere," whether it's stored on local hard drives or out there in the cloud somewhere. He argues that the energy demands of our technology are "ominous" and laments the fact that evil data centers are spewing carbon emissions that endanger the planet.

Well ... I have a few quibbles with Dr. Sloane's gloom and doom approach. I don't think the solution is for all of us to stop saving the data that we want to keep. I think the solution (if one is needed) is to find alternative ways to store it. The article makes the assumption that all stored data is sitting on active hard drives that are sucking up electricity. But that's not true. Data stored on optical media such as CDs and DVDs, or on flash memory such as SD cards and USB sticks, or on old-fashioned tape, isn't using any power at all until you access it. Even when it comes to hard drives, you can plug in a USB drive, save your data to it, and then unplug it until you need that data. It doesn't use a bit of energy sitting on the shelf.

Tiered storage systems, or hierarchical storage management (HSM) moves data that's not used as often to optical discs and tape. This not only lowers energy impact for storing data, it also reduces the cost of data storage, so it's a win/win situation. Additionally, even for data that needs to be constantly accessible, server consolidation through virtualization technologies is cutting down considerably on server energy usage. And each generation of new chips consumes less energy than the last.

Finally, there is evidence that the concern over the energy consumed by computers has been blown out of proportion. According to the Energy Information Administration, energy intensity (energy consumed per dollar of real GDP) has dropped dramatically since 1996 - the period during which the Internet went commercial and most households and businesses added computers. This article quotes Dr. Jonathon Koomey, one of the leading experts on resource impacts of information technology, who says "most folks think that the power used by computers is a lot more than it actually is, and that it's growing at incredible rates. Neither one of these beliefs is true, but they reflect a stubborn sense that the economic importance of IT somehow must translate into a large amount of electrical use." Read his entire statement here:

So what do you think? Is saving all your data endangering the planet? Do you need to do a spring cleaning of your hard drive immediately? Should we, as Dr. Sloane suggests, consider ourselves digital hoarders and seek out a 12 step group to help us kick our data-saving habit? Or is it okay to continue making backups of our backups and keeping whatever data we darn well please? Will you start offloading more of your data to media that doesn't actively consume power? Or does it matter? Tell us your opinions and thoughts on this topic. We invite you to discuss it in our forum at

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Convert Audio Online - Free MP3, WAV, OGG, WMA file conversion: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"

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Google Image Slideshow - Online Slideshows from Search Results: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"

Let’s End Unboxing Videos | MakeUseOf Geeky Fun

Let’s End Unboxing Videos | MakeUseOf Geeky Fun: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

InvisibleHand: Home

InvisibleHand: Home: "InvisibleHand gets you the lowest price on shopping & flights. Automatically.
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