VidtoMP3.COM - Extended options
I used this today to grab the sound from a YouTube video as an MP3 file. Free, no registration.

On line since JUNE of 2006.
USE SEARCH TOOL In top of column on the LEFT.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Sheepser: Watch VideoBB, VideoZer & Megavideo Videos Without Limitations & Restrictions
Sheepser: Watch VideoBB, VideoZer & Megavideo Videos Without Limitations & Restrictions: EXCLUSIVE: Now You Can Download 50+ MakeUseOf Guides For Free
Sheepser: Watch VideoBB, VideoZer & Megavideo Videos Without Limitations & Restrictions
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Sheepser: Watch VideoBB, VideoZer & Megavideo Videos Without Limitations & Restrictions
- Sent using Google Toolbar
Monday, August 29, 2011
BUY THIS SATELLITE - Connect Everyone.
BUY THIS SATELLITE - Connect Everyone.: - Sent using Google Toolbar
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Book Oven:
Book Oven:: Write.
Invite colleagues, editors or friends to work on a private or public project.
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Invite colleagues, editors or friends to work on a private or public project.
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Datasheet Zone & DrawSCH : One stop to find datasheet,IC pinouts and application circuits & Draw schematics online for free!!!
Datasheet Zone & DrawSCH : One stop to find datasheet,IC pinouts and application circuits & Draw schematics online for free!!!: DrawSCH is able to create schematics online for free,You don't need to install the software. Just open your browser.
You can share your schematics with your firends or on forums or BBS
You can export your schematis as png or as jpg image,Pdf will be supported latter.
You can ask someone to help you to modify your schematics
Try it ,you will find it very useful
Browser Support:Firefox,Chrome,safari,opera,IE9,IE6,IE7,IE8 should install the Google Chrome Frame
- Sent using Google Toolbar
You can share your schematics with your firends or on forums or BBS
You can export your schematis as png or as jpg image,Pdf will be supported latter.
You can ask someone to help you to modify your schematics
Try it ,you will find it very useful
Browser Support:Firefox,Chrome,safari,opera,IE9,IE6,IE7,IE8 should install the Google Chrome Frame
- Sent using Google Toolbar
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Hurricane Watch Net 14.325Mhz Live Scanner Audio Feed
Hurricane Watch Net 14.325Mhz Live Scanner Audio Feed: - Sent using Google Toolbar
This feed broadcasts the Amateur Radio Hurricane Watch Net from a short wave radio. Amateur Radio stations in the path of the hurricane relay information directly to the National Hurricane Center.
This feed broadcasts the Amateur Radio Hurricane Watch Net from a short wave radio. Amateur Radio stations in the path of the hurricane relay information directly to the National Hurricane Center.
Friday, August 26, 2011
FBI Issues Hurricane Email Scam Warning
FBI Issues Hurricane Email Scam Warning: -26-2011 Obtained from The Federal Bureau of Investigation
New E-Scams & Warnings
In light of Hurricane Irene, the public is reminded to beware of fraudulent emails and websites purporting to conduct charitable relief efforts. To learn more about avoiding online fraud, please see "Tips on Avoiding Fraudulent Charitable Contribution Schemes"
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New E-Scams & Warnings
In light of Hurricane Irene, the public is reminded to beware of fraudulent emails and websites purporting to conduct charitable relief efforts. To learn more about avoiding online fraud, please see "Tips on Avoiding Fraudulent Charitable Contribution Schemes"
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The Web Font Combinator
The Web Font Combinator: - Sent using Google Toolbar Preview web font combinations, sizes, line height. FREE, no reg.
Internet Service: 10 Descriptions of Offerings from Early ISP’s
Internet Service: 10 Descriptions of Offerings from Early ISP’s: 10 Descriptions of Offerings from Early ISP’s
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- Sent using Google Toolbar
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Convert any Word or PDF document and even images into a flip book
Page Flipflap – Flipbooks, where you can flip the page instead of scrolling down, is quite the trend nowadays. PageFlipFlap lets you use this sleek format by helping you convert any Word orPDF document and even images into a flip book. All you have to do is upload the documents or images and provide an email address when you want to receive the link to your flip book. Read more: Page FlipFlap: Generate A FlipBook Online From Any Document
Page Flipflap – Flipbooks, where you can flip the page instead of scrolling down, is quite the trend nowadays. PageFlipFlap lets you use this sleek format by helping you convert any Word orPDF document and even images into a flip book. All you have to do is upload the documents or images and provide an email address when you want to receive the link to your flip book. Read more: Page FlipFlap: Generate A FlipBook Online From Any Document
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
How to create a Windows 7 Backup Image
How to create a Windows 7 Backup Image
Sure, you back up all your important data files, but a nice feature of Windows 7's built-in backup program is that it can create a complete system backup image, which will restore all your programs and settings too. Here's how to do it:
Sure, you back up all your important data files, but a nice feature of Windows 7's built-in backup program is that it can create a complete system backup image, which will restore all your programs and settings too. Here's how to do it:
- Click Start and in the Search box, type Backup
- Click Backup and Restore in the list of programs shown
- In the left pane, click Create A System Image
- Select a location where you want to save the system image. It should not be on the same partition where Windows is installed
- Click Next
- Choose which drive to back up. To back up your operating system and program files, select the drive where Windows is installed, usually C:
- Click Start Backup
- After the backup finishes (which could take a while if you have lots of programs and/or data), click Create a System Repair Disk in the left pane
- Insert a blank DVD or CD and click Create Disk Now you can use the System Repair Disk and your system image to restore your computer.
Gender differences in Twitter posts
Gender differences. Enter two or more phrases and compare.
This demo is the result of a study that was carried at the Language, Interaction and Computation Laboratory at the University of Trento in Italy [1]. We looked at the daily patterns of life in Twitter messages (tweets), and we present the differences in the contents of tweets according to the gender of the users and time of the day.
We analyzed millions of tweets collected by researchers from the University of Edinburgh between November 2009 and February 2010. For gender differences, we separated the tweets into two subsets as male and female tweets by using the first names of the Twitter users. For hourly differences, we grouped the tweets according to the time of the day they were posted (in each user's local time).
In the gender differences section, you can see which phrases are used more often by males or females. These results are given under the "Compare" tab.
We also looked at the co-occurrence statistics of phrases, seperately for the two genders. That allows us to take a phrase like "cup" and see what else males (or females) talk about they mention "cup" in their tweets in a distinctive fashion (with respect to the other gender). These results are given under the "Detailed Query" tab.
Security flaw could expose credit card data - Business - ConsumerMan -
Security flaw could expose credit card data - Business - ConsumerMan - If you have a credit card account with Bank of America or Chase, two of the nation’s largest banks, a major security flaw has been exposed that could make your information vulnerable to an Internet crook – or even a nosy neighbor.
Consumer advocate Edgar Dworsky of, who discovered the flaw, says anyone who knows your phone number and has the last four digits of your Chase or BofA credit card number might be able access your account.
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Consumer advocate Edgar Dworsky of, who discovered the flaw, says anyone who knows your phone number and has the last four digits of your Chase or BofA credit card number might be able access your account.
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Privacy Mantra - Free software downloads and software reviews - CNET
Privacy Mantra - Free software downloads and software reviews - CNET Privacy Mantra keeps your computer clean from online and offline tracks. Most people are unaware that every Web site they have visited remains in the undeletable index.dat file, even after the Internet history and cache has been removed. Your system also is keeping information of executables you run, movies you watch, and documents you open. Some of these prints can not be deleted manually as they are locked by the system. Privacy Mantra will erase and wash away most privacy threats in your machine including Internet history, cache, cookies, index.dat files, auto-complete forms, the search assistant, recent documents, open and save dialogs, run files, Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome. Privacy Mantra stays updated by automatically downloading the latest database of threats. For maximum flexibility you can also create your own cleaning plugins and download others.
What's new in this version: Version 3.0 includes analysis of locations before they are removed, 64-bit support, whitelist any entry, cookies, files, registry entries, automatic database updates, can be run from command line and hence time scheduled, and includes a bunch of bug fixes.
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What's new in this version: Version 3.0 includes analysis of locations before they are removed, 64-bit support, whitelist any entry, cookies, files, registry entries, automatic database updates, can be run from command line and hence time scheduled, and includes a bunch of bug fixes.
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Folder Axe - bkPrograms
Folder Axe - bkPrograms: - Sent using Google Toolbar
- Split by amount (Specify the number of files each resulting folder is limited to)
- Split by size (Specify the size limit of each resulting folder) Sort Mode Explanation
- Split by name (Created folders based upon the first x number of characters in file names)
- Split by file type (Files split into folders according to their extensions)
- Split by file group (Files split into seven different groups) See the File Groups page for more info
- Split by date (Files split into folders by date property)
- Include files in subfolders (Optionally)
- Compress resulting folders into Zip files, even protect them using AES-256 bit encryption
- Set the naming scheme for the resulting folders
- Remember chosen folder during session
- Process folders of any size, fast!
- Automatic update checking, so you always have the latest version
- Log window so you know exactly what's going on at all times
SEO Page Explorer | Detailed on-page SEO
SEO Page Explorer | Detailed on-page SEO: The SEO Page Explorer is combination of a variety of commonly used SEO tools and tactics. Why use a handful of tools when you can just use one? It combines these various peices of information and puts the information right in from of you, allowing you to spend your time on what's imporatant. The SEO Page Explorer is a combination of a Lynx browser viewer, HTTP header viewer, title and meta viewer, and top keyword finder. Use this tool is used for on-page SEO, landing page optimization, and competitive analysis
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- Sent using Google Toolbar
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
How to Discover New Music in the Post-MP3 Age
How to Discover New Music in the Post-MP3 Age: How to Discover New Music in the Post-MP3 Age
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- Sent using Google Toolbar
Here's Some Amazing Images Of Cats On Scanners | Co. Design
Here's Some Amazing Images Of Cats On Scanners | Co. Design: - Sent using Google Toolbar
Backlinks Checker Tool - Backlink Watch
Backlinks Checker Tool - Backlink Watch: - Sent using Google Toolbar
Monday, August 22, 2011
Pidgin Portable 2.10.0 (instant messaging) Released | - Portable software for USB, portable and cloud drives
Pidgin Portable 2.10.0 (instant messaging) Released | - Portable software for USB, portable and cloud drives: Pidgin Portable 2.10.0 (instant messaging) Released
Submitted by John T. Haller on August 22, 2011 - 7:09pm
logoPidgin Portable 2.10.0 has been released. Pidgin Portable is a versatile instant messaging client packaged as a portable app, so you can take your IM settings and buddy lists with you. It has all the same great features as Pidgin, including support for AOL, Yahoo, MSN, ICQ and Jabber networks, but there's nothing to install on the local PC. This new release updates Pidgin to the latest version. It's packaged in Format so it can easily integrate with the Platform. And it's open source and completely free.
Update automatically or install from the app store in the Platform Pre-Release.
ScreenshotPidgin Portable is a multi-protocol instant messaging client that works with AOL Instant Messenger, ICQ, MSN Messenger, Yahoo! and more. You can log into multiple networks all with the same program. All your IM settings and buddy lists are self-contained, so it leaves no personal information behind on the machine you run it on. Learn more about Pidgin...
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Submitted by John T. Haller on August 22, 2011 - 7:09pm
logoPidgin Portable 2.10.0 has been released. Pidgin Portable is a versatile instant messaging client packaged as a portable app, so you can take your IM settings and buddy lists with you. It has all the same great features as Pidgin, including support for AOL, Yahoo, MSN, ICQ and Jabber networks, but there's nothing to install on the local PC. This new release updates Pidgin to the latest version. It's packaged in Format so it can easily integrate with the Platform. And it's open source and completely free.
Update automatically or install from the app store in the Platform Pre-Release.
ScreenshotPidgin Portable is a multi-protocol instant messaging client that works with AOL Instant Messenger, ICQ, MSN Messenger, Yahoo! and more. You can log into multiple networks all with the same program. All your IM settings and buddy lists are self-contained, so it leaves no personal information behind on the machine you run it on. Learn more about Pidgin...
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10 Awesome Uses for QR Codes | Walyou
10 Awesome Uses for QR Codes | Walyou: - Sent using Google Toolbar
Sophos Anti-Rootkit - Free Rootkit Detection and Removal Tool
Sophos Anti-Rootkit - Free Rootkit Detection and Removal Tool: Sophos Anti-Rootkit
Free rootkit detection and removal tool
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Free rootkit detection and removal tool
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Six stages of malware response: Streamline your approach | TechRepublic
Six stages of malware response: Streamline your approach | TechRepublic: Six stages of malware response: Streamline your approach
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- Sent using Google Toolbar
10 Common Uses of Encryption on the Web
10 Common Uses of Encryption on the Web: 10 Common Uses of Encryption on the Web
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- Sent using Google Toolbar
Sunday, August 21, 2011
sideCLOUDload: Send files from a url to "the cloud" without downloading.
sideCLOUDload: Send files from a url to "the cloud" without downloading.: - Sent using Google Toolbar
Ok, lets say you have a link to a file that you want but you are on a machine or device that you cannot download to. This could be your work computer, a smartphone (iPhone or Android) or a tablet device (iPad). sideCLOUDload can do the job for you.- All you have to do is put the link url in the "Source URL" text box
- add your Dropbox credentials or your email address.
- Hit submit.
- Then TADA! you now just sideCLOUDloaded a file from a website to your Dropbox or email account without actually downloading the file.
Zamzar - Free online file conversion
Zamzar - Free online file conversion: Zamzar supports conversion between a wide variety of different file formats
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- Sent using Google Toolbar
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Windows 7 ISO x86 and x64 Official Direct Download Links (Ultimate, Professional and Home Premium) « My Digital Life
Windows 7 ISO x86 and x64 Official Direct Download Links (Ultimate, Professional and Home Premium) « My Digital Life: Windows 7 ISO x86 and x64 Official Direct Download Links (Ultimate, Professional and Home Premium)
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- Sent using Google Toolbar
Create a Hidden Partition on USB Flash Drive | AgniPulse
Create a Hidden Partition on USB Flash Drive | AgniPulse: Create a Hidden Partition on USB Flash Drive
Author An article by Bharat Balegere Comments 5 Comments Last Modified on August 18, 2011
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Author An article by Bharat Balegere Comments 5 Comments Last Modified on August 18, 2011
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Drops: Get Drops Requires Adobe AIR Runtime. Runs on Windows, Linux and Mac OS.
Unlimited storage
No more limits on file storage, only 50 Mb limit per one file.
View your files
Just downloading is boring. View images, docs, watch videos, listen audio and preview fonts.
Runs on Windows, Mac & Linux
We want to give Drops' features to all users, on all desktop platforms.
Blazingly fast
Select and drag & drop your files on the Drops and get short link in seconds.
- Sent using Google Toolbar
Unlimited storage
No more limits on file storage, only 50 Mb limit per one file.
View your files
Just downloading is boring. View images, docs, watch videos, listen audio and preview fonts.
Runs on Windows, Mac & Linux
We want to give Drops' features to all users, on all desktop platforms.
Blazingly fast
Select and drag & drop your files on the Drops and get short link in seconds.
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Friday, August 19, 2011
WizMouse - Free software downloads and software reviews - CNET
WizMouse - Free software downloads and software reviews - CNET It's a small bit of freeware that lets you use your mouse's scroll wheel to scroll through the window currently under the mouse pointer instead of the top focused or "active" window. Instead of having to click the mouse on the inactive window to enable scrolling, you merely have to position the cursor over the window to focus it. You can also use WizMouse to enable similar scrolling functionality in applications that don't support mouse wheels.
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- Sent using Google Toolbar
NirCmd - Windows command line tool
NirCmd - Windows command line tool NirCmd is a small command-line utility that allows you to do some useful tasks without displaying any user interface. By running NirCmd with simple command-line option, you can write and delete values and keys in the Registry, write values into INI file, dial to your internet account or connect to a VPN network, restart windows or shut down the computer, create shortcut to a file, change the created/modified date of a file, change your display settings, turn off your monitor, open the door of your CD-ROM drive, and more...
7 Completely Free VPN Services To Protect Your Privacy
7 Completely Free VPN Services To Protect Your Privacy: 7 Completely Free VPN Services To Protect Your Privacy
posted on November 10, 2010 by Tim Brookes
- Sent using Google Toolbar
posted on November 10, 2010 by Tim Brookes
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5 Best Tips To Prevent Someone From Watching You When Downloading Torrents
5 Best Tips To Prevent Someone From Watching You When Downloading Torrents: 5 Best Tips To Prevent Someone From Watching You When Downloading
posted on August 18, 2011 by Tim Brookes
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posted on August 18, 2011 by Tim Brookes
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Nanny Jobs » 10 Ethical Problems with a Web Cam in Your Home
Nanny Jobs » 10 Ethical Problems with a Web Cam in Your Home: 10 Ethical Problems with a Web Cam in Your Home
On August 18, 2011, in Nanny Jobs, by admin
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On August 18, 2011, in Nanny Jobs, by admin
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Thursday, August 18, 2011
Usability in Icons | Stiern
Usability in Icons | Stiern: Usability in Icons
Important. Some of us take understanding of icons for granted. Good information for web designers.
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Important. Some of us take understanding of icons for granted. Good information for web designers.
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10 Reasons an ISP Should Cut-off a Customer | Internet Service Providers
10 Reasons an ISP Should Cut-off a Customer | Internet Service Providers: 10 Reasons an ISP Should Cut-off a Customer
Posted on August 17, 2011 by isp
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Posted on August 17, 2011 by isp
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10 Common Problems with Internet Phones (VOIP) | Phone Service
10 Common Problems with Internet Phones (VOIP) | Phone Service: 10 Common Problems with Internet Phones (VOIP)
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- Sent using Google Toolbar
How to put your logo in a QR code - Hack a Day
How to put your logo in a QR code - Hack a Day: - Sent using Google Toolbar
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Only 99 bucks at CostCo !
INSTALLS Technicians will unpack and set up your new computer (including connections to your monitor, mouse, keyboard and speakers), setup one user account, connect 1 peripheral such as a printer or storage device, install one software title (non OS), verify the computer functions properly and provide a review of the services performed.
Service Includes:
- Unpacking and setup of new system
- Make physical connections (includes monitor, keyboard, mouse and speakers)
- Setup one user account
- Installation/Connection of 1 peripheral (printer or scanner)
- Install one software title (Non Operating System)
- Verify functionality
- Review services provided
Free computer science classes online
Free computer science classes online: Stanford Engineering professors are offering three of the school’s most popular computer science courses for free online this fall, and at the same time launching an experiment that could transform the way online education is delivered.
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- Sent using Google Toolbar
Google Translate
Google Translate: - Sent using Google Toolbar
You can use this URL to translate a web page to many languages:
In the example, I have translated en (english) to es (spanish) on my site at:
LunaPic Online Photo Editor
LunaPic Online Photo Editor: - Sent using Google Toolbar
Lets you upload and edit pics, including a tilt-shift effect.
Lets you upload and edit pics, including a tilt-shift effect.
10 Tricks for Finding ANYTHING on Bing | Dial Up
10 Tricks for Finding ANYTHING on Bing | Dial Up: 10 Tricks for Finding ANYTHING on Bing
On August 16, 2011, in Uncategorized, by admin
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On August 16, 2011, in Uncategorized, by admin
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Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Download USB Protector 1.0 Free - Remove Autorun viruses from USB removable storage devices and pendrives - Softpedia
Download USB Protector 1.0 Free - Remove Autorun viruses from USB removable storage devices and pendrives - Softpedia: "USB Protector description
Remove Autorun viruses from USB removable storage devices and pendrives
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
Remove Autorun viruses from USB removable storage devices and pendrives
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
How to avoid spam when posting your email address online
Website Creation Tutorials | How to avoid spam when posting your email address online: "How to avoid spam when posting your email address online
Personally, I like the look of this one if you choose this method:
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
Personally, I like the look of this one if you choose this method:
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
15 ways to select text in a Word document | TechRepublic
15 ways to select text in a Word document | TechRepublic: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"
Monday, August 15, 2011
Got this message from a friend with a MSN account
I'm writing this with tears in My eyes My Family and I came down here to (United Kingdom) for a short vacation,unfortunately We got mugged last night in alley by a gang of thugs on our way back from shopping, one of them had a knife poking my neck for almost two minutes and everything we had on us including my cell phone, credit cards were all stolen,quite honestly it was beyond a dreadful experience for us but looking on the bright side we weren't seriously hurt or injured and we are still alive so that is whats important.
We've been to the embassy and the Police here but they're not helping issues at all and our flight leaves in less than few hrs from now, but I'm really having some difficulties clearing our hotel bills and also need to pick up a voucher ticket at the counter for us to catch a flight back home in a couple of hours.
Am freaked out at the moment and i need your help right away! wondering if you could please loan me some Money??
Hang In Here.
This is the 2nd message I've gotten from a friend. He lives next door, so I know he is not in the UK. The first one had a .mac email account. I contacted him and he said that his password was a very weak one after we spoke a while. I think it's time for everyone to change their password and use a good password testing tool to test its strength.
Use this free one from M/S:
We've been to the embassy and the Police here but they're not helping issues at all and our flight leaves in less than few hrs from now, but I'm really having some difficulties clearing our hotel bills and also need to pick up a voucher ticket at the counter for us to catch a flight back home in a couple of hours.
Am freaked out at the moment and i need your help right away! wondering if you could please loan me some Money??
Hang In Here.
This is the 2nd message I've gotten from a friend. He lives next door, so I know he is not in the UK. The first one had a .mac email account. I contacted him and he said that his password was a very weak one after we spoke a while. I think it's time for everyone to change their password and use a good password testing tool to test its strength.
Use this free one from M/S:
Nemo Documents - The intuitive file manager
Nemo Documents - The intuitive file manager: "Nemo is a Windows application for people with a lot of documents. It inspects your current folder structure to give you a new view of your files. Documents, images and other files are mapped into a calendar-like view that you are used to from Outlook or Google Calendar. This makes your files a lot easier to find so that you can focus on other things.
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- Sent using Google Toolbar"
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Free Customized Business Plans for Small Business and Entrepreneurs at
Free Customized Business Plans for Small Business and Entrepreneurs at "Automatically write a customized business plan, prove your idea and forecast the success of your business.
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- Sent using Google Toolbar"
tricider - perfect decision making in teams
tricider - perfect decision making in teams: "- Sent using Google Toolbar" Easy brainstorming and voting.
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Girth Hitch | How to tie the Girth Hitch | Climbing Knots
Girth Hitch | How to tie the Girth Hitch | Climbing Knots: "Animated Knots by Grog
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
» 15+ Dummy Text Generators & Filler Text Resources : AzAkers
» 15+ Dummy Text Generators & Filler Text Resources : AzAkers: "15+ Dummy Text Generators & Filler Text Resources Excellent find from Mr. M., California.
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
IBM PC @ 30: Original review of the Personal Computer Model 5150 - reviews for UK IT professionals -
IBM PC @ 30: Original review of the Personal Computer Model 5150 - reviews for UK IT professionals - "IBM PC @ 30: Original review of the Personal Computer Model 5150
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
The 7 Leading YouTube Channels For All Things Apple
The 7 Leading YouTube Channels For All Things Apple: "The 7 Leading YouTube Channels For All Things Apple
posted on August 12, 2011 by Bakari Chavanu
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
posted on August 12, 2011 by Bakari Chavanu
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
Friday, August 12, 2011
7 Ways to Build Blog Traffic Without SEO Writing
7 Ways to Build Blog Traffic Without SEO Writing: "7 Ways to Build Blog Traffic Without SEO Writing
June 28, 2011 by Minda Zetlin
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
June 28, 2011 by Minda Zetlin
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
7 Ways You Should Respond to Online Criticism
7 Ways You Should Respond to Online Criticism: "7 Ways You Should Respond to Online Criticism
August 9, 2011 by Minda Zetlin
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
August 9, 2011 by Minda Zetlin
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
GridCalc - Grid calculator and generator | Problem AB
GridCalc - Grid calculator and generator | Problem AB: "GridCalc is a easy to use grid calculator. Just enter the desired width of your page and an aproximate range for your column and gutter width and the calculator will give you all the possible combinations within the limits you entered. You get a nice visual representation of the results, click preview on a result and you get a better presentation of how the grid can be used. When you have decided which grid configuration you want to use you can download the configuration as a css file to use in your project.
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
Create your QR code
Create your QR code: "Create QR codes from different kinds of data, and download your code both in a rasterized (PNG) and vector format (PDF, SVG, EPS).
Feedback/suggestions? Leave your message.
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
Feedback/suggestions? Leave your message.
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
Advanced Renamer - Fast and feature rich batch rename utility
Advanced Renamer - Fast and feature rich batch rename utility: "Click to enlarge
Latest release
Version: 3.11
Date: July 19. 2011
OS: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7
This project is using
This is a TaskJunction project
Other partners
Advanced Renamer Overview
Advanced Renamer is a free program for renaming multiple files or folders at once. It can use several different methods for calculating the new name including multimedia tools for sound and picture fi
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
Latest release
Version: 3.11
Date: July 19. 2011
OS: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7
This project is using
This is a TaskJunction project
Other partners
Advanced Renamer Overview
Advanced Renamer is a free program for renaming multiple files or folders at once. It can use several different methods for calculating the new name including multimedia tools for sound and picture fi
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
MoMA | Talk to Me | The Hierarchy of Digital Distractions
MoMA | Talk to Me | The Hierarchy of Digital Distractions: "- Sent using Google Toolbar" Once you learn how to navigate this site, you will find some interesting tidbits. -tp.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
100+ Google Tricks for Teachers | TeachHUB
100+ Google Tricks for Teachers | TeachHUB: "- Sent using Google Toolbar" Including: Get around blocked sites. If you are having problems getting around a blocked site, just type "cache:website address" with website address being the address of the blocked site to use Google’s cached copy to get where you are going.
About:config entries - MozillaZine Knowledge Base
About:config entries - MozillaZine Knowledge Base: "About:config entries For Firefox configuration.
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
How to disable the annoying “This web site does not supply identity information” pop-up | Tech Blog
How to disable the annoying “This web site does not supply identity information” pop-up | Tech Blog: "How to disable the annoying “This web site does not supply identity information” pop-up
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
File Repair - easily repair corrupted files.
File Repair - easily repair corrupted files.: "repair files damaged by virus, due to application failures, system crashes, network errors.
File Repair software is a powerful tool to repair your corrupted files. It scans the damaged file and extracts maximum data from it to a new usable file.
Using File Repair, you can repair:
corrupted Word documents (.doc, .docx, .docm, .rtf)
corrupted Excel spreadsheets (.xls, .xla, .xlsx)
corrupted Zip or RAR archives (.zip, .rar)
corrupted videos (.avi, .mp4, .mov, .flv, .wmv, .asf, .mpg)
corrupted JPEG, GIF, TIFF, BMP, PNG or RAW images (.jpg, .jpeg, .gif, .tiff, .bmp, .png)
corrupted PDF documents (.pdf)
corrupted Access databases (.mdb, .mde, .accdb, .accde)
corrupted PowerPoint presentations (.ppt, .pps, .pptx)
corrupted music (.mp3, .wav)
Best of all, File Repair is 100% freeware: No ads, no beg screens, no feature or time limits. It is completely free for you to use and enjoy.
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File Repair software is a powerful tool to repair your corrupted files. It scans the damaged file and extracts maximum data from it to a new usable file.
Using File Repair, you can repair:
corrupted Word documents (.doc, .docx, .docm, .rtf)
corrupted Excel spreadsheets (.xls, .xla, .xlsx)
corrupted Zip or RAR archives (.zip, .rar)
corrupted videos (.avi, .mp4, .mov, .flv, .wmv, .asf, .mpg)
corrupted JPEG, GIF, TIFF, BMP, PNG or RAW images (.jpg, .jpeg, .gif, .tiff, .bmp, .png)
corrupted PDF documents (.pdf)
corrupted Access databases (.mdb, .mde, .accdb, .accde)
corrupted PowerPoint presentations (.ppt, .pps, .pptx)
corrupted music (.mp3, .wav)
Best of all, File Repair is 100% freeware: No ads, no beg screens, no feature or time limits. It is completely free for you to use and enjoy.
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skinsight | expert insights about skin care, skin health, and skin disease
skinsight | expert insights about skin care, skin health, and skin disease: "- Sent using Google Toolbar" Not for the queasy, but a handy, illustrated reference.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
WebDev-il: How to make an HTML link to call a phone href=tel:
WebDev-il: How to make an HTML link to call a phone href=tel:: "How to make an HTML link to call a phone href=tel:
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- Sent using Google Toolbar"
Restaurant websites: Why are they so awful? Which ones are the absolute worst? - By Farhad Manjoo - Slate Magazine
Restaurant websites: Why are they so awful? Which ones are the absolute worst? - By Farhad Manjoo - Slate Magazine: "Overdone
Why are restaurant websites so horrifically bad?
By Farhad Manjoo
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Why are restaurant websites so horrifically bad?
By Farhad Manjoo
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Find PDF Manuals for Electronics Using Google and Amazon
Find PDF Manuals for Electronics Using Google and Amazon: "Find PDF Manuals for Electronics Using Google and Amazon
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- Sent using Google Toolbar"
The Tech Age.
How could the posture be more relaxed for viewing, learning, experimenting, being entertained??
9 Easy Ways To Never Get A Virus
9 Easy Ways To Never Get A Virus: "EXCLUSIVE: Now You Can Download 50+ MakeUseOf Guides For Free
9 Easy Ways To Never Get A Virus
posted on June 5, 2011 by James Bruce
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
9 Easy Ways To Never Get A Virus
posted on June 5, 2011 by James Bruce
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Tuesday, August 9, 2011
IRS increases gas mileage deduction in midyear | Business - The News Tribune
IRS increases gas mileage deduction in midyear | Business - The News Tribune: "RS increases gas mileage deduction in midyear
WASHINGTON — The Internal Revenue Service is increasing the tax deduction motorists can take for using private vehicles for business, a rare midyear move sparked by high gas prices.
STEPHEN OHLEMACHER; The Associated Press
Published: 06/26/11 6:46 am
WASHINGTON — The Internal Revenue Service is increasing the tax deduction motorists can take for using private vehicles for business, a rare midyear move sparked by high gas prices.
Starting July 1, motorists who use their personal vehicles for business will be able to deduct 551/2 cents a mile from their taxable income, the agency announced Thursday. That’s an increase of 41/2 cents from the first six months of the year.
The rate is also used as a benchmark by the federal government and many businesses to reimburse their employees for mileage. Workers who receive the reimbursement don’t have to report it as income, as long as the payments don’t exceed the IRS benchmark.
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WASHINGTON — The Internal Revenue Service is increasing the tax deduction motorists can take for using private vehicles for business, a rare midyear move sparked by high gas prices.
STEPHEN OHLEMACHER; The Associated Press
Published: 06/26/11 6:46 am
WASHINGTON — The Internal Revenue Service is increasing the tax deduction motorists can take for using private vehicles for business, a rare midyear move sparked by high gas prices.
Starting July 1, motorists who use their personal vehicles for business will be able to deduct 551/2 cents a mile from their taxable income, the agency announced Thursday. That’s an increase of 41/2 cents from the first six months of the year.
The rate is also used as a benchmark by the federal government and many businesses to reimburse their employees for mileage. Workers who receive the reimbursement don’t have to report it as income, as long as the payments don’t exceed the IRS benchmark.
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Texting driver slams into car and house | Seattle News, Weather, Sports, Breaking News | KOMO News | Local & Regional
Texting driver slams into car and house | Seattle News, Weather, Sports, Breaking News | KOMO News | Local & Regional: "Texting driver slams into car and house
By KOMO Staff Published: Aug 9, 2011 at 9:17 AM PDT
Hahahahahahahahahahahaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha No one hurt. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah. I'd pay 20$ to know what he was texting. I'm sure it's priceless.
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By KOMO Staff Published: Aug 9, 2011 at 9:17 AM PDT
Hahahahahahahahahahahaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha No one hurt. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah. I'd pay 20$ to know what he was texting. I'm sure it's priceless.
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A ‘stone-like’ optical disc that lasts forever’ | KurzweilAI
A ‘stone-like’ optical disc that lasts forever’ | KurzweilAI: "Start-up Millenniata and LG plan to soon release a new optical disc and read/write player that will store movies, photos or any other data forever on any current DVD or Blu-ray player.
Millenniata calls the product the M-Disc, and claims you can dip it in liquid nitrogen and then boiling water without harming it. It also has a U.S. Department of Defense study backing up the resiliency of its product, compared to other leading optical disc competitors.
Once the mark is made, it’s permanent, a company spokesperson said. It can be read on any machine that can read a DVD. Also, it’s backward compatible: it doesn’t require a special machine to read it — just a special machine to write it.
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Millenniata calls the product the M-Disc, and claims you can dip it in liquid nitrogen and then boiling water without harming it. It also has a U.S. Department of Defense study backing up the resiliency of its product, compared to other leading optical disc competitors.
Once the mark is made, it’s permanent, a company spokesperson said. It can be read on any machine that can read a DVD. Also, it’s backward compatible: it doesn’t require a special machine to read it — just a special machine to write it.
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Typetester – Compare fonts for the screen
Typetester – Compare fonts for the screen: "- Sent using Google Toolbar" Handy web masters tool. Compare types, em spacing, leading, alignment, etc. three at a time.
2 More Places To Design & Sell Your Own T-Shirts
2 More Places To Design & Sell Your Own T-Shirts: "2 More Places To Design & Sell Your Own T-Shirts
posted on August 8, 2011 by J. Lockhart
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posted on August 8, 2011 by J. Lockhart
- Sent using Google Toolbar" — Free Online Appointment Scheduling Service — Free Online Appointment Scheduling Service: "- Sent using Google Toolbar" is free for both buyer and seller. If a service provider upgrades the service from the basic services provided by, relevant fee schedule will apply. Service provider will in all cases be informed of fees before upgrading services to paid services. is free for both buyer and seller. If a service provider upgrades the service from the basic services provided by, relevant fee schedule will apply. Service provider will in all cases be informed of fees before upgrading services to paid services.
DropIt: Sort Your Files With A Drop!
DropIt: Sort Your Files With A Drop!: "A tiny, flexible, hard-working tool to automate sorting and filing data-files and folders.
When you need to organize files, DropIt can eliminate much of the drudgery of searching and manually opening folders and moving files around.
You can configure DropIt to do 9 different actions to your files and folders (Move, Copy, Compress, Extract, Rename, Open With, List, Delete and Ignore), filtering files by name, extension, location, size and/or date. You can even save sets of patterns in profiles and associate a profile to each desired folder, to scan monitored folders at a defined time interval.
- Sent using Google Toolbar"
When you need to organize files, DropIt can eliminate much of the drudgery of searching and manually opening folders and moving files around.
You can configure DropIt to do 9 different actions to your files and folders (Move, Copy, Compress, Extract, Rename, Open With, List, Delete and Ignore), filtering files by name, extension, location, size and/or date. You can even save sets of patterns in profiles and associate a profile to each desired folder, to scan monitored folders at a defined time interval.
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iPiccy - Online Picture Editor
iPiccy - Online Picture Editor: "Innovative Online Picture Editor
iPiccy makes your photo awesome with many easy to use photo tools. Edit pictures, apply beautiful photo effects,
add text and even paint! Enjoy free photo editing online and show your creativity with iPiccy editor!
FREE. No registration. Yay. -tp.
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iPiccy makes your photo awesome with many easy to use photo tools. Edit pictures, apply beautiful photo effects,
add text and even paint! Enjoy free photo editing online and show your creativity with iPiccy editor!
FREE. No registration. Yay. -tp.
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SpringPublisher - Design and print Business Card, Flyer, Postcard, Letterhead within a few minutes.
SpringPublisher - Design and print Business Card, Flyer, Postcard, Letterhead within a few minutes.: "SpringPublisher is a professional and easy to use desktop publishing software. With its included various templates and online template store, powerful multi-layer editor, detailed help-files, SpringPublisher enables you to design and print Business Card, Flyer, Postcard, Letterhead and other artworks within a few minutes.
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- Sent using Google Toolbar"
Apple OS X Lion (10.7) review -- Engadget
Apple OS X Lion (10.7) review -- Engadget: "- Sent using Google Toolbar" Review of Apple's new O/S
A conversation on LIVE CHAT With Adam Ostrow: What should happen to your digital identity after you die?
A conversation on LIVE CHAT With Adam Ostrow: What should happen to your digital identity after you die?: "LIVE CHAT With Adam Ostrow: What should happen to your digital identity after you die?
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- Sent using Google Toolbar"
Brain (1986) | TechRepublic
Brain (1986) | TechRepublic: "Gallery: Ten computer viruses that changed the world
by Rupert Goodwins | August 8, 2011, 5:32am PDT
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by Rupert Goodwins | August 8, 2011, 5:32am PDT
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Internet Provider » 10 Examples of Cults Going Online
Internet Provider » 10 Examples of Cults Going Online: "10 Examples of Cults Going Online
Posted by admin on 08/08/2011 | 0 Comments
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Posted by admin on 08/08/2011 | 0 Comments
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Monday, August 8, 2011
Gmail Updates Calling Feature | Stock Market News
Gmail Updates Calling Feature | Stock Market News: "Gmail Updates Calling Feature
Posted on August 5, 2011 2:14 pm by edliston
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Posted on August 5, 2011 2:14 pm by edliston
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13.1" Lightweight Performance Laptop | VAIO Signature Collection Z Series | VPCZ21SHX/X | Sony USA
13.1" Lightweight Performance Laptop VAIO Signature Collection Z Series VPCZ21SHX/X Sony USA
Everyone should have one of these in the pickup. 5 grand.
Everyone should have one of these in the pickup. 5 grand.
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Chat Rules on Twit TV
I got kicked off for typing: This is a boring conversation.
Here are their rules:
== - Chat rules:
== -
== - We want the chat to be a nice, safe place for all chatters. As a result, please follow these simple rules:
== -
== - * Keep the conversation PG-rated, since there is a wide range of ages in the chat. Anything deemed offensive will not be tolerated.
== - * No offensive references to a person or group by race, religion, gender, or orientation.
== - * No illegal activity (e.g. discussing where to get warez, pirated movies, etc.) under any circumstances.
== - * Do not impersonate any other user in the chat. This includes moderators, show hosts, and well known guests.
== - * The use of Leo's name in a nickname is discouraged, as it creates confusion.
== - * No shouting (i.e., TYPING IN ALL CAPITAL LETTERS).
== - * Do not harass other chatters. You can respectfully disagree, but don't be rude.
== - * No spamming of web sites for either personal or commercial purposes. Posting a personal web site once is OK, just don't do it repeatedly.
== - * Politics, sports, or religion talk during the live shows should be avoided. Even if shows are not live, remember that politics and religion are still touchy issues that can degrade chat for everyone; use your best judgment when speaking in chat about these topics.
== - * Allow the moderators to do their jobs. Rather than correcting behavior, ignore people who bother you and inform a moderator if someone is being disruptive.
== -
== - The chat rules do not cover all possible things that can happen in an active IRC chat. Generally speaking, avoiding being disruptive to other user's chat experiences and being sensitive to some of the younger chatters will avoid any chance you might be removed. A little thinking before typing goes a long way. :)
Chronolapse -
Chronolapse is a tool for creating time lapses and stop motions. It can take screenshots or webcam captures (or both simultaneously) at user defined intervals then help you process them into a video file. FREE
Five Reasons not to “Upgrade” to Windows’ Internet Explorer 9 | ZDNet
Five Reasons not to “Upgrade” to Windows’ Internet Explorer 9 ZDNet
according to NetMarketShare, the majority of Windows users are still running XP, 55%, to 23% running Windows 7 and 11% with Vista
according to NetMarketShare, the majority of Windows users are still running XP, 55%, to 23% running Windows 7 and 11% with Vista
Saturday, August 6, 2011
How To Migrate Your Locally Developed Wordpress Site To A Live Server
How To Migrate Your Locally Developed Wordpress Site To A Live Server: "How To Migrate Your Locally Developed WordPress Site To A Live Server
posted on August 5, 2011 by James Bruce
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posted on August 5, 2011 by James Bruce
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QR code generator. Create your QR codes for free on
QR code generator. Create your QR codes for free on "of your QR as many times as you want.
Check your stats to see who's spotting you!
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Check your stats to see who's spotting you!
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6 Free Sites for Creating Your Own Comics
6 Free Sites for Creating Your Own Comics: "- Sent using Google Toolbar" [Thanks, G.]
see folder size, directory file size, disk space manager, disk space view, display folder size, disk space utility, drive size, disk usage analyzer, folders size
MafiaaFire Redirector: Find The New Homes Of Shut Down Domain Names [Firefox & Chrome]
MafiaaFire Redirector: Find The New Homes Of Shut Down Domain Names [Firefox & Chrome]: "MafiaaFire Redirector: Find The New Homes Of Shut Down Domain Names [Firefox & Chrome]
Every now and then, you will find your favorite website down or inactive. It can be due to various reasons: either it was shut down by the government or their domain name expired and was taken over by someone else. Usually the website has simply moved to a new domain (URL) and is still functioning, but if you don’t know the new URL of the website, you are out of luck.
Now there is a handy browser extension for Firefox and Chrome called MafiaaFire Redirector, which redirects you to the new URL of the website if the old one is down. It stores an alternative database of new URLs of inactive websites submitted by users, and if your website is on that list you will be redirected to its new home.
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Every now and then, you will find your favorite website down or inactive. It can be due to various reasons: either it was shut down by the government or their domain name expired and was taken over by someone else. Usually the website has simply moved to a new domain (URL) and is still functioning, but if you don’t know the new URL of the website, you are out of luck.
Now there is a handy browser extension for Firefox and Chrome called MafiaaFire Redirector, which redirects you to the new URL of the website if the old one is down. It stores an alternative database of new URLs of inactive websites submitted by users, and if your website is on that list you will be redirected to its new home.
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Friday, August 5, 2011
How to use System Restore to log on to Windows 7 or Windows Vista when you lose access to an account
How to use System Restore to log on to Windows 7 or Windows Vista when you lose access to an account: "How to use System Restore to log on to Windows 7 or Windows Vista when you lose access to an account
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- Sent using Google Toolbar"
QR Stuff - QR Codes For Cell Phones And PDA's
QR Stuff - QR Codes For Cell Phones And PDA's: "- Sent using Google Toolbar" 4 videos explaining QR codes.
About the Gmail “Recently Accessed From” Warning - The Internet Patrol
About the Gmail “Recently Accessed From” Warning - The Internet Patrol: "It can be a pretty scary thing to log into your Gmail account and be met with a blazing red banner that says “Warning: We believe your account was recently accessed from:” followed by a geographic location that you decidedly aren’t, often a place such as Russia, Poland or China, and that followed by the options “Show details and preferences” and “Ignore”.
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- Sent using Google Toolbar"
10 Things to Know About Net Neutrality Rules | DSL Service Providers
10 Things to Know About Net Neutrality Rules | DSL Service Providers: "“Net Neutrality”, also known as “Internet Neutrality” and “Network Neutrality”, is more of an idea than it is a set of rules, and the basic tenet is that Internet providers and governing bodies should not deny access to anybody seeking to use the net, regardless of content, sites, and myriad other applications. Rights of free speech are often cited to foster the philosophy of a hands-off government policy. Below are some points to ponder as the debate continues.
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- Sent using Google Toolbar"
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Disaster Recovery in Cloud Computing | SmartData Collective
Disaster Recovery in Cloud Computing | SmartData Collective: "Disaster Recovery in Cloud Computing
Tags: Cloudcloud computingdisaster recoveryIT disaster recoveryprivate cloud computingprivate cloud hosting
comments Posted August 4, 2011 by Online Tech with 16 reads
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Tags: Cloudcloud computingdisaster recoveryIT disaster recoveryprivate cloud computingprivate cloud hosting
comments Posted August 4, 2011 by Online Tech with 16 reads
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Cloud Computing Basics | Virtual-Strategy Magazine
Cloud Computing Basics | Virtual-Strategy Magazine: "Cloud Computing Basics
By Charles Rarick (Profile)
Share |
Tuesday, August 2nd 2011
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By Charles Rarick (Profile)
Share |
Tuesday, August 2nd 2011
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FREE 10GB CX account.
4 Important things that you can do with your CX account:
Easy to set up. Fast. Put a "CLOUD" folder on all your desktops (after you install the software on each of the devices, including tablets, and you can just drag files into the folder to retrieve them later or share them. -tp.
- Back up your important files
Don‘t lose your important files in a computer crash! Use your CX account to back up your important files. - Sync files with multiple devices
CX is available for PC, Mac, iPhone, Android and BlackBerry. Visit the download page and keep all of your devices in sync. - Sharing - Private or Public
Share your files and/or folders with few people or with the entire world. Visit your CX account to start sharing files. - Secure Web Access
Access your files away from your computer or mobile device through our secure website at
Easy to set up. Fast. Put a "CLOUD" folder on all your desktops (after you install the software on each of the devices, including tablets, and you can just drag files into the folder to retrieve them later or share them. -tp.
Community 102 - Advanced Moderation
Community 102 - Advanced Moderation: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"
Enhance Life: 12 Books On Blogging I Plan To Read This Year To Improve My Blogging
Enhance Life: 12 Books On Blogging I Plan To Read This Year To Improve My Blogging: "12 Books On Blogging I Plan To Read This Year To Improve My Blogging
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Broadband Service Providers » The FCC’s Plan to Bring Broadband to Rural America
Broadband Service Providers » The FCC’s Plan to Bring Broadband to Rural America: "According to the June 30th article in The Daily Item, by Tricia Pursell, The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is working on a new initiative to bring broadband Internet access to rural areas across the country. As with any new initiative, there are some positive and some not so positive effects of this initiative. Here we will attempt to look at both sides of this situation.
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Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Chinese Military using Segways. Technology at work.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Lifehacker Pack for Windows: Our List of the Best Windows Downloads
Lifehacker Pack for Windows: Our List of the Best Windows Downloads: "Top Stories
Lifehacker Pack for Windows: Our List of the Best Windows Downloads
Whether you've just reinstalled Windows or you need to fill some holes on your software collection, we've got everything you need in our annual Lifehacker Pack. Here, you can grab our all-time favorite downloads in one, simple installer.
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Lifehacker Pack for Windows: Our List of the Best Windows Downloads
Whether you've just reinstalled Windows or you need to fill some holes on your software collection, we've got everything you need in our annual Lifehacker Pack. Here, you can grab our all-time favorite downloads in one, simple installer.
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President Obama's Council On Jobs Heads To Silicon Valley For Job-Creation Ideas
President Obama's Council On Jobs Heads To Silicon Valley For Job-Creation Ideas: "President Obama's Council On Jobs Heads To Silicon Valley For Job-Creation Ideas
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Textify: Convert Images To A Colorful Mosaic Of Text
Textify: Convert Images To A Colorful Mosaic Of Text: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"
mı — the best meeting tool since pen & paper*
mı — the best meeting tool since pen & paper*: "Minute your meetings. The easy way.
Have you ever faced the situation of agreeing on decisions and task assignments in a meeting and it takes days before the minutes are written and sent to everyone—if they ever are?
Ever got a quick customer call, whose outcome should be traced and shared? just does that. In an elegant and simple manner. You can use it in your browser, but you don’t need to be connected to the Internet. You don’t need to sign up. And it’s free!
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Have you ever faced the situation of agreeing on decisions and task assignments in a meeting and it takes days before the minutes are written and sent to everyone—if they ever are?
Ever got a quick customer call, whose outcome should be traced and shared? just does that. In an elegant and simple manner. You can use it in your browser, but you don’t need to be connected to the Internet. You don’t need to sign up. And it’s free!
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Make Use of
Many of the best links come from the Cool Websites and Tools section of the newsletter emailed to me, daily. I pick from the best of the discoveries listed. -tp
Keep your iPad data safe | How To - CNET
Keep your iPad data safe | How To - CNET: "To require a passcode for specific iPad apps or functions, open Settings, choose General, select Restrictions > Enable Restrictions, enter a passcode twice (this will differ from the passcode you may use to lock the iPad itself), and choose the apps and operations you want to restrict.
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Monday, August 1, 2011
Understanding your motherboard - Internal
Understanding your motherboard - Internal: "squaresquaresquareUnderstanding your Motherboard - Internal components
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How to Build a Computer from Scratch, Lesson 1: Hardware Basics
How to Build a Computer from Scratch, Lesson 1: Hardware Basics: "How to Build a Computer from Scratch, Lesson 1: Hardware Basics
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